Crazy Canadian Leftist Tranny Stabs His Two Children, Then Released By Crazier Canadian Legal System

16 hours ago

Posted • February 28, 2025: Crazy Canadian Leftist Tranny Stabs His Two Children, Then Released By The Even Crazier Canadian Legal System — A trans-identifying man in Canada is on the streets again after he was arrested for allegedly stabbing his two young children earlier this month, leaving the eight-year-old on a feeding tube. Alice Micheal Attwood, 35, was charged with aggravated assault after his two children suffered knife wounds on February 19 in Grand Prairie, Alberta. One child, age eight, was taken to the hospital with a severed esophagus and will be on a feeding tube for several months. The other child, age seven, suffered minor knife wounds. Both children are reportedly in stable condition. Attwood identifies as a “transwoman” and “genderfluid,” as well as a “leftist,” and uses “they/she/he” pronouns, according to multiple posts on his social media accounts.

Attwood was initially arrested and released with a court date. However, his family was concerned he was still a safety threat, so they successfully petitioned for a psychiatric hold that allows a doctor to keep someone for 30 days. Attwood was kept in the hospital for several days, but he was released again on Tuesday, earlier than his family hoped.

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