Rep. Jasmine Crockett: You Can Be A Billionaire If You Know People And They Just Give You Money

18 hours ago

Posted • March 1, 2025: This is better than a hot stock tip from Nancy Pelosi. Usually, they keep information like this — how to become a billionaire without even trying — behind a paywall or subscription. But here's Rep. Jasmine Crockett just given the secret away for free. We suppose we should take her seriously — look at how many members of Congress have become millionaires on a $174,000 salary. -- Rep. Crockett: Elon Musk is "a billionaire… when you know the right people who just give you money, you can be a billionaire too." The ignorance here is outstanding. So that was his secret. Does this just go for Musk or for all of the billionaires out there? We're asking for George Soros. Billionaires tend to invest in smart people that have the ideas which, when implemented, make them eventually become billionaires. I know this concept is hard for Jasmine Crockett to grasp, because she has bad ideas so she won’t become a billionaire. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Rep. Jasmine Crockett: You Can Be a Billionaire If You Know People and They Just Give You Money

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