The Call to Duty – Deut. Chpt. 31

8 days ago

In a military setting, there is a call to duty that every soldier is obligated to. That call to duty exemplifies what is expected of each soldier. It involves supporting and defending the Constitution, protecting the nation against foreign and domestic threats, fighting on the battlefield during war time, etc. The soldier's call to duty illustrates a similar principle of the Christian faith.

Luke 17:7-10 reveals that, as servants of the Living God, there are certain things expected of us. They constitute our call of duty. What are these things? The things that God has commanded. Throughout our journey through Deuteronomy, we have read a long list of commands and statues. And now that Moses has finished delivering them, it's time to remind Israel about her call to duty. It's the same call to duty we Christians are obligated to.

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