Why Me Lord - Kris Kristofferson

3 hours ago

This is a video I found right around the time I connected back to God on 04/30/2013; after 27yrs of turning my back on Him, bcuz religious supremacists told me that I was going to hell for my sins; mind you, this was after around the age of 13, when these same people scared me into accepting Jesus in my heart, or else I'd go to hell if I didn't... There's a thin line between good & evil, love & hate, life & death... Choose to do GOOD, choose to LOVE 💜 others as yourself, choose ETERNAL LIFE!!! It hurts me to my core, to see what we're doing to each other, when God has made it SO SIMPLE! I truly believe we could turn this all around with ONE WORD, which is LOVE, but we're too PRIDEFUL, STUBBORN & VAIN, TO SEE IT! See the many verses I mention below, about LOVE & THE WORKS OF FAITH!!! BTW, I'm a WIP (WORK IN PROGRESS) & I don't pretend to be better than any other sinner, for I'm one of the worst sinners to have walked this earth... I stumble every day, due to many things that we humans are susceptible to, bcuz of our inherent sinful nature; the bad, the not so good & the ugly! The important thing to remember is, we shouldn't get hung up on our faults, flaws & shortcomings & all the other things that bring us down & make us stumble; we should just dust ourselves off & KEEP FAITHING UP & PRACTICING LOVExTWO!!!


If you fear dying a physical death, PLEASE revisit your faith, for Jesus has already won the war; he has given us VICTORY over death, VICTORY over evil, VICTORY over sin! Keep on keeping THE FAITH & strive to live by LOVExTWO, for that is the best we can do in the here & now!!! There's a reason the bible tells us, many times, ALL FLESH WILL SEE THE SALVATION OF GOD (visit this link https://www.facebook.com/share/p/54oFP7oEaRzEsxQf/ to see some of the verses about this in the comment under this message on my FAITHBOOK PAGE). There's also a reason why GOD SAYS TIME & TIME AGAIN, I will blot out their transgressions & their sins & iniquities will I remember no more & we best believe GOD IS NOT A LIAR! It's the reason Paul speaks about how we should no longer have a CONSCIENCE (AWARENESS) OF SINS & how by one sin offering, we've been PERFECTED FOREVER (see Hebrews 10)! It's also the reason Paul says, if we wound the weak conscience of others who are weak in their faith, WE SIN AGAINST CHRIST, which you can read about in 1 Corinthians 8; in the 4th verse of that chapter, Paul speaks about how AN IDOL IS NOTHING in the world & that there is none other God but ONE! Just as the bible says, sin no longer has dominion over us (SIN IS NOTHING) & it's bcuz THE ONE, who has ALL THE POWER, over all His creation, over all the world, has blotted out all our transgressions & as He says many times, their sins & iniquities will I remember no more; HE HAS FORGIVEN US! All this goes to a lot of the stuff I mention in everything I have shared here & on my FAITHBOOK PAGE. Our problem is that we have a hard time FORGIVING OURSELVES & letting go of our GUILTY CONSCIENCE! Will we still sin? YES, we will forever sin till the end, bcuz our inward man (spiritual body; heart, mind, soul...), is in a constant struggle with our outward man (physical body), which is covered by the flesh, which is inherently sinful & can't help but lust against THE SPIRIT (see Galatians 5:17) & do the things that bring death: greed, pride, selfishness, strife, vanity, etc... As Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 26:41, "Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: THE SPIRIT INDEED IS WILLING, BUT THE FLESH IS WEAK"... We've been imputed THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF JESUS; we're forever covered by his blood & sin no longer has the power of eternal death over us, for we've been FREED, so we can bear fruit for God; we've been unshackled from that which held us prisoners, bcuz Jesus has CONDEMNED ALL OUR SIN IN HIS FLESH, which is why the bible says, THE BODY IS DEAD TO SIN (of course the body isn't dead literally, at least not yet if you're reading this, but when we do go, the body will return to dust & our soul, our spirit will return to Him who gave it to us)... THANKS BE TO GOD FOR HIS GRACE! In the parable of the rich man that I show further below, in Luke 12:13-21, God tells the GREEDY FOOL 🤣 THIS NIGHT THOU SOUL SHALL BE REQUIRED OF THEE!!!)

