Faith and Trust in God

20 days ago

Faith and trust in God. Psalm 44 is a lament that expresses the psalmist's faith in God and the nation of Israel's suffering and need for rescue.
God's faithfulness
The psalmist remembers God's past deliverance of Israel, but laments their current suffering.
God's responsibility
The psalmist feels God has been slow to act and should save Israel from their enemies.
God's power
The psalmist acknowledges that victories come from God's favor, not human strength.
Trust in God
The psalmist expresses hope and faith in God's lovingkindness, even though he doesn't understand why Israel is suffering.
Psalm 44 in context
The psalmist is writing after the nation of Israel has suffered a humiliating defeat. He expresses raw emotion, including frustration, anguish, and desperation. The psalmist asks God to "Rise up, come to our help".
The sons of Korah wrote Psalm 44

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