A Message From Your Future Self

1 day ago

Your future self will thank you for not listening to the lies that say you don't need to go to church in the morning. The enemy wants to keep you far away from any godly encouragement and spiritual growth, and he tries to do that by keeping you comfortable.

It feels good to sleep in from a long week.
It feels good to take a break from socializing.
It feels good to not have to get ready in the morning.
It feels good to do what you want to do.

That's why the Bible tells us that we must ☠️ the flesh. It doesn't care about eternity because it's not going with you. Start preparing to win that battle now.

⏰ Set your alarm.
👗 Lay out your outfit.
☕ Prep the coffee pot.
🎶 Crank some worship music and get in the mood to praise the Lord!

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