Ecclesiastes 12:7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and THE SPIRIT SHALL RETURN UNTO GOD WHO GAVE IT.

Genesis 35:18 It came to pass, as her soul was in departing, for she died...


Mark 8:36 - For What Shall It Profit A Man, IF HE SHALL GAIN THE WORLD & LOSE HIS SOUL

Genesis 2:7 The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and BREATHED INTO HIS NOSTRILS THE BREATH OF LIFE (human spirit); and man became A LIVING SOUL... Before Jesus ascended, he breathed on his disciples & gave them THE HOLY GHOST, see John 20:22... There are many verses that say Jesus baptizes with THE HOLY GHOST, which we receive when we believe, which has been given to us, TO CLEANSE OUR CONSCIENCE, TO EDIFY US, TO GUIDE US, TO SHOW US, TO SUSTAIN US! Here is one verse, Luke 3:16 John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you WITH WATER; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: #HE #SHALL #BAPTIZE #YOU #WITH #THE #HOLY #GHOST... In this next verse, it's speaking of the baptism of The Holy Ghost... 1 Peter 3:21 The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us, NOT THE PUTTING AWAY OF THE FILTH OF THE FLESH, but the answer of a #GOOD #CONSCIENCE #TOWARD #GOD, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ... Hebrews 10:22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, HAVING OUR HEARTS SPRINKLED FROM AN EVIL CONSCIENCE, and OUR BODIES WASHED WITH PURE WATER... Titus 3:5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, BUT ACCORDING TO HIS MERCY HE SAVED US, BY THE WASHING OF REGENERATION, and RENEWING OF #THE #HOLY #GHOST... Revelation 7:17 For The Lamb Shall Feed Them & Shall Lead Them Unto LIVING FOUNTAINS OF WATERS & God Shall Wipe Aways All Tears From Their Eyes... John 7:37-39 He That Believeth On Me, Out Of His Belly Shall Flow Rivers Of Living Water; He Was Speaking Of THE SPIRIT, Which Those Who Believe Receive: For The Holy Ghost Was Not Yet Given; BECAUSE JESUS WAS NOT YET GLORIFIED... Jeremiah 2:13 For my people have committed two evils; THEY HAVE FORSAKEN ME (GOD) THE FOUNTAIN OF LIVING WATERS... 1 Corinthians 10:4 and did all drink THE SAME SPIRITUAL DRINK: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and THAT ROCK WAS CHRIST... As I show in these three verses I shared, God, The Spirit & Jesus, are referred to as LIVING WATER! In the link below, I have put together a lot of information, that goes to how The Father, The Son & The Spirit are ONE & I explain & show with verses WHY Jesus was baptized by John The Baptist & I explain the meaning of ADULTERY, FORNICATION, HARLOTRY, SEXUAL IMMORALITY, WHOREDOMS, which all go to THE UNFORGIVEN SIN! I also show a lot of other stuff that I believe The Spirit has given me the clarity, discernment & the words to write, that most have so wrong & soon, GOD WILLING, I will put it all together more succinctly, bcuz I have a lot more that's going to put it all together even more... SO STAY TUNED!!! https://www.facebook.com/share/p/54oFP7oEaRzEsxQf/

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, PIERCING TO THE DIVISION OF SOUL and OF SPIRIT, OF JOINTS and OF MARROW, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart... The primary purpose of the marrow is to produce blood cells, including red blood cells (which carry oxygen), white blood cells (which fight infection) & platelets (which help with clotting)... Well, just like the marrow is in the very core of the bone & IS ESSENTIAL FOR LIFE, I believe the human spirit is the same when it comes to our soul; it's the inner core of our soul, which communes with THE SPIRIT OF GOD aka THE HOLY GHOST, which has been GIVEN TO US, to do all the things I mention above, TO CLEANSE OUR CONSCIENCE - TO SUSTAIN US!!!

