can someone please tell me what the rules are with rumble about Christian content

3 days ago

I don't know what's been going on ever since I heard of a former church member being hostail and made a video about what happened Iv been discremnated against hear on this plat form i don't want to be in truble or cause problems but this is not what is supposed to happen thank you for everyone's support see you all later the only reason I made these posts is help people have safety in there lives I will report his channel if this continues and anyone he got involved we don't want truble but this is the only way I can work I as for me I left the church on good bases and started my own plat form on youtube and other social meidas and not lied so fare may have said things that were dramatic but that's part of my job thank you so much for reading this I needed it also I would like to know what accusations are against me so I can help put rumors to rest

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