New Year begins in March!

20 days ago


Note: This year's March New Year Eve is March 19 and New Year Day is on March 20th on God's calendar! Each year it varies between March 19, 20, 21 annually, tied to the #SpringEquinox
Hebrew Year is 5951.

Isn't it exciting to discover that March is the real new year and not January? It’s because of transformation and growth and life.

The real New Year starts the cycle of NEW GROWTH and new blossoms. This is called ‘Spring Equinox”.

New year start with the month of March known of #Torah, #ABIB to remind us of #Passover, Jesus' death and Jesus’ #resurrection.

All of this is to show and remind us of God's calendar is deeply rooted in the promise of #renewal and #redemption through #JesusChrist.

Did you know God told us about this month? Read ~ #Exodus‬ ‭12‬:‭2‬

I want you to understand, January marks the beginning of the New Year on a man made Calendar called Gregorian. This is not God’s calendar because His start in March for the New Year.

What about Rosh Hashanah that happens in the fall? This celebration is ancient tradition and still good to know about the Feast of #Tabernacles🏕️, at the end of the year. God told who believes in Him to have a different schedule than non-believers. We are to follow His time to celebrate Growth

Read ~ Exodus‬ ‭23‬:‭16‬ ‭& 34:22‬‬
While the Jewish New Year arrives in the fall, still the #Bible beautifully reminds us that the first month of the year is to be in the Spring. This is the real #RoshHashanah Celebration.

Which New Year’s will you celebrate? January that celebrate death, is named after a pagan two face god, Janus, who gives no promises of life, no promise of renewal, no promises of transformation, and no promises of redemption.


Our #God✝️ Who is about GROWTH. He gives us life, He gives us Renewal and He gives us redemption. His promise is through Jesus Christ ✝️.


🎶 YESHUA // INSTRUMENTAL WORSHIP // SOAKING WORSHIP MUSIC // PIANO 🎶 I do not own the copyright to this song, all credits go to the original song artist.

#Abba #HolySpirit #Yeshua #Jesus #gospel #goodnews
#deaf #hardofhearing #coda #hearing #ASL #americansignlanguage #PSE #Pidginsignlanguage #interpreter #translator #SpiritualEarsForTheDeaf

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