DJT IS WORKING ISRAEL | Is The Truther Movement Infiltrated With Zionists Who Will Turn On Trump

22 hours ago

The Zionists think Trump is one of ((them)).

We think he’s one of us.

He IS one of us.

But Trump has to play along with their game…while he slowly pulls the rug out from underneath them.

Beware Friends…our “TRUTHER” movement has been totally infiltrated. Any large channel who is attacking Trump…is on the wrong side.

Also think back…Which “Truthers” didn’t vote in the election and encouraged you not to vote in the election either??
There is another clue.

Video share from Shadow of Ezra
Create doubt and confusion
About Trump’s mission

Now that Trump is in office
The goal is to diminish his popularity and therefore his power.

Set out to show how wicked Israel is, which is good, but to show how Trump, by association, is wicked also.

Because there are those in government who like to paint Trump with the same brush as Israel.

There are those in the Truth Movement who are Zionists.

Stew Peters is one of those outliers who have been on the edge of the truth movement. He may even encourage others to remove their support from Trump.

The country of Israel was setup by the Cabal, the Rothschilds, to be the head of the World governance. They are setup to be controlled opposition.

There are those who will want to the Evil in Israel to go after Trump.

I trust we all realize Israel is a big Pharma Capital as is Ukraine.

Many have been taught those who support Israel; God will support.

This has been relevant in both the neutered Protestant churches and the very very few of the faithful of the Roman Catholic Church.
Deuteronomy 6:6-8
And in many such verses.
If you don’t support Israel then God will curse you.

I can support those who is God’s Israel. Those who lift up the Name of Jesus and live the Christ like life according to the strength God give them.

The current head of Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is an type of antichrist. We were told there is an antichrist in every age.

Some one made a joke of his name as Net An Yahu. Net An Yahoo
1 John 2:18
Amplified Bible
18 Children, it is the last hour [the end of this age]; and just as you heard that the antichrist is coming [the one who will oppose Christ and attempt to replace Him],
*even now many antichrists (false teachers) have appeared, which confirms our belief that it is the last hour.
*even now, as in every age there are false teachers (antichrists) who is false light who appears to replace and oppose The Mighty Light of JESUS The CHRIST in form he may take.

There is a plan to destroy NAZI Israel but it will not make Trump look bad. Remember: Israel is last.

WARP speed stopped the FEMA CAMps which were set up for those who refused to take the VAXX.

The world was calling and was crying out for the Vaccine. The world wanted something that was detrimental to them.

Here’s something you didn’t know and President Trump did know. Before I tell you what that is.

Here’s what Globalists wanted to do. [tHey] wanted to go into series of lockdowns, wearing masks, standing six feet apart, riding around in your car, by yourself, with a mask on for the next 10 years. No school, no church and no civic meetings but plenty of bread beer and circuses.

Otherwise the place reeked of fear.
The Globalist’s goal was first to round up the people who refused the vaxxz.

By tradition or by personal choice [tHey] would have to round up the traditional Amish, a few fearless Christians, the fierce Individualists, the steadfast Mennonites, and the Q Rebels.

All rounded up to be placed in FEMA Camps where the Guillotines were set up to start making converts for the New World Order or a Candidate For Hell by way of the aforementioned Guillotines.

So what should Trump do? Like a General, he knew the pharmaceutical companies did not have enough vaccines prepared.

Remember, the World was clamoring for it. So he encouraged people to take it. He knew a certain number of people would take the vaccine no matter what he said.

He also knew the Pharmaceutical Industry was a powerful entity in the World. So, how to outsmart the Globalists’ with their trillions in resources.

Like a David up and against a Goliath on Netflix. There is no mistake about what is on at the movies.

Today, history in the movies is an indicator of how they want you to see the world.

Just because the movie, we were watching comes to a conclusion. We may even stand and cheer.

A short intermission and the next movie starts. Or at least those who believe we’re living in a simulation.

Trump gave the World ‘Right To Try.’
Trump knowing: there are those who would have taken the vaccine out of fear and those who worked for a multinational corporation would be compelled.

These are the good hardworking individuals, who are the backbone of the working class of America.
In debt, by design of the Cabal. Many people do not realize they are a slave until they are forced to make a decision.


My home, my security, my family, those who depend on me my children, is all in jeopardy unless I take this mandated vaccination.

These people are all slaves to the company, to the bank, to their status in the community. And they don’t even know it.

I have only one question for Him who Judges All Things.
When a slave is under the hypnotic power of fear; is the slave free of spiritual debt, negative karma when he or she is under the lash?

The question put to the slave is, tantamount take the vaccine and live or don’t take the vaccine and lose everything the slave has worked for his or her entire career to acquire and die along with your family.

Does the slave have free will? I don’t have the answer to that question.

[tHey] know the toilet paper caper was a test of how [tHey] could manipulate the slaves with broadcast waves, and 5G microwaves amplifying anxiety; most slaves caved in.

And even in, giving in to the spirits of fear, there was a nagging within them; we must keep away from the ‘unvaccinated’ the unclean. Who are spreading the disease.

That is the spirit of antichrist even beginning to work in certain cliques.

Nearly all of America works for a corporation which is tied to a lizard in the corporate banking, directly in a corporate head and tied into a non elected government head who doles out money from the shearing of the slaves.

There are literally thousands of corporate heads and government minion who is a vampire and or who is sexually compromised by a vampire.

So Trump knowing the Pharmaceutical Companies don’t have enough vaccines available.
The World clamors, the Pharmaceutical companies began to fill bottles and bottles of vaccines bottles with a simple saline solution.

Which maybe, part of the reason, why many vaccine packaging did not have a contents labeling?

Yes, regrettably some people died. Such is the weight of greater and even some lesser generals.

Less people died now than would die over 10 years of ‘Lockdowns’ ‘Masks’ Tighter and Tighter Restrictions On Movement until the plandemic had drained the hope and spirit of the people until they were willing to accept Safe Places, Law and Order, not the law of the jungle (Natural Law).

George Bush Shorts ‘not the law of the jungle’
Remember all of the Rebels have been taken out of society. The trouble makers for the NWO.

Some say the faithful few range to as little as three percent. Other gage it to as much as 65 percent of Americans who are religious, rebellious, free spirited in one way or another which may cause them to defy any mandate.

They were never in any danger, if Trump knew any thing about the American people. He knew if enough people took a stand against these NWO cowards. Trump knew NOW’s entire plan would begin to backfire on them.

And Trump was pushing on WEF, the WHO, the CDC, ahead of their timeline. The American people would begin to see COVID was a paper tiger, a little stronger than the common cold. The real danger is in the vaccine.

The loaded vaccines attacked those with multiple morbidities, the weak, even the athletes with early onset of a condition of a heart condition.

In 2020 Trump was in the middle of tricking the Pharmaceutical Companies he was not against them.

Infiltration is better than a head on confrontation, especially because Trump MAGA hadn’t retrieved the gold, yet in 2020.

The Dragon’s Gold beneath the Vatican, the City of London, the Swiss Alps, and just now buried below password connected treasures of USAID. The paymaster for the NEW WORLD ORDER.

Next where is the Fort Knox Gold and the Gold under New York City is missing also.

National Geography winner of the year 2024

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