1 day ago

Written & Performed by John Edward LaFave
©2025 Howling Blue Music / ASCAP

You don't know me from Adam
You don't know me at all
You can't see that I am saddened
Each time I fall
Ain't no looking back though
No explaining each tale
Cause all you have is hammers .. and you're looking for nails.

The brave hide like cowards
Tryn' to stay out of view
They're held up in towers
Out of sight from me and you
But, it ain't gonna work that way
There's no covering up the trail
Cause all they have is hammers ..
and they're looking for nails.

Hammer in Hand, They're Lookin' for Nails (X2)

It use to be so easy
You'd never worked that hard
To wear your heart out on your sleeve
No matter where you are
But those days are over
And it's not that way now
Cause all they have is hammers ..
and they're looking for nails.

Placate them if you will
It's not that hard to do
But that won't satisfy their souls
Cause they're out for me and you
Soulless and unsatisfied
Lifeless so they fail
Cause all they have is hammers ..
and they're looking for nails

Hammer in Hand, They're Lookin' for Nails (X4)

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#WhenFearRuled #OutsideTheSystem #LookinForNails #HammerInHand
#BuffaloRoam #JailSong #SCRRecords&Media

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