International False Rape Timeline — hangout — (116) Another Mixed Bag

4 days ago

I begin with a discussion of my misadventures with GROK and ChatGPT with reference to their use (or lack thereof) for researching false rape cases, highlighting their shortcomings.

I went on to discuss a horrible case in Scotland of white drug addicts who were said to have run a grooming gang. Although there were convictions, which may be sound, this was not a grooming gang but was portrayed as such by the media to give us the impression that whites are as likely as ethnic Pakistanis to run these outfits, which is not the case.
Next, I mention briefly the case of a female teacher in Oklahoma who has been charged with raping one of her charges. Yeah, sure.

Prince Andrew is back in the news again for all the wrong reasons, so I gave a brief recap of his innocence here.
I discuss a recent article about Women’s Aid, commenting on their creative use of statistics.

Next, I move on to discuss the perversion of the rule of law in Australia, courtesy of Bettina Arndt. In New South Wales, rape shield laws now treat false allegations of rape as part of the accuser’s sexual history.

I mention too, briefly, the Brittany Higgins/Bruce Lehrmann case.

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