HUMANITY is in a WAR against a STEALTH ENEMY (5G/EMF/Bioweapon injection)- Dr. Lee Merritt

1 day ago

This was on my external Hard drive so the interview is probably 1-2 years old but still good.
We (Humanity) are in a WAR but we are now fighting a STEALTH ENEMY as we don't really know WHO is doing this to us (BIOWEAPON ATTACK on HUMANITY).
How far ADVANCED is the enemies Technology? Advanced Masonic Order that speaks in SYMBOLISM (Not literal). Karen Kingston's research on PATENTS. US Military DARPA & China's PLA desire/goal was to connect the human brain to Electronic Devices (Chinese Paper- UNRESTRICTED WARFARE). (WEF 4th Industrial Revolution).

@7:00 mark- On October 19th 2019 then TURN ON the 5G Towers in Wuhan China (Wireless interaction with people in Wuhan) and that was were all the OUTBREAK CASES came from initially (Wuhan China).

Viruses are a SCAM that they USE to scare the public. If we don't have Viruses then what do we have? We have PARASITES that cause disease.

Electromagnetic Frequency can cause disease (Dr. Lee Merritt says she got DEMONETIZED$$ from substack for talking about this (EMF)). You are susceptible to getting sick when you are DEFICIENT (MINERALS/VITAMINS) so not a strong IMMUNE SYSTEM. PARASITES are the reason for sickness & disease that is not taught in medical school. Don't take any INJECTIONS from these PSYCHOPATHS! But just know how to get rid of PARASITES (Show Popular link of mine Libertarian99). PARASITES are what we call CANCER.

@16:00 mark- Dr. Lee Merritt says she learned more about building your IMMUNE SYSTEM by finding out what you are DEFICIENT in by Naturopath Dr. Peter Glidden.
NOTE: Dr. Peter Glidden cures his patients naturally by following the Dr. Joel Wallach protocol on the MIGHTY90 which is 60 minerals, 16 Vitamins, 12 Amino Acids (Proteins) & 2 Essential fatty acids 3 & 6. Dr Wallach has books on which NUTRIENTS to take for any illness/disease as Dr. Wallach says "Every DISEASE is a "NUTRIENT DEFICIENCY" DISEASE). Dr. Wallach started off as a VETERNARIAN as he was raised on a farm in Missouri & knew by the year 1900 that they KNEW how to CURE/PREVENT 700 known diseases in Animals back then using MINERALS & VITAMINS because if they didn't FOOD PRICES$$ would skyrocket from the SUPPLY dying off on farms.

My most watched video is this one of Dr. Lee Merritt explaining how people need to do CYCLES with anti-Parasite drugs to kill the parasites in their bodies. Probably good to COPY or BOOKMARK it as it is a good one:

Dr Lee Merritt: Parasite Protocol: The New Parasite Paradigm (October 20th 2022)

Man says taking DOG DEWORMER cured his STAGE 4 cancer (FENBENDAZOLE= Anti-Parasitic drug)

(2019) Oklahoma man CURES his own CANCER with his dogs dewormer (An Anti-Parasitic) after being sent home to DIE by the allopathic medical system$$.

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