Astrology, Current Events, Conspiracy Trivia

7 days ago

Join us for a fascinating discussion on the art and science of Astrology with Luke Boehne aka Big Smedley, creator of the Conspiracy Trivia game. We go into all the basic of astrology and cover some of the important and epochal planetary alignments currently in operation, which we can see evidence of in current events.
Conspiracy Trivia is an online conspiracy theory trivia game.
(We) plan to develop the game into a full spectrum library of conspiracy theories, suppressed history, mysteries, spirituality and philosophy, true crime, high crime, and supporting information."

"The game is fashioned as a noir detective saga. Players engage as detectives in the Community Intelligence Organization, acquiring dossiers of topic-specific trivia questions. Choose the topics that interest you, organized by category.
You can save dossiers and questions in your desk file.
And take a trolley ride to meet a curious character dropping a dime.
Navigate the info. Test and grow your knowledge. Discover new connections.
Be a light in the world."

Use Promo Code: Hans12 at the new player and login page to get a free dossier"
(Hans and hans both work)

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