“Do Not Flirt With Spiritual Disaster” Part 2 Hebrews 10:22

2 days ago

“Do Not Flirt With Spiritual Disaster” Prt 2 Heb 10:22
Some Christians during the time of the Early Church were not being Faithful. The Holy Spirit plainly tell us, that such direction is – flirtation with spiritual disaster. Failing to obey this injunction, is to fail to obey and will bring upon such an individual serious consequences.
Our “Manner” should be to attend Church every single time the doors are open if it’s at all possible.
The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 13:9, “And That knowing the TIME and NOW, it is HIGH TIME to awake out of sleep: for NOW is our Salvation nearer than when we believed. Dear Brothers and Sisters IT’S TIME TO WAKE UP! GOD BLESS

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