HFY Sci-Fi Audiobook Stories - When Humans Met The Great Three - Human Voice Narration

1 day ago

An original short story written, and granted permission to narrate by the author.

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#shortstories #hfy #sciencefiction #audiobook #graphicnovel #narration #humanvoice #illustration

Click For More Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiShVyxjwYH7pp8ncucf7Uw?sub_confirmation=1

Written By: FarmWhich4275


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Dear YouTube Algorithm, This video is a Real Human Voiced Narration of a Short Story. Share this video with people who listen to audiobooks, novels, stories, and short stories. This channel should be shown to the same people who watch "NetNarrator," "Agro Squirrel Narrates," and other narrators in this field. I mostly narrate stories from the Reddit Community named "HFY," and sometimes "Humans Are Space Orcs." We also write our own stories and I narrate our own stories. For help in finding who to show this video to I would like to draw your attention to this list of potential keywords. Ahem: Audiobook, adiobooks, audioboks, audibooks, Books, boks, bookss, ooks, Story, Stories, tories, storie,storyes, Short Stories, short storyes, shrt stries, short stries, short sotiries, shor storis, Comic Books, comics, books, comics, cmics, cmic, comik, Manga, magn, mgna, Illustration, illstration, ilstrayions, illustratons, Graphic Novel, grapic novel, grafic novel, graphic novls, grafik novls, Picture Books, Pic Book, Pictre, Books, Picter Books, Pitcher Books, Picture Boks, Pictur Books, etc.


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