Proverbs 20:27 THE SPIRIT OF MAN IS THE CANDLE OF THE LORD, searching all the INWARD PARTS of the belly... I don't believe it means stomach, but HEART, MIND, SOUL, which I believe is our INWARD MAN, where The Spirit Of God resides; our OUTWARD MAN, is our physical body & flesh, that will return to dust!!! I believe our human spirit is within our soul, which is within our hearts!


We're all under HIS GRACE & the only laws left to follow are, LOVExTWO! As Paul tells the jews in Romans 7:4 Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, THAT WE SHOULD BRING FORTH FRUIT UNTO GOD... Paul was telling them they are no longer under the old law & he gives an example of how when a woman is married to a man, she is bound to her husband as long as he lives, but once he is dead, she is freed from the law; he tells them they have also become dead to the old law by the body of Christ, so that they should bear fruit for God & serve in NEWNESS OF SPIRIT & not in the oldness of the letter, meaning the old law... The more we put OUR FAITH & LOVExTWO INTO PRACTICE, the more we will move away from our selfish ways & more into the servant ways that Jesus lived by EXAMPLE! In Romans 8:33-39, it lists many things & one of them is NAKEDNESS, which has many meanings in the bible & one of them is SIN, then it concludes with NOTHING (from the many things it lists) can separate us from THE LOVE OF GOD!!! If God doesn't hold our sins against us, WHY are we hellbent on trying to HOUND & SIN BASH others on sins we PICK & CHOOSE from the 613 commandments??? God doesn't show partiality; if He holds my sins against me, then you can bet that He will hold your sins against you; there's no ifs, ands or butts about it... We shouldn't put our expectations or limitations on God, for God is, who He says, HE IS & He will do, what He says, HE WILL DO & He will do it on HIS TIME, according to HIS WILL, HIS PLAN, not our time, not our will, not our plan! WE WILL ALL BE JUDGED BY #OUR #WORKS, WHICH GO TO LOVExTWO & THE FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT; NOT BY OUR SINS THAT JESUS #GAVE #HIS #LIFE #FOR, so we can be FREE from the burden of our sins, so we can FOCUS ON BEARING FRUIT FOR GOD, so that by our GOOD WORKS, He will be GLORIFIED!!! Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, THAT THEY MAY SEE YOUR GOOD WORKS, and GLORIFY YOUR FATHER WHICH IS IN HEAVEN. I've included three verses below, that show how we will be judged by OUR WORKS, that go to these verses In Matthew 25:31-46, it talks about when Jesus returns & how he will separate the sheep on his right & the goats on his left; to the sheep he will say, I was hungry & ye gave me meat; I was thirsty & ye gave me drink; I was a stranger & ye took me in; naked & ye clothed me; I was sick & ye visited me; I was in prison & ye came unto me; then they ask Jesus, when did we do all these things for you & he says, INASMUCH AS YE HAVE DONE IT UNTO ONE OF THE LEAST OF THESE MY BRETHREN, YE HAVE DONE IT UNTO ME... Jesus then tells the goats, I was hungry & ye gave me no meat; I was thirsty & ye gave me no drink; I was a stranger & ye took me not in; naked & ye clothed me not; I was sick & in prison & ye visited me not; then they ask Jesus, when did we not do all these things for you & he says, VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU, #INASMUCH #AS #YE #DID #IT #NOT #TO #ONE #OF #THE #LEAST #OF #THESE, #YE #DID #IT #NOT #TO #ME... Here's the link to these verses https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+25%3A31-46&version=KJV


Galatians 6:7-8 Be not deceived; GOD IS NOT MOCKED: FOR WHATSOEVER A MAN SOWETH, THAT SHALL HE ALSO REAP. 8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap LIFE EVERLASTING... Serving The Flesh By Being Self-Serving; greedy, prideful & seeking self glorification... Serving Jesus By Serving Others; the hungry, needy, poor... Proverbs 25:27 It is not good to eat much honey (overindulge in the things of the world): so for men to search their own glory IS NOT GLORY.



