Suno - The Pace Picante Competitor Fiasco

2 days ago

This early piece of mine on Suno was based on Pace Picante Sauce's commercials in the 1990s in which somebody in a group of cowboys would run out of the advertised sauce and call for more, only for some unenlightened soul to hand the group a substitute and have to be informed of its inadequacy because it's not made in San Antonio, Texas the way Pace Picante Sauce is; then someone looking at the substitute notes with considerable chagrin that "This stuff's made in New York City!" (originally "...New Jersey!" in the very first commercial ever made) which results in everybody present (sometimes including animals or characters on a movie screen) turning on the wayward individual who gave them the substitute and yelling "NEW YORK CITY!?" and then (usually) punishing him (or occasionally her) in some comedic way. (In the very first ad, one of them just says "Get a rope!" and leaves what they're going to do—to their cook, in this case—to our imagination.) As with many other early pieces, Suno's AI insisted on repeating the last verse and chorus, and I let it slide; I was still rather new to this whole song-generation business, after all.

[Verse 1]
Down in Texas where the coyotes roam,
A stranger came to our campfire home.
He opened his saddlebag; what did I see?
A jar of sauce from a big ol' city.

[Verse 2]
The boys stared silent, then the wavin' began.
"Get a rope!" cried one cowboy man.
That sauce was made in New York, you see,
And that just ain't right for a chili company.

Well, New York City ain't known for spice;
That's a gamble with a Texas price.
So if you bring your Yankee sauce down here,
Get ready for a boot to the rear!

[Verse 3]
We don't take kindly to tomato traps,
And their city slicker salsa mishaps.
Our picante's bold with a Lone Star kick;
It's got more fire than a candlestick.

[Verse 4]
Those Park Avenue folks, they got no clue:
Tastin' that sauce is a barbecue screw!
Out to the desert, they went in shame;
That sauce fiasco was their claim to fame.

Well, New York City ain't known for spice;
That's a gamble with a Texas price.
So if you bring your Yankee sauce down here,
Get ready for a boot to the rear!


[Verse 4 (Repeat)]
Those Park Avenue folks, they got no clue:
Tastin' that sauce is a barbecue screw!
Out to the desert, they went in shame;
That sauce fiasco was their claim to fame.

Well, New York City ain't known for spice;
That's a gamble with a Texas price.
So if you bring your Yankee sauce down here,
Get ready for a boot to the rear!

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