#228 | Denver Shooting, Voters Don’t Deserve to Know, Guest Michael Strickland | Beauty & the Beta

1 day ago

Show streamed live on Oct 11, 2020
*Please note - the information posted below was accurate when originally streamed. Links may now be outdated and/or inactive.

Michael Strickland interview starts at 1:16:15
Support the medical fund for Lauren Chen’s dad: https://bit.ly/2GSy6VY
Support Michael Strickland’s legal fund:
Michael Strickland’s article in Gateway Pundit: https://bit.ly/3nwBYN1

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Artwork by Facepalm Reality
Facepalm Reality's Twitter: http://bit.ly/2AZfI4V
Facepalm Reality's YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/2uxbrr9

Bearing and SugarTits' cover of "Catch the Wind": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPZtCSScFWM
Semi-Charmed Life remix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCIqnB7sIaw

Items referenced:
Michael Robinson calls Trump racist: https://bit.ly/2IlhiHR
Anti-human funeral and school dance: https://tinyurl.com/y28c3sxj https://bit.ly/36YIyWL
Denver Post coverage of the shooting: https://dpo.st/3iNtvS9 https://dpo.st/3dgErGN
Instigator clips and stills: https://bit.ly/3lvlByk https://bit.ly/3iPjrrP https://bit.ly/2GL8BGi
Denver shooting clips: https://bit.ly/3nyBLca
Scene of shot breakdown: https://bit.ly/3nBZybb
Dolloff’s left-wing political views: https://bit.ly/378mqtl
Full VP debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_G0ia3JOVs
Trump’s black federal judges: https://bit.ly/3lup28y
Kamala Harris’ Lincoln story is bunk: https://bit.ly/33IpxWI
Fly is a sign of the devil: https://bit.ly/2FbiOLi
Biden says he’ll opine about court packing when election is over: https://bit.ly/34TfUE3
Asked again, skirts again: https://bit.ly/3dgtUex
Biden says voters don’t deserve to know about court packing: https://bit.ly/3iIT7PT
Biden says Barrett confirmation not constitutional: https://bit.ly/30Xrz3r
Debate canceled: https://cnn.it/3lzT5LZ
Biden and Trump campaigns argue about debates: https://bit.ly/3iLaXSB
Steve Scully scandal: https://bit.ly/2GOkF9l
C-SPAN statement: https://bit.ly/2GGI395
FBI working on Scully case: https://fxn.ws/33P3D3V
Other claims of hacking: https://bit.ly/33L06E0
How long has he been hacked for: https://bit.ly/2Iex33e
Newsweek fact check on Scully: https://bit.ly/3dnEoZS
Scully deletes his Twitter account: https://fxn.ws/3iRigIc
Trying your br34st: https://bit.ly/30VrltI
Biden removes mask to cough into his hand: https://bit.ly/3lwyGru
Trump flag blocking Bernie: https://bit.ly/30Ef24S
Whitmer kidnap plot: https://cnn.it/30Yat5v
Affidavit: https://bit.ly/36Rt4E5
Whitmer’s press conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUz3sB7XKK0
Michigan militia guy’s videos: https://bit.ly/3nDm9Er
Michigan guy attended BLM rally: https://bit.ly/3nBQHGq
‘Liberate Michigan’ debunk: https://bit.ly/2SGLVJO
Robby Soave’s article on the Whitmer plot: https://bit.ly/3lBGE2i
One of the Whitmer plotters previously pardoned: https://bit.ly/2FnNVUc
Coast guard case: https://nbcnews.to/30XGJ8C
Virginia gun rally case: https://nbcnews.to/34LQ9Ft
Last episode of the Resistance: https://bit.ly/3iP4zcQ
Olbermann is back: https://bit.ly/2GQoj2H
Olbermann’s promo: https://bit.ly/3jTBkHo
Warren, MI hoax hate update: https://bit.ly/2HZFm2P
A possible explanation for Althea Bernstein: https://bit.ly/36QN7T7
Madison arson: https://bit.ly/3nIJTXw
Map of the two sites: https://bit.ly/3lCBRxO
Surprise cringe, naked celebs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXUTpf_nweg https://bit.ly/3lCmYvc

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