Matthew 16:27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man ACCORDING TO HIS WORKS... How demeaning to Jesus, for people to keep being STUCK ON SIN, which is essentially DENYING HIM & what he did on the cross for all of us... IT IS FINISHED - BELIEVE IT!!!


Revelation 20:13 The sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and THEY WERE JUDGED EVERY MAN ACCORDING TO THEIR WORKS.


BTW, I share a screenshot on my FAITHBOOK PAGE with some of the verses that tell us, if we choose to live by the old law, we better keep all 613 commandments (WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE); then it says if we fail in one, we fail in all, but then again, as I keep saying, we fail from the get go, for the old law can never offer us salvation, it only EXPOSES how we don't BELIEVE & TRUST that Jesus did, what he said, HE DID... FULFILLED IT ALL!!! There's a reason Jesus had to come save us from ourselves & it's bcuz none of us are capable of ever living fully without sin on our own, for our body, our flesh, is sin by its very nature; it's only thru Jesus that we find FORGIVENESS! This should open our eyes to the fact that a sin, is a sin, is a sin, bcuz no matter how much we try not to sin, at the end of the day, WITHOUT JESUS, whether I sin the most & you sin the less, we'll all still have a one way ticket to DOOMSVILLE!!! When we're stuck on THE SIN, our guilty conscience will only keep us in CONSTANT STRIFE, within ourselves & with each other, especially when sin karens go around trying to mind everybody else's sins. Lastly, it's the reason Jesus said, IT IS FINISHED, as he took his last breath on the cross, having suffered the most horrific, painful & unimaginable death, so that we may live SPIRITUALLY FOREVER! Our sins are forever covered by his blood, for just as anyone who is born of man inherited the sin nature of Adam, when he chose to be DISOBEDIENT, so to now have we all been imputed THE RIGHTEOUSNESS of Jesus, when he condemned all our sin in his flesh, which is why the bible says the body is dead to sin & that sin no longer has dominion over us & it's bcuz we're under HIS GRACE!!! Go read Hebrews 4, which speaks about how the works were finished from the foundation of the world & how we should enter into HIS REST, which I believe is talking about us resting when it comes to our sin burden, for that work has been done! It also talks about how those (jews) to whom it was first preached, entered not in bcuz of UNBELIEF! God knows that we had no choice in the matter & bcuz of one man, Adam, we all died spiritually & lost our connection to Him... SO, now by one man, we have all been made right with God, so that we may live SPIRITUALLY FOREVER (see Romans 5:17). God really made it that SIMPLE, unfortunately, we're a bunch of STUBBORN MULES... I believe I've been shown many things by THE SPIRIT & I have added a lot on my FAITHBOOK PAGE, where I've been working on trying to help give others a FAITH LIFT!


John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.


I'm still waiting till the time is right to share what I believe will rock most, though I have kind of already shared some of this in many of the messages on my page & in this message. MOST have been led to believe things that only serve to keep us in CONSTANT STRIFE!!! A lot of the stuff in the New Testament, was about building THE CHURCH in many locations & a lot of the struggles Paul & others faced, were bcuz the jews were trying to force the gentiles to follow the old law, which was even more of a struggle, bcuz they were all new to their faith, meaning they were WEAK IN THEIR FAITH, or as Paul says, they were still carnal or like babes... Anyway, this is why Paul speaks some about wounding the weak conscience of others; like in some verses where Paul speaks about how some believed they couldn't eat meats offered to idols, bcuz they were weak in their faith & were still trying to follow the old law, which prohibited them from eating such meats... SO, Paul had to find a middle ground between jews who were new in their faith & were weak in their faith bcuz they sought to keep following the old law & gentiles who were new to their faith; therefore, they were babes who were being fed with milk & it didn't help when the jews kept trying to force them to keep the old law, which was keeping them from maturing in their faith & was leading them away from THE GOSPEL OF LOVE, PEACE & TRUTH!!! You can read Acts 15:19-22 where Paul tells the gentiles to abstain from several things & you can read Acts 21:21+25, where the jews are accusing Paul of telling other jews who are among the gentiles, to forsake the law of moses... You can go read Acts 15:5-11, where Peter is telling those of the circumcision (jews), WHY TEMPT YE GOD, to put a yoke around the necks of the new disciples by trying to make them keep the law of moses, which neither their fathers or they themselves, were able to bear... I believe that the more we stray from LOVExTWO, the more we'll create a living hell on earth, the more we'll suffer the consequences brought on by OUR DISOBEDIENCE, to the two simple laws Jesus left us with!!! Where there's LOVE, there's LIGHT & where there's LIGHT, there will be no place for EVIL, HATE & STRIFE to prosper! GET IT??? LOVE is infectious, just as HATE is contagious; CHOOSE to spread LOVE 💜 not HATE! There's a reason the bible says the following in different verses: For all the law is fulfilled in ONE WORD... God is THE WORD... LOVE is the fulfilling of the Law... God is LOVE... THE ROYAL LAW IS LOVE!!! I have more verses on my page, in the many messages I have on there, that go with everything in this message & so much more! https://www.facebook.com/RowdyBuck0768/


