The 7th Day Sabbath—Heaven's Gift From Genesis to Revelation

23 hours ago

The seventh day Sabbath has a long history. It was stablished at creation by YHVH Elohim, legally spoken at Sinai by the voice of the pre-incarnate Yeshua and written on the stone tablets with his own finger, confirmed as a covenantal sign to the children of Israel, lived out and practiced by Yeshua and the first century disciples, abandoned by the Jew-hating early church fathers, made illegal by Roman Emperor Constantine in the fourth century, admittedly changed by the Roman Catholic Church to Sunday, the Sunday error was picked up by the Protestants in the 16th century, and now a revival of biblical Truth is occurring as more and more people return to the the seventh day Sabbath with its connection to the heavenly flow of divine blessings that as a resulting of keeping it. This teaching explores the past, present and future implications of the Sabbath and the blessings that come with honoring and observing the Sabbath.

This and other videos by Nathan are available as podcasts on Spotify and Apple podcast under "Hoshana Rabbah."

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