BrightLearn - Government is Unnatural, Anarchy is Natural: A Practical Analysis therein...

2 days ago

Cory Edmund Endrulat’s book, "Government is Unnatural, Anarchy is Natural: A Practical Analysis therein Naturosophy," challenges the necessity of government, arguing that it is an unnatural construct compared to anarchy, which Endrulat posits as humanity's natural state. In his work, Endrulat asserts that government, as a coercive system, violates natural principles of freedom. Endrulat envisions an anarchic society based on voluntary cooperation and natural law, and believes that moral suasion can lead to systemic change through helping people understand the benefits of anarchy. His book invites readers to consider alternatives to traditional governance, sparking dialogue on the potential for a more just and free society rooted in self-governance and mutual respect.

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