Yijing's view on US and Trump

23 days ago

Yijing's view on US and Trump video: 2 out of 3 predictions came true 1) Trump survived assassination attempt 2) Trump will get elected 3) 2nd half of 2025, the US will enter 1929 style economic collapse, which will seriously damage its vitality, US destroyed but not dead yet 用川普起卦 - 易經看美國和川普視頻: 2025 年下半年,美國進入像1929年的經濟大消條,元氣大傷,不過還未亡國, 預言說中了兩次而且巳經實驗了 1)川普被暗殺打中但不死,2) 川普必定當選, 3) 預言會今年實現:看到唐川普在橢圓形辦公室下跪,因為美國經濟進入了1929 年式的崩潰
Complete video https://youtu.be/nHmOEP-4pD8

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