it ain't just women that fish for _____ is always hosting the "loneliness" party

20 hours ago

i dunno how to not be alone
no matter who i'm with or where i'm goin, this always happens
there's a mansion inside my brain
this museum keeps me very entertained
i can't donate what keeps my mind full
i don't wanna share this w/ anyone no matter what i might say on this channel (it doesn't matter)
i could get the fuck off the internet n never look back
i could leave you at any time, vortex
i shouldn't make these threats, i just sound like a typical woman
every single time i've ever been w/ anybody i was crawling outta my skin
i couldn't wait for em to leave
abandonment issues due to my adoption
i'm supposed to be alone n i know it, i feel it everywhere i go
i can't wait to isolate every chance i get
even if it's hard sometimes, that's totally fine
why feel guilty?
it'd be sooooo much worse to force myself to be in a relationship
i can tell that you're fishing
of course there are perks to being married but...
just the idea of marriage makes me sick
if you don't want what they tell you to want DON'T FEEL BAD
if it makes you sick, don't do it i mean
another reason why i don't have a dog either
you're not a horrible person n there isn't anything wrong w/ you, you are just wired differently
if somebody feels called to do sumin you're a piece a shit if you try to stop em
stop moping, loneliness is underrated
i get it, man STILL...
yeah it'd be nice to have somebody to take care of shit but that's really it, it's more of a convenience thing than anything else
somebody being in my house is not what i want
clawing my way outta any relationship
in how many ways can we project
nobody is happy all the time, legit happy a quarter of the time is still pretty good
contentedness is sumin to really strive for
ever since i fully devoted myself to making stuff i have actually been relatively happy
i was just grateful that i could stand up at all
nice to walk around on such a lovely day in spite of the pain i was in
when you realize that it's just you n God it won't get any better than that

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