Is Amazon a Union-Busting Leviathan?

29 days ago

On this episode of Minor Issues, Mark Thornton examines the relentless attacks on Amazon, from labor disputes to environmental concerns. Is Amazon truly exploiting workers, or is the unionization push just a case of economic envy? Mark dissects the claims, debunks myths about wages and working conditions, and explores the economic realities behind one of the world’s biggest employers. Tune in for a straightforward breakdown of Amazon’s labor battles and the broader implications for business and workers alike.

"Your Kids Are Already Communists, and College Will Make It Worse" (Minor Issues Podcast):

"Criticism of Amazon" (Wikpedia):

Murray Rothbard's 99th birthday is March 2. The Mises Institute is celebrating with its "Murray99" campaign. Everyone who donates $26 or more using the link will receive a copy of *Economic Depressions: Their Cause and Cure* and *Nations by Consent*. The first 26 donors will also receive a Rothbard lapel pin. All donations will fund student scholarships.

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