LIVE: 3ª Corrida de Carnaval Fajã de Cima / Ponta Delgada, Sao Miguel Azores Portugal - 02.03.25

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On March 2, at 10:30 am, the 3rd Fajã de Cima Carnival Race will take place, an event promoted by the Fajã de Cima Parish Council, in collaboration with the Clube Desportivo Operário de Lagoa (CDOL) and the São Miguel Athletics Association (AASM).
Athletes and the general public of all age groups can take part in the race. It's a race on the AASM calendar, part of the Road Championship and open to everyone who wants to take part.

Ponta Delgada Corso de Carnaval 🎭 2025

Direct from Fajã de Cima / Ponta Delgada, island of Sao Miguel / Azores in the Atlantic Ocean in Portugal


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