Afscheid van de Zeezenders: Radio Veronica en Radio Noordzee op 31 aug 1974 in Kleur

1 day ago

This poignant colorized footage captures the somber farewell of Radio Veronica and Radio Noordzee on Saturday, August 31, 1974, when the Dutch government forced these beloved offshore stations to cease broadcasting. The ratification of the Strasbourg Treaty outlawed commercial radio transmissions off the Dutch coast, making any Dutch cooperation a crime—a crushing blow driven by Minister Harry van Doorn of CRM, who fiercely opposed commercial media to prop up the creaking public broadcasting system. As a consolation, Hilversum-3 was launched for the youth, while Veronica limped on as an aspiring C-status broadcaster. This film zeroes in on the devastated crew and DJs of Radio Veronica, watching their life’s work vanish in an instant, a sight that may still stir deep emotions in older viewers like me who lived through that day. A must-watch for history buffs and nostalgists alike.

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