#218 | Fauci Shrugs on Protests, Mask Wars Rage, Patreon Loses Lawsuit | Beauty & the Beta

6 hours ago

Show streamed live on Aug 2, 2020
*Please note - the information posted below was accurate when originally streamed. Links may now be outdated and/or inactive.

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Artwork by Facepalm Reality
Facepalm Reality's Twitter: http://bit.ly/2AZfI4V
Facepalm Reality's YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/2uxbrr9

Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough remix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCDH8HjeNDY
Bearing and SugarTits' cover of "Catch the Wind": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPZtCSScFWM
"Dog Park" and "Odahviing" written and performed by AENEAS: http://bit.ly/2sibPZ7

Items referenced
NASA-SpaceX astronauts return to Earth: https://cnn.it/2XkB3DM
Man eats wasp nest: https://bit.ly/2PeTfKP
Unsealed documents on Clinton and Epstein: https://bit.ly/3gkDldJ
Politico names Kamala as Biden’s VP pick: https://bit.ly/33fJF2B
Biden so close he can smell her: https://bit.ly/3gngNJs
Bongino on Biden: https://bit.ly/33kgX0k
Austin shooting facts: https://bit.ly/3fnaYu3
Images of the ‘aiming’: https://bit.ly/2El5O4V
Austin mob allows man through: https://bit.ly/3fohAsj
Simpsons clip: https://bit.ly/33kWxo2
Jim Jordan v Fauci: https://bit.ly/3giAfH6
Fauci on church services: https://bit.ly/3k3qy1J
Fauci on sports: https://nyti.ms/3kbMbNo
Fauci on restaurants: https://bit.ly/3k32wUw
Fauci on schools: https://cnb.cx/2Xh6xed
Fauci’s top 10: https://bit.ly/317n85o
Fauci speaks against Michigan protesters: https://bit.ly/31cmSSE
Obama’s speech at John Lewis funeral: https://bit.ly/2XmPWWl
DC mayor exempts John Lewis funeral attendees: https://bit.ly/2D2jjGJ
Gym owners arrested: https://cbsloc.al/2X1vGto
Gym owner on Tucker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DA1Ar35dpZw
Gym owners kick down door: https://bit.ly/30mgp8h
Sw4st1k4 masks: https://yhoo.it/3hJSWE3 https://bit.ly/3hJLJ6J
Mask lady hopes kids die: https://bit.ly/3jPUaPZ
Jogger assault over mask: https://bit.ly/3gmbxWo
Mask fight leads to broken leg: https://bit.ly/3k3dKrU
Man opens fire for not social distancing: https://bit.ly/33f0xXk
Texas retracts hundreds of CV deaths: https://bit.ly/3k2Oy4T
Sweden data: https://bit.ly/311msOO
Per capita deaths by country: https://bit.ly/3k3br8k
CDC director on suicides and overdoses of young people: https://bit.ly/309lKj8
Fauci wants goggles: https://bit.ly/2XlZ8Kx
Seattle’s move to replace the police: https://bit.ly/33cRLZH
Seattle residents flood the phone lines: https://bit.ly/30nx4bQ
Oregon’s agreement with the feds: https://bit.ly/30mjwNO
Trans activist arrested in Portland: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XloQck4v3-Q
Andy Ngo’s thread on the activist: https://bit.ly/2XjIR96
Juniper’s roller derby profile: https://bit.ly/2EJPivG
Portland rioters burning a stack of bibles: https://bit.ly/3k2G3XF
Pro-Tump grandma outs Antifa grandson: https://bit.ly/3i1Jkod
The post that outed the grandson: https://bit.ly/3k0sSXj
Twins honor Saint Floyd: https://bit.ly/2DqkxuT
George Floyd scholarships: https://bit.ly/2DvUkLO
Umbrella man identified by police: https://yhoo.it/39DrFjA
Umbrella man clip: https://bit.ly/2PeIok7
Black pre-born lives matter chalk arrest: https://bit.ly/31fnlTU
Cernovich on the Patreon lawsuit: https://bit.ly/33aOQAJ
Lauren Southern organizing a lawsuit against Patreon: https://bit.ly/2Xlj6oQ
Patreon hit piece: https://bit.ly/3gngrlS
Hoax hate, Shaun King pushes Kim Gardner’s letters: https://bit.ly/3ghXrW1
Kim Gardner’s letters: https://bit.ly/3fmhPny
Hoax hate, Norwegian flag: https://bit.ly/3i0oPYY

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