Who REALLY Owns Who? On Sovereignty, Rudolf Steiner, and "The Play"

8 days ago

Welcome to a rare episode of The Great Remembering Podcast. I am your host, Tesstamona. Tonight we discuss:

Who REALLY Owns Who? The “great play” at hand, and some words from Rudolf Steiner that inspired this brief transmission from me to you.

We also discuss sovereignty, consent, government, spirituality, and music.

Show notes:

The book I referenced: “Knowledge of Higher Worlds And Its Attainment” by Rudolf Steiner


Algorithm Ghetto (Official Music Video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WG1X4RM7iNw
Algorithm Ghetto (Subversion Remix): https://youtu.be/4pGFDLRgy0E?si=RgAAON1FIoJS1-CT

You can find my Substack, more (uncensored) podcast episodes, socials, and music across all streaming platforms at https://linktr.ee/tesstamona

Be well, and STAY HUMAN 💚

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