1 John 5:4 For whoever has been born of God overcomes the world; and THIS IS THE VICTORY THAT HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD: OUR FAITH.


1 Corinthians 15:54-57 Death Is Swallowed Up In Victory. The Sting Of Death Is Sin and The Power Of Sin Is The Law. THANKS BE TO GOD, WHICH GIVETH US THE VICTORY THROUGH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.


John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, THAT IN ME YE MIGHT HAVE PEACE. IN THE WORLD YE SHALL HAVE TRIBULATION: BUT BE OF GOOD CHEER; I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD... Jesus has already won the war, we just have to keep on keeping the faith & strive to live by LOVExTWO as best as we can, till he returns!


Luke 24:44-48 Jesus said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, THAT #ALL #THINGS #MUST #BE #FULFILLED, WHICH WERE WRITTEN IN THE LAW OF MOSES, and IN THE PROPHETS, and IN THE PSALMS, #CONCERNING #ME. 45 Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures, 46 and said unto them, THUS IT IS WRITTEN, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: 47 and THAT REPENTANCE and REMISSION OF SINS SHOULD BE PREACHED IN HIS NAME AMONG ALL NATIONS, beginning at Jerusalem. 48 and ye are WITNESSES of these things... In the link below, I show some things that go to Jesus fulfilling what was written of him... I've seen a lot of these so-called christians, interpret what is written to justify their calls for hate, racial divisions, violence etc... Like I tell them, they interpret the scripture according to what's in their DARK, HATE FILLED & SADISTIC HEARTS! I will show about the sword meaning, which these RELIGIOUS SUPREMACISTS love to cite, to try to say that Jesus was about violence & I show other things that Jesus did, that go to what was written in the law, the prophets & the psalms & I show the verses that tie it all together... FYI, a lot of the things Jesus did & said & the things that were done to him, which was written concerning him, was so that the jews who were the ones who knew the old law & all that had been written about everything that God said He would do, should have known who JESUS IS, but just like in the Old Testament, the jews continued to be hard headed & hard hearted mules & just like they kept turning their back on God in the OT, they continued to do so in the New Testament... I explain & show verses that go to how the jews should have known, as some verses say, THE DISCIPLES REMEMBERED THAT IT WAS WRITTEN, which was the purpose... https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1MHJ6uiW47/


Zechariah 3:8-9 I will bring forth my servant the Branch and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day... This is just parts of the verses to show that GOD DID, what He said He would do throughout the bible; He blotted out our transgressions in one day... It was done on the day JESUS GAVE HIS LIFE FOR ALL OUR SINS!!! Again, as God says many times, their sins & iniquities will I remember no more & it's bcuz SIN IS DEAD, it no longer has POWER over us, for we've been FORGIVEN for all our past, present & future sins... BELIEVE IT!!! Most get caught up on WILLFUL SINNING, which ties into different verses Paul speaks of, like where he was warning the jews & tells them if they go back to trying to be JUSTIFIED BY THE OLD LAW, THEY FALL OUT OF GRACE (Galatians 5:4) & they sin willfully bcuz their sins are no longer covered by the blood of the lamb, the one who offered one sacrifice for sins forever & there remains no more sacrifice for their sins, for they have turned their back on THE TRUTH!!! Go read Hebrews 10 very carefully, where Paul speaks about sinning willfully & other things I have mentioned...


