7 Planets Aligned Today Carpe Diem Your Awakening Journey-March Madness Next|Spiritual Warrior

4 hours ago

7 Planets Aligned Today! 7 Chakras 7 Seals Carpe Diem Your Awakening & Alchemical Transformation Journey -We are "Back Online" with the Quantum Field of Co-Creation and Creation!

Big picture update of Deb coming back online in 2025...
Starting in March 2020 I was de-platformed, de-banked and now (2025) di-vorced !!

Now! Upheaval and healing behind me - I / Deborah Ariel Pietsch of Transcend The Matrix and newly launching "Divine Transformation with Deb"- am coming back ONLINE to support humanity's evolution again...

I've been 10-15 years ahead of the curve (see my 2015 & 2022 Counter Protocol of Light SuperBowl Half Time "De-Coding & Transmuting Darkness shows - 2022 "God Wins" was featured on NY Time Square digital billboard-THAT is why I got de-platformed and de-banked in May 2022)... Another reason is BECAUSE of the 99% accuracy of my Telepathic communication (1k+ private sessions), insights, Activations, info about the Great Awakening and personal & planetary infiltration from demonic / satanic dark forces. Through private sessions, courses (new 2025) Experiential Transformational Tools (since 2012) and live events / webinars, I am Activated to create profound ALCHEMICAL TRANSFORMATION for people to heal and uplevel.. as well as clearing entities and teaching spiritual war demon slaying. I'll be releasing NEW (to the public - not for my global clients & students) and old (2012-2015) info and solutions to support you through epic up-leveling and transformation should you choose...

YOU- Say "YES I AM That I Am" ... IF you came here to shine your Soul's Light and Super Powers to support humanity's evolution and if YOU ARE NOT DOING and BEING that right now, then let's get to it!

We were never meant to experience this level of darkness as Beings of Light... so if you're challenged by years of lack and inability to gain traction.. then you're not alone and there are outside reasons for this... never to be a victim; only to be empowered by insight, information, wisdom and the kick ass tools that will support you to your heart's desires... and intended SOUL DESTINY...

I can GUIDE you through the maze of what's necessary now, in 2025, as we are FINALLY experiencing the Paradigm Shift of the Great Awakening (that was really supposed to kick in to high gear in 2012)... and if you are steeped in "coping mechanisms" and fears of continuous failure then you'll want ACTIVATE and TRANSMUTE all of that to kick ass and move forward... the ACCELERATION is incredible real and powerful so let's do this!
Deborah Ariel Pietsch !!!

Get on the List so, in case I get de-platformed again (I don't forsee this though) .. you won't miss a beat!


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