SONG OF THE WEEK: Save My Soul by Noah Rinker

2 days ago

Music has always been a big part of my life, and I’ve used it as a tool to get me through some very dark times.

I am going to start posting a song of the week. It may be a song from my past, or a song I recently came across, but it will always be a song to provoke thought and one that really resonates with me.

I’ve learned that many of us in the truth movement have been through a lot of pain in our lives, and that God chose us for this moment in time because of it.

Maybe that is why we have created such strong connections with our frens.

As we continue to put everything we have into this fight against evil, we must not allow ourselves and our relationships to crumble in the process.

If we allow that to happen, we lose.

Even if we have never chatted before, if you ever need to talk something out, I will be here to listen.

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