The VA OIG report looking for veteran fraud never actually looked for fraud

2 days ago

In January 2024 the @DeptVetAffairs Office of Inspector General (OIG) published report 23-01690-31. Without Effective Controls, Public Disability Benefits Questionnaires Continue to Pose a Significant Risk of Fraud to VA. In this study they claimed to have found 69% of claims had at least one indicator of fraud! Surely, they actually investigated those claims...right?

Nope. They investigated exactly zero (0) claims for fraud. But they made sure to say more than half of veterans were committing fraud. In their rush to shut down "claim sharks", private entities that came about because submitting claims to the VA is a Byzantine mess, they flung a bunch of mud at veterans.

And some of my fellow veteran creators took the bait. The report is purposefully designed the accusations are eye catching but the part where they admit they didn't actually look for a single claim of fraud is buried. Hmmmm, I wonder why that is?

You can find the veteran creators whose clips I used below. Go check 'em out. They are all great channels with good stuff.

Andy Stumpf @ClearedHotPodcast -A former SEAL and DEVGRU operator who interviews interesting people on interesting topics.

Nate Cornacchia @ValhallaVFT -A former Green Beret who teaches firearms, fitness and discusses international/national affairs.

Dewayne Kimble @DewayneKimble -A former Army combat engineer and FDC who now helps veterans access their disability benefits.

Clay Simmons @TheCivDiv -A former Marine who spent time as infantry, PSYOP and IO. He now helps veterans access their disability benefits.

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