Deck Proflies: BRS - PRE Episode 11 | Ancient and Raging Bolt

1 day ago

Episode 11 of Deck Profiles: BRS - PRE will be about Ancient and Raging Bolt.

Raging Bolt, at the height of its popularity, was seen as a cheese deck to counter Charizard. That is far from its true identity, however, which is an advanced combo deck (designed to beat meta decks like Charizard, but still) part of the Ancient attribute of cards, which are also combo-style decks.

Raging Bolt has really only seen popularity as a combo deck run by an Ogerpon engine. However, Ogerpon is a meta draw engine that can be played in a multitude of configurations, which is what Pokemon was going for when designing it for the Scarlet and Violet era of Standard formats.

Combined, you get a devastating turbo-style combo deck capable of devastating even the most overtuned meta lists. This video will cover my take on the archetype and how it fits in the overall meta.

Thank you for listening and I hope you continue to support my work.

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