The Golf Course Clue | What REALLY Set Chance Off?

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Something happened at that golf course—something that made Chance Englebert want out immediately. Tonight, we dissect the timeline, the key players, and what could have been said that changed everything. We’ll also be looking into Baylee’s exes and Miles—could they hold missing pieces to the puzzle? Let’s break it down and get closer to the truth.

#ChanceEnglebert #TrueCrime #MissingPerson #JusticeForChance #ColdCase #Investigation

And, of course, your classic disclaimer:

This is an open discussion based on public information, analysis, and opinion. Under the First Amendment and Supreme Court rulings, we have every right to question, speculate, and seek the truth. If that bothers you, the exit button is in the top right corner. Enjoy the 'Show'.

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