Psalm 103:12 AS FAR AS #THE #EAST #IS #FROM #THE #WEST, SO FAR HATH HE REMOVED OUR TRANSGRESSIONS FROM US... By this verse alone, He is telling us He has removed all our transgressions, bcuz the east & west never meet, there is no end in any direction, representing immeasurable distances; unlike the north & south, which have the equator where they meet... God has let us know in many ways, that our sins have been removed from us, FOREVER!


Numbers 23:19 GOD IS NOT A MAN, THAT HE SHOULD LIE; neither the son of man, that he should repent: HATH HE SAID, and SHALL HE NOT DO IT? or HATH HE SPOKEN, and SHALL HE NOT MAKE IT GOOD? (We have been FREED so that we may bear fruit for God... As Paul says it in Galatians 5:6, "In Jesus Christ Neither Circumcision (jews) Or Uncircumcision (gentiles) Means Anything, But FAITH WORKING BY LOVE." See below where John The Baptist tells the jews to BRING FORTH FRUITS WORTHY OF REPENTANCE!!!)



Romans 8:3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, CONDEMNED SIN IN THE FLESH... The bible tells us that BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE HOLY GHOST, IS THE ONLY UNFORGIVEN SIN & that all manner of other sin & blasphemy shall be forgiven! In the link below, I explain & show with verses what I believe I've been shown, as to the reason that blasphemy against THE HOLY GHOST, is the only unforgiven sin... In fact, in this link below, I explain a lot of things & I show all verses that go to the many things, that I believe I've been shown, that most have so wrong! I also have a screenshot with the verses about the UNFORGIVEN SIN in another message on my FAITHBOOK PAGE https://www.facebook.com/share/p/54oFP7oEaRzEsxQf/


Romans 6:14 FOR SIN SHALL NOT HAVE DOMINION OVER YOU: for ye are not under the law, but UNDER GRACE... As I mention in some of my FAITHBOOK PAGE messages, I believe the old law was in place to keep the jews temporarily cleansed, so our REDEEMER could come thru a sanctified nation, not a nation full of sin; it was also in place to expose & reveal all our sins, so jews & non jews can see what sin is; to expose & reveal how sinful we all are; to expose & reveal that WE ALL NEED JESUS, FOR NONE OF US ARE CAPABLE OF EVER LIVING FULLY WITHOUT SIN ON OUR OWN; which is why Paul says, the law was our schoolmaster TO BRING US UNTO CHRIST, THAT WE MIGHT BE JUSTIFIED BY FAITH! It's also the reason Paul says in Romans 7:25 "With the mind I myself serve THE LAW OF GOD; BUT WITH THE FLESH THE LAW OF SIN". In Romans 8:2, Paul refers to the old law as "THE LAW OF SIN & DEATH" & says Jesus FREED us from it! As Paul explains in Romans 7:7 "What shall we say then? IS THE LAW SIN? God forbid. Nay, I HAD NOT KNOWN SIN, BUT BY THE LAW: FOR I HAD NOT KNOWN LUST, EXCEPT THE LAW HAD SAID, THOU SHALT NOT COVET"... As I've shown, the old law is referred to as the law of sin & death or just the law of sin; all which goes to what I mention & show... As the bible says, Romans 6:23 FOR THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH, BUT THE GRACIOUS GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE IN CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD... Thus the law of sin & death, means THE LAW OF SIN is what exposes & reveals our sin; exposes & reveals how sinful we all are; exposes & reveals that WE ALL NEED JESUS, for without him, our due for our sins is DEATH!!!



