So you want to learn hyprland? SHORT VERSION; get up and running!

13 hours ago

Let me sh0w you the way to a tiling window manager, young jedi.....

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I'll tell you what opened MY eyes.... HyprV4 is a killer hyprland theme that SHOWS YOU how to use external applications to make hyprland work. It has scripts, themes, setups and... all the things you'll want to dr00l over to make yer hyprland setup. So - lets get going.
Watch the video to see what a basic hyprland HyprV4 setup l00ks like - and I'll put all the details below on how to get there.
PLUS - I'll show you some other gangster customization - we'll get yer GRUB2 looking FIRE, and we'll unlock yer LUKS2 encrypted drive w/ graphics - like a rockstar!!! :P Linux is easy... lets g0000000!

# Install Vanilla Linux - Arch Linux Installation Wiki

# So, its too hard? Well... first, boot into Arch Install USB and get Wifi, you non-ethernet having schmuk:
Scroll down to the installation guide section 2.1.1 and find details to run 'iwctl'... or, just use the following;
$ iwctl --passphrase passphrase station device connect SSID
(for me thats;)
$ iwctl --passphrase ilovecats station wlan0 connect FBI-TRUCK

# Since we know you can't handle the CLI, grab archfi, an Arch installation script, for the rest of the install... don't forget to select ENCRYPT WITH LUKS as you make yer partitions - its gonna make things cooler, and safer;

# w0w; you got Arch installed... are you some kind of hacker??? Not yet, r0ckstar... lets get Plymouth and a killer theme for the s1ck graphics!
Install Plymouth;

# And then, install a cool Plymouth theme. I like optimus b/c it has LUKS unlock features baked in;

3 things to setup yer shiny new Plymouth theme;
Edit /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and insert "plymouth" and "encrypt" to the "HOOKS=" line. Did you even read the Arch Wiki??!?!?

Run 'mkinitcpio -l linux' (or whatever kernel you have, if not 'linux'.)

Edit /etc/default/grub and insert "splash quiet" on the default kernel line.

Run "grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg"... again, did you read the wiki!?!

# Install super cool GRUB2 themes; pick a version of VandalByte's dedsec2 themes you like and install;

Run 'git clone --depth 1 && cd dedsec-grub-theme' and then 'sudo python3 --install'... pick a screen you like and then...

Run 'grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg' again - because you suck.

# Install the hyprland hyprV4 theme;

Just pull the whole thing down with 'git clone' and then run the script - you kiddy - './set-hypr'...

Now... yer not in the clear. You need to checkout the '~/.config/hypr' and '~/.config/HyprV' directories... yer gonna want to read the hyprland wiki to see what OTHER applications you can use; HyprV4 is just a JUMP OFF point - yer gonna pick OTHER applications. MAKO sucks; what are YOU gonna use? Well... you'll find out by reading the hyprland wiki;

You can checkout my hyprland config files @ .
OR, if you want to see me drone on and on doing the full Arch, Plymouth, dedsec2, hyprland and hyprV4 setup you can check out that YouTube video @

Also, are you comfortably numb????? H0PE SO!

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