LaRouche in Dialogue with Russian Economists

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It is safe to say that no other serious American thinker has played a more profound role over the past decades, especially since the collapse of the Soviet Union, in forging an actual basis for a Russia-U.S. partnership at the highest possible level than Lyndon LaRouche. In this May, 2001 presentation, LaRouche (like Gottfried Leibniz before him) identifies Russia's central role in world history as the pivot of the development of the "great inner space" of the Eurasian Continent. With the demise of Global Britain and its "Great Game" of perpetual wars and geopolitics now a very real possibility, U.S. foreign policy can now potentially be liberated for the US-UK "Special Relationship" and instead ally with Russia, China and India to completely transform human civilization over the next century. This would also include the in depth development of the African continent.

At this conference in Bad Scwlabach, Germany, LaRouche is joined by reknowned Russian economists Sergey Glazyev and Stanislav Menshikov. Glazyev, whose book "Genocide: Russia and the New World Order" was translated and published in English in 1999 by LaRouche's Executive Intelligence Review, has gone on to become an advisor to President Putin on regional economic integration from 2012 to 2019, and now the Minister in Charge of Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Commission, the executive body of the Eurasian Economic Union. Professor Menshikov, who was a personal friend of Lyndon LaRouche and Helga Zepp-LaRouche for 15 years and participated in many EIR seminars and Schiller Institute conferences, played an important public role historically in promoting Russian-American relations throughout the Cold War and afterwards until his death in 2014. An English version of Menshikov's book "The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism" was also published by EIR in 2007.

Any serious American policy initiative with the current Russian president and his advisors would be sorely remiss without reviewing LaRouche's dialogue with and influence on some of Russia's top thinkers and policy makers over the past decades.

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