Luke 3:8 & 10-14 BRING FORTH THEREFORE FRUITS WORTHY OF REPENTANCE... 10 and the people asked him, saying, WHAT SHALL WE DO THEN? 11 He answereth and saith unto them, HE THAT HATH TWO COATS, LET HIM IMPART TO HIM THAT HATH NONE; and HE THAT HATH MEAT, LET HIM DO LIKEWISE. 12 Then came also publicans to be baptized, and said unto him, Master, what shall we do? 13 and he said unto them, EXACT NO MORE THAN THAT WHICH IS APPOINTED YOU. 14 and the soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying, and what shall we do? and he said unto them, DO VIOLENCE TO NO MAN, NEITHER ACCUSE ANY FALSELY; and BE CONTENT WITH YOUR WAGES.


GALATIANS 5:22-23 THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT IS LOVE, JOY, PEACE, LONGSUFFERING, GENTLENESS, GOODNESS, FAITH, 23 MEEKNESS, TEMPERANCE: AGAINST SUCH THERE IS NO LAW... This is what Jesus is all about; these are the fruits Jesus lived by EXAMPLE, when he walked this earth! These are the fruits that SHOULD naturally be manifest by our FAITH!!! Being stuck on sin will only keep us in CONSTANT STRIFE, bcuz when one chooses to bash others on their sins, they open themselves up to be bashed on their sins, for again, none of us can ever live fully without sin on our own... Like I say, we could bash each other on each others sins till the cows come home & still yet, without Jesus, we'd all have a ONE WAY TICKET TO DOOMSVILLE!!! The I'm less of sinner than you are mentality, only breeds PRIDE, SELF GLORIFICATION & VANITY, which turns into it being all about ME, ME, ME & MINES, which are all DEAD FRUITS, DEAD WORKS, FRUITLESS! I see many white RELIGIOUS SUPREMACISTS (term I came up with), on the social media site called gab, talking about their supposed superiority, about how they built this country & how all these illegals are coming into this country & using up all the government resources (food, housing, monies, etc...); then they talk about how they need to stop all of this to secure the future for their children; they speak of violence & are full of hate toward these immigrants & any other race which isn't anglo saxon... So, I gathered many scriptures where God says, love the strangers (immigrants) in your land & be good unto them; I also put together many verses about being good toward the poor & how the poor will never cease to exist, which are in some of my messages, on my FAITHBOOK PAGE... Anyway, all this reminds me of the rich man parable Jesus told in Luke 12:13-21, where the rich man was storing up all these goods & said to himself, I have much goods for many years, so I can kick back & eat, drink & be merry; then God says, FOOL, this night thou soul shall be required of thee & whose shall those things be? MOST are all about their creature comforts, pleasures & treasures in this evil world & not about the things of God & treasures in heaven! Like Jesus told the rich young man in Matthew 19:21, "if you would be PERFECT, sell all your possessions & give to the poor & you will have treasure in heaven & come, FOLLOW ME"... Jesus gave it all, so that we could be RICH, not worldly rich but SPIRITUALLY RICH!!! How many of us would give it all, to help the poor & follow all the examples of SELFLESSNESS, that Jesus left us??? NONE!!! GOD CREATED the heavens & the earth; He made provisions for all of us; animals in the land, birds in the air, fish in the sea, every herb bearing seed, every tree with fruit yielding seed! He has GIVEN this to all of us, to live off of & partake in, not so we can hoard all the riches off the land & all the worldly resources for ourselves; becoming grossly greedy & selfish!!! FYI, Jesus could come tomorrow & our future in this evil world would cease to exist! Are we bearing selfless fruits or selfish fruits? WE'RE A BUNCH-O-GREEDY-SELFISH-VAIN-FOOLS!!!


