Beast Games had the most insane piece of tech that no one noticed

4 hours ago

Beast Games had the most insane piece of tech that no one noticed.

So when watching the behind the scenes, one thing really caught my eye. I'm not talking about the millions of dollars in camera equipment. I know these 43 cameras cost $150,000 dollars a piece, but professional productions use them all the time. Instead, I saw something never really used in film before.

It's this specific drone. So typical camera drones look like this or this. The small "first person view" drones, are able to zip around quickly, at the cost of fixing the camera to the body. Meaning you can't move it like you can with the big heavier drones. But this custom drone is neither of those. And it's the reason why the Beast Games drone shots look so unique.

The pilot called this a Medlin drone. It's the world's first FPV drone with head tracking tilt. He engineered it himself at home using parts he ordered online, then open sourced the design.


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