Metamorphosis (Gregor's Lament)

1 day ago

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Woke up one morning, wasn't myself
My body twisted, changed
Six legs where arms and feet once were
My mind remained the same

Sister screams behind the door
Father pounds the wall
Mother weeps, I hear them all
But I cannot crawl

What kind of creature have I become?
Still thinking human thoughts
Late for work, but that's the least
Of all I've truly lost

Apples rot upon my shell
Dust collects below
Family whispers in the night
Hoping I would go

Remember me as I once was
Not this thing I've grown to be
A salesman with a simple life
Before I lost my humanity

[Final Verse]
The violin plays softer now
As I fade away
One last gift to give them all:
I'll disappear today

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