UFO Chat with Paul -7 UFO videos and News CatchUp - USOs are back with shills

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Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! more UFO vids CatchUP and UFO topics.
[00:02:00] (1c) Paul has a few checks to do with the stream
and bits
[00:05:00] (1d) Paul sends free gifts to people on YT and says he might
have to go off-air as he cant afford ISP costs for streaming for about
2 months,
[00:09:20} (1e) Google is doing bad stuff and lost 6 of my subs
[00:11:00] (1f) Left side of UFOLOGY on X are so dumb! and Paul
explains what Trump is doing for peace but seems MSM and left dont
get it and pushing for WW3 and are war mongers. Calls out for Mike King
as hes into all Truth as well and Paul gives health update!
[00:15:20] (2) Main Topic Begins - GUFON still lies about UFO field and Secureteam
but is correct on some people and politics.
[00:20:00] (2b) Paul side tracked talking about him and his life compared
[00:29:00] (2c) Mike King Donations and Subs to Patreon and Paul
has to check why no notifications again to see if it worked ok!
theres 4 ways to pay from my website.. paypal direct, Patreon, Streamlabs OBS Tips
and bitcoin. Of course can use google superchats who take 30 percent!
[00:36:18] (2d) Back to GUFON vid for commenting
[00:39:00] (2e) didnt last long Paul gets a donation and side comment
and ends up talk about Banks being crims and NZ gov need a Trump
to clean up waste!
[00:44:44] (2f) Back to GUFON - cant say this or that - Shadow Bans!
[00:51:00] (3) GUFONs BS handycan UFOs are easy to Identify!
[00:59:24] (4) Ross Coulthart summons UFOs?
[01:02:45] (4b) Paul compares Heluations hes had to Alien visits and they are different and last longer!
[01:16:00] (5) Paul brings up Expedition Bigfoot new season experiment with covering
IR and capturing a fuey finger!
[00:18:00] (6) Knapps USO footage but first Paul shows 2 year old
Drone tech that could explain it before show USO footage
[01:32:12] (7) UFOmania IS BACK SPAMMING FAKE UFOs but thia nuke test vid looks legit
[01:38:00] (8) Solar Tube Balloons & LED Kite UFO is doing the rounds again
[01:45:00] (9) Grad upside down CAP balloon is back!
[01:50:15] (10) Look at Secureteam 10s repeated cloud UAPs again which
all have been solved!
[02:23:30] (11) UEOman resume debunking his collection videos this time Paul shows
realtime how to solve a couple! One was a moon around asteroid and other Ukraine Drones
[02:50:00] (12) Paul rounds off on 2 thirdphase collection videos with recycle fake
and debunked UAPs

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps..

All Links
our website is listed there theouttherechannel.wordpress.com

ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

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