Is a Microchip the Mark of the Beast? Steve Gregg Answers on The Narrow Path

1 day ago

The marvelous microchip. Some fear that having one embedded under the skin is equivalent to taking the infamous "Mark of the Beast." But is that so? Just what is the Mark of the Beast? A chip? A brand? A tattoo? 666? What does the Bible actually say? This is the question Bible-teacher Steve Gregg responds to on his radio call-in program, The Narrow Path.

Call-in at (844) 484-5737 to The Narrow Path daily radio program, which is hosted by Steve Gregg. Steve takes calls and answers bible questions and questions related to the Christian faith Weekdays from 2-3 pm PT/ 5-6 pm ET. Listen live at, or Archived programs also available at all three locations.

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