The question of priorities

9 days ago

Good afternoon!
Do you know what the connection is between the funding for Dinamo’s stadium
the likely tax increase, and the global climate threat?

Most of you are now thinking, "What is he talking about?"

I’m not against funding the construction of Dinamo’s stadium, but I repeat, NOT NOW!
Of course, Dinamo’s stadium here is just a metaphor for all investments that,
at this moment, are not a priority.

Let me explain!

Did you know that the average annual damage from climate disasters in the 1970s was 17.9 billion US dollars, while in 2024 it rose to 320 billion US dollars?
That’s an 18-fold increase, even if we account for inflation, it’s still a 2.9-fold increase.

How is this covered?
In Croatia, from the state budget and partly from the European Union budget.
But we also contribute to the European Union budget,
so it comes from our pockets, and it’s the same everywhere in the world!

AllatRa’s estimates point to a sharp rise in climate disasters.
Take a look at the graph!
Last year, in 2024, leading climatologists,
excluding AllatRa scientists confirmed that events have gone beyond the scope of their models.

Only the AllatRa model is fully coming true year after year.
Take another look at the trend!

So, with the increasing number and intensity of climate disasters, we can expect rising damages, and the time will come, not so far off. I’m talking about 4 to 5 years at most,
when state budgets will no longer be able to cover these damages.
But even before that, the costs of incurred damages will lead to tax increases.

Can we prevent this?
Can we influence a reduction in the number and intensity of disasters?
Yes, we can!

By redirecting all resources into acquiring and building atmospheric water generators
and other infrastructure projects to restore drainage systems,
in 2 to 3 years we could clean the atmosphere of micro- and nanoplastics and restore the oceans’ ability to dissipate heat.
This way, we would reduce climate disasters and the damages they cause.
That would be the first but crucial step toward saving the planet.

That’s why understanding the seriousness of the situation and recognizing the need for global human cooperation is critical!

We must wake up!

If you think this video contributes to that, share it!
Pass this information on to your family and friends.
We’re all inhabitants of the same planet!

Thank you!

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