Chattahoochee Lee's High School COVID experience

8 hours ago

Lee's first-hand experience with the Corona Virus, COVID operation before, during and after the humiliation ritual of graduation parking lot drive-through procession in May 2020.

Lee entered freshman Coed Christian HS in September 2016 to June 2017.
Lee transferred to Stone Mountain HS in September 2017 as a Sophomore.
Lee attended both the Homecoming Game & the Senior Prom in October 2019.
Lee's Senior year was interrupted with the Corona Virus Panic in February 2020.

In March 2020 the mobile phones & unified school website declared a two-week stay-at-home lockdown for the rebranded COVID Emergency. Two weeks to flatten the curve of infection. The two-week period was perceived as a school break VACATION.

E-Class Schooling became the sole method of grading. Cheating was rampant. No such thing as closed-book testing. Everything was unsupervised proctored testing.

The two-week break then became permanent, and the graduation ceremony was cancelled.

Lee had to wear a face diaper to collect his diploma at the HS office in June 2020.

The Fulton County Jail required COVID JAB as an ultimatum policy, otherwise solitary confinement whist face masked 24-7 in your cell all day every day.

Lee's reflection was it was binge-watching Twilight Zone episodes.

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The Most Dangerous Game (Seven Video Series):

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