Interview with a Fully Conscious UFO Contactee Part Three: Extraterrestrials I Have Met

2 days ago

Dolly Safran, a nurse and Army D.O.D employee from Florida, has experienced a lifetime of UFO contact. While her experiences were initially shrouded in missing time, at age fourteen she experienced an encounter that would change her life forever. From that point on, Dolly remembered her UFO contacts fully consciously. She has since had thousands of contacts and experienced a wide variety of encounters.

In Part One of this series, we explored Dolly's encounters up to age fourteen. In Part Two, we presented the many UFO photographs and films Dolly was able to capture. Now, in Part Three, we now explore the many different types of extraterrestrials Dolly has encountered.

Among the most common type of ETs Dolly has encountered are the A.I. grays. These are small three-foot-tall biological android-like beings who function as workers. They assist in the transportation of humans to and from the ET craft and carry out many other duties. They are not living beings with souls, but they can function autonomously. They can also be used by the ETs as avatars.

Dolly has also encountered tall grays, mid-sized grays and small grays. These are biological beings, with genetics. They eat, sleep and have all the biological functions of human beings. Dolly's main ET liason is a tall gray she calls "Momma." Dolly met Momma when she was only six years old and is still in contact with her today.

Many contactees describe small blue troll-like beings about three-feet in height. Dolly has met these as well, and says that they are a variation of the commonly described grays. They often work with young children and help to reduce the fear factor often associated with UFO contact.

On one occasion, Dolly had the rare opportunity to see two dog-like ETs, very similar in description to the Egyptian figure known as Anubis. These beings were more than six feet tall, broad-shouldered, muscular and covered with fur.

On another rare occasion, Dolly was able to visit with cat-like ETs. Described very much as humanoid cats, these beings are short, covered with fur and quite solitary. Dolly had only a brief encounter with them, but it was quite close-up, and left a deep impression on her.

Periodically during her onboard UFO encounters, Dolly has interacted with the beings known as Tall Whites. These ETs are very stern and serious. They are tall and can reach well over ten or fifteen feet in height. They have only limited contact with humans and usually keep to themselves.

Dolly has had many interactions with human-looking ETs, often described as Nordics. These beings are very much like us, and have the same variations we have on our own planet. On several occasions, Dolly has interacted with Misha, a young girl from another planet. Misha, says Dolly, looks very much like the people from the indigenous population of Polynesia.

Dolly has also encountered humanoid beings who spend much of their time in the water. They have webbed hands and feet and are able to remain underwater for long periods of time.

On a few occasions, Dolly has been taken to see third-dimensional light beings who are able to transcend the physical world and travel into the higher dimensions. These are very powerful beings with very strong paranormal abilities.

Another amazing encounter Dolly experienced was with a nine-foot-tall praying mantis being. This encounter occurred in the backyard of a rural farm in Georgia. The being told Dolly that they are the Watchers and that they came to check on her following a very delicate medical procedure that she had undergone days earlier.

Among the most fantastic beings Dolly has encountered are the so-called Anunnaki. These winged beings are very tall, strong and powerful. Dolly only met them once when she was a little girl, but the encounter was one she will never forget.

Dolly's case is one of the most extensive accounts of UFO contact on record. She has spent days and weeks at a time among the ETs and has learned vast amounts of knowledge from them. The ETs, Dolly says, are very much like us. Her experiences have taught her that there is life throughout the universe, and that we are only a small part of a vast network of living beings that exist among the billions of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy and beyond.

If you would like to learn more about Dolly's experiences, check out my book, "Symmetry: A True UFO Adventure," a number one Amazon UFO best-seller. Now available!

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