Flyover Conservatives - ROBIN D BULLOCK-Prophetic Warning-2030 Is Up for Grabs-If We Don’t Act Now Disaster Awaits-Captions

6 days ago

David and Stacey Whited, hosts of the Flyover Conservative Podcast, engage in a detailed discussion about current events viewed through conservative Christian values. They introduce Chuck Norris as a new sponsor, praising his vitality at over 80 years old attributed to a specific nutrition regimen. The main segment features Prophet Robin Bullock, who shares insights on prophetic wisdom, spiritual warfare, and the importance of the church in influencing culture and politics. Bullock emphasizes the need for the church to return to its foundational revelations and to act as a powerful entity against ignorance. He also announces a significant upcoming event at the Grand Ole Opry on July 3, 2025, symbolizing the church's renewed journey and redemption of past failures. The discussion concludes with Bullock praying for listeners, encouraging them to embrace their roles in restoring conservative Christian values and dismantling spiritual strongholds.

Flyover Conservatives - ROBIN D BULLOCK-Prophetic Warning-2030 Is Up for Grabs-If We Don’t Act Now Disaster Awaits-Captions

✝️ Another Awesome Message from FlyOver Country! ‼️WAKE UP•SPEAK UP•SHOW UP‼️ The original video was posted on 02-27-2025 and may be watched here: 👉

Understanding Our Time: Conservative Christian Perspectives with Prophet Robin D. Bullock

Join David and Stacey Whited on the Flyover Conservative Podcast as they delve into current events and culture through conservative Christian values. This episode features a profound discussion with Prophet Robin D. Bullock. From the importance of individual contributions to save the country to collaborating with renowned patriot Chuck Norris, the episode underscores the intersection of faith, politics, and prophetic insights. Bullock sheds light on historical spiritual battles, modern-day ignorance, and the role of the church today. Don't miss their compelling conversation leading up to the highly anticipated Grand Ole Opry event on July 3rd!

00:00 Introduction to Flyover Conservative Podcast
01:41 Chuck Norris: A New Sponsor and His Health Secrets
03:54 Introducing Prophet Robin D. Bullock
04:16 Prophetic Insights and the Role of the Church
06:04 The