On Redpilling Nick Fuentes

23 days ago


The highest honor is to be told my video changed the course of your life. It has taken me time to process.

I can’t help but wonder if Ye has ever seen my stuff. He's on this white wizard's wavelength. That's for sure.

Let’s make this the BEST TIMELINE !

Make the Fucked Up Jewish Cult Illegal Again ! We have RICO statutes!

Frogs - good idea to distance from and OPPOSE this imploding BRICS compromised traitorous Jewish / Indian / Zionist / Russhit / Saudi / wtf Blompf administration.

They want to call us evil anyway. Let's take power for our people not the Zionist scum. Fuck the capitalist greedlords.

If you admire the Austrian painter you should believe in a different idea for how to organize society and infinite greed is not part of the equation.

Watch Back to the Future 2 again. Trump's Biff. Trump / Kushner Gaza casino? Fuck that shit. Be like George McFly - read Crispin Glover's based beyond belief article "What is it?"

Questioning the Holocaust : Why We Believed was made in Ukraine. Please do not use my carefully crafted redpill to hurt mother Ukraina. FUCK RUSSIA - Putin is a KGB Glowie Commie trying to resurrect the evil USSR. muh "Holocaust" is Russian propaganda. Russia is a fucking shithole mafia state run by mass murderers. Putin sends Mongols and Norks to rape and murder white Ukrainians. Russian supporters in 2025 are traitors. Russians have psyopped the retarded among us. Perhaps even you...

If you love the best values of America you thought existed as a child you should love Ukraine. Period ----> . Reagan would've had something for the North Korean / Mongol army on European holy soil.

Zelenskyy barely does anything Jewy. He's our Frodo. I recommend you watch Servant of the People episode 1 and you will understand the people voted for him the same reason they voted for Trump - he's an outsider. And Ukrainians had a wonderful sense of humor - he is their best representative.

Anyway I'm not one to pull punches. I did not need to write all this. Oh well.

I do hope to speak with you! Happy you have succeeded in life ! Towards the BEST TIMELINE !

Sincerely, Tío Eric

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