'The Royal Arya' - The Interconnectedness of the Aryan Peoples - AshaLogos

1 day ago

Surprise! Did you know we have been misled about our actual history.
Am speaking to those of white "European" descent pointedly.
Those folks with the little hats, have been using Muslims against
the Aryan for a long time. (see video)
It is obvious this activity continues today (re unfettered immigration) to
mainly (what were) white Christian countries. They control all messaging
today; including educational institutions and grant provisions to "research" that clouds at the very least and outright lies about our past.
Why? Watch AshaLogos productions and read some of the recommended texts for redacted historical proofs. Knowing where your DNA springs froms. Who your ancestral fathers and mothers were, can make a huge difference in
your peace of mind and understanding of your place in the world.
Does it change the evil doers and what's happening?
Not directly, but then again Change Begins At Home. 😎
White Anglo Saxon Protestants (WASP's) RULE!!!

Source - https://rumble.com/user/AshaLogos
An incredible presenter. Videos contain beautiful scenic shots, historical buildings, art, sculpture etc. The narration is moderate in tone and delivery and very easy to listen to. One to keep and refer back to. AshaLogos is a valued resource for many. Check him out. #PeaceAndRespect

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