The Secret Prophecy of the Popes – “The Last Pope” – Mysteries of the Vatican & End of Time Prophecy

6 hours ago

The Prophecy that predicts the End of the World and the End of the Roman Catholic Church.

Is it really Prophecy or Self-Fulfilling “Political” Prophecy?

Were some of the Papal Elections contrived to fit the “prophetic narrative?” You Decide.

Prophecy was revealed to the prophets through the Holy Spirit according to the Old Testament. The prophets were well revered and their revelations were considered to be from the most high authority2.

Christianity was built upon the Messiah, whose coming was prophesied in the Old Testament in the books of Daniel and Isaiah. The Catholic Church has lost favor with prophecy in recent times2.

The Catholic Church guides 1.2 BILLION believers around the world. That is over 10% of the world’s population.

Prophecy can formulate from Angelic visits, channeling through mediums, dreams (precognitive dreams), hallucinations, images, imagination, an inner knowing, intuition, premonitions, and from an audible voice that no one else can hear but the “prophet.”

That leaves a lot of subjectivity to the believers as it does take extreme faith to accept that a divine “supernatural” entity or being is communicating to an individual regarding future events.

There is a great deal of discerning involved as you must question if there could be alternative motives.

This “prophecy” of the Popes was about a man named Malachy O’Morgair of Armagah (1094 – 1147).

Malachy O’Morgair was canonized as a Saint in 1190 by Pope Clement III4.

He is “credited” by the Catholic Church as being the one who Prophesied every single Pope to the “End of Times” when Rome will be Destroyed and the “Terrible Judge”, will judge the people.

Most do not believe it was even Malachy O’Morgair who wrote this as most Prophets write more than just one prophecy.

Other “suggestions” that have been considered by scholars are Nostradamus (1503-1566), which was about 400 years later or Onofrio Panvinio (1529-1568), who was a monk, historian and antiquary.

The Prophecies begin in 1143 with Pope Celestine II and there are 112 Popes listed with a brief description of each and it lists all of them until the “end of the world” with the last Pope, “Peter the Roman.”

These prophecies were first mentioned by the Benedictine Monk, Arnold Wion in his book “Lignum Vitae” in 1529.

At the time when the Prophecies of the Pope appeared in print (1595), the Catholic Church was struggling and needed to be reassuring to the people.

The world was at great turmoil with the Protestants. This “prophecy” reassures everyone.

The “Prophecies of the Pope” first appeared 450 years after its “supposed” creation in the corridors of the Vatican – St. Peter’s Basilica in 1590, just prior to the 1590 conclave, which allowed them to be used a Propaganda in the campaign2 to promote soon to be Pope Gregory XIV as he was elected.

This prophecy seems to predict the future of the church with “too .much” detail. It’s almost like a script.

Today, most people don’t believe it was St. Malachy who wrote these prophecies.

They say it was likely written in the mid 1500’s and NOT 400 years earlier in 1140’s.

Onofrio Panvinio published a book in 1557 called “A Brief History of Sovereign Pontiffs” and he made some errors in his book. Coincidentally, those exact same “errors” were repeated in the Prophecy of the Popes1. Hmm?

This proves the book wasn’t written by Saint Malachy and not written in the 12th century. So, that is a lie that they told.

According to the Secret Prophecy of Popes, it is Pope Francis who will be the last pope.

The prophecies reveal that it will be Pope Francis who will oversee the Fall of Rome and the Destruction of the Roman Catholic Church.

Pope Francis is the first Jesuit trained Pope.

Here is the how the prophecy ends:

“In the final persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep through many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the formidable Judge will judge His people. The end2.”

Evidently, “Peter of Roman” is Pope Francis of today? OR is it is Satan or the Anti-Christ?

Catholicism is on the decline as the Vatican is not connecting with young people and they are supporting homosexuality and gender change, which is not supported by a majority of Christians.

From the prophecies of the author of the Pope Prophecies and the from Pope Benedict XVI – who said Jesus was not born in year 0, but about 6 or 7 years before.

The original “Doomsday” was supposed to be in 2033, but this could put it in 2026 or 2027.

Pope Francis is 88 years old right now.

Prophecy or Plan – I believe something is going to happen soon. President Trump is setting the table for building the Third Temple in Jerusalem by supporting the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

ALL of them have this goal. This could be NWO headquarters.

If you want to know who is pro-NWO – look at their faith or their religion. Catholics and Jews = Anti-Protestant and for a New World Order.

From all of my research on religions, how the Catholic Church was formed and shifted from Polytheism to Monotheism, the Jesuits (Society of Jesus), the numerous secret societies, the Zionists, the self-proclaimed “Jews”, the Global Young Leaders, the WEF and the UN – it sure appears that they all are working in Lockstep and have the very same agenda for destroying the United States, acting like they destroy the Vatican and Catholic Church and building that THIRD Temple in Jerusalem.

I don’t think that the people behind the Vatican will fall, but the physical part of that theatrical may fall. All that I see is a relabeling and the moving of a headquarters.

It’s like the corporation that changes names and relocates but still produces the same products.

I don’t think they believe in Jesus at all. If Jesus came back today and was not of the Catholic Church, they likely wouldn’t recognize him and probably would sick their Jesuits on him.

Also – all of them are Professional Propaganda Artists.

If the Prophecies predicted the actual names of the people elected, then that would be something, but since the Popes get to choose their names and we are to presume that we know about the prophecies and they don’t. And we are dealing with professional liars.

Come on.

Listen to what Pope Francis says: “How I would love a Church that is Poor and for the Poor.” “Francis is a man of Peace and this is how the name came into my Heart.”

Do you really think Jorge Mario Bergoglio never knew that this Pope was to be named Francis and you believe a JESUIT just picked this name out because the name meant Peace?

In my opinion is complete ludicrous to even believe this for a second once you study the history of this church, the history of the secret societies attached to to it and especially the Jesuit history since mid 1500’s.

The masses are controlled in a fishbowl and know no other world outside of it. They actually believe this as they were conditioned from birth to do so.

It is all an illusion in which they are the writers, executive produces and directors of this theater they create & put forth that we are to believe is natural reality.

The one world government has declared war on the people and the people are totally unaware.

Those “healthy jabs” distributed by our governments are called Countermeasures. Well, that sound good or at the least sounds okay, right?

Countermeasures are an action taken to counter a threat or a danger.

But what is really considered the threat?


Those countermeasure were not to prevent infection from a virus and to help us be healhty.

Just the opposite. 100%!


1. Documentary Central. “The Secret Prophecy of the Popes Revealed! | End Time Prophecy of the Popes | @DocoCentral.” YouTube, 23 May 2024,

2. Howells, Robert. “The Last Pope: Decoding St Malachy’s Prophecy on the Fall of the Vatican.” Watkins Publishing, 2013. Annas-Archive. Accessed 28 Feb. 2025.

3. Allen, Dace, and Sarah Skye. “Prophecy and the Last Pope: Saint Malachy, Nostradamus, the Antichrist, and End Times.” 2014. - Anna’s Archive. Accessed 28 Feb. 2025.

4. Studies in Comparative Religion  Summer-Autumn 1984: Vol 16 Iss 3-4 - Anna’s Archive.


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