Isaiah 1:11 & 17 To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the Lord: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats. 17 LEARN TO DO WELL; SEEK JUDGEMENT, RELIEVE THE OPPRESSED, JUDGE THE FATHERLESS, PLEAD FOR THE WIDOW... In the JESUS IS ENOUGH message I've written on my FAITHBOOK PAGE, I show some more verses that speak to & show us how THE LAW OF GOD, has always been LOVE GOD & LOVE OTHERS, AS YOURSELF, which are the two laws of Jesus, that are also mentioned in the Old Testament... I show a screenshot with the Old Testament & New Testament LOVExTWO verses on my FAITHBOOK PAGE! Along with the things listed above about what God requires, here are some more from other verses; TO HEARKEN; TO DO JUSTLY; TO SEEK THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD; TO LOVE MERCY; TO OBEY; TO WALK HUMBLY WITH THY GOD! BTW, where it says, TO SEEK JUDGEMENT, it's not the judgment of sins that religious supremacists trip over themselves to HOUND & SIN BASH OTHERS ON! See Ezekiel 16:49-50 that talks about the iniquity of Sodom; "PRIDE, FULNESS OF BREAD, and ABUNDANCE OF IDLENESS was in her and in her daughters, NEITHER DID SHE STRENGTHEN THE HAND OF THE POOR and NEEDY. 50 and they were HAUGHTY, and COMMITTED ABOMINATION before me." The sins of Babylon were ARROGANCE, they were boastful & self trusting; GREED, they accumulated luxury & wealth at the expense of others; IDOLATRY, they worshipped false gods & built false temples; PRIDE; INJUSTICE & OPPRESSION; they achieved their selfish purposes thru violence & whatever other means possible... Do you see the common theme in the things mentioned in this paragraph & in the message right below & in the bring forth fruits worthy of repentance I mention further above??? It all goes to LOVExTWO!


Jeremiah 22:15-17 God Tells The Disobedient King Of Judah That His Father Judged The Cause Of The POOR & NEEDY & Tells Him, WAS NOT THIS TO KNOW ME? Then Tells Him THINE EYES & THINE HEART ARE NOT BUT FOR THY COVETOUSNESS & FOR TO SHED INNOCENT BLOOD & FOR OPPRESSION & FOR VIOLENCE (TO JUDGE THE CAUSE OF THE POOR & NEEDY IS TO KNOW GOD! Whereas covetousness, shedding innocent blood, oppression & violence IS NOT TO KNOW GOD!)


1 John 2:18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, EVEN NOW ARE THERE MANY ANTICHRISTS; whereby we know that it is the last time... Like I say, I believe these so-called christians, aka RELIGIOUS SUPREMACISTS, only confess Christ from their lips out, bcuz everything else they do & say, goes against everything Jesus is all about, which is why I also call them ANTICHRISTS!!! In the JESUS IS ENOUGH message, I also mention where Jesus tells the jew leaders & pharisees, who were HOUNDING him & his disciples, trying to trap them & find them guilty of breaking the old law (like most religious supremacists do nowadays to others), "Go Ye & Learn What That Meaneth, I Will Have Mercy & Not Sacrifice", which I believe goes to the MERCY TRIUMPHS OVER JUDGEMENT verses & other verses I show in that message... Anyway, I also show the full verses for Luke 10:25-37, where a lawyer asks Jesus, what shall I do to inherit eternal life & Jesus tells him, WHAT IS WRITTEN IN THE LAW & the lawyer cites the LOVExTWO verses & Jesus tells him, THOU HAST ANSWERED RIGHT: THIS DO & THOU SHALT LIVE. Then the lawyer asks Jesus, WHO IS MY NEIGHBOUR & Jesus tells him the parable of the samaritan; about a certain man who fell among thieves & was stripped of his raiment (clothing; garments) & left half dead; then he tells him of a priest that saw the man & passed him by on the other side; then he tells him of a levite, who saw the man but passed him by on the other side; then he tells about a samaritan, who saw the man & had COMPASSION on him & took him to an inn & took care of him; then when he left, he gave the host of the inn some money & told him to take care of the man; so he finished by asking the lawyer, now of these three, who do you think was his neighbour & the lawyer responds, HE THAT SHEWED MERCY ON HIM; then Jesus said unto him, GO & DO THOU LIKEWISE!!!


1 John 4:12 No man hath seen God at any time. IF WE LOVE ONE ANOTHER, GOD DWELLETH IN US, and HIS LOVE IS PERFECTED IN US.



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