Kegel exercises for everyday

2 days ago

Kegel exercise glossary
Anus: the opening through which stool passes out of your body. The act of passing stools is called a ‘bowel movement.’
Bladder: a muscle shaped like a balloon that holds your urine
Bowel movement: the act of passing stool
Catheter: a thin rubber tube placed in your body to drain urine from your bladder out through your penis
Incontinence: when you leak or pass urine when you do not want to
Kegel (Key-gul) exercise: exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which support the bladder and bowel
PC muscles (also known as pelvic floor or pubococcygeus muscles): muscles that support your bladder and rectum and help control your urine flow
Pelvic floor muscles (also known as the pubococcygeus (pu-bo-kak-sij-e-us) or PC muscles): muscles that support your bladder and rectum and help control your urine flow
Prostate: a gland, about the size of a walnut, located under the bladder surrounding the upper part of the urethra
Pubococcygeus (pu-bo-kak-sij-e-us) muscles (also known as pelvic floor or PC muscles): muscles that support your bladder and rectum and help control your urine flow
Rectum: the outermost portion of the large intestine. Stools are stored in the rectum until they are passed out of the body through the anus.
Semen: the fluid that comes out of your penis at the climax of sex
Side effect: unwanted changes in your body caused by your prostate cancer treatment
Sphincter muscles: muscles which help open and close your urethra, the tube that carries urine and semen through the penis to the outside of the body
Stool: the fecal matter that comes out at each movement of your bowels
Urethra: a tube that carries urine through the penis to the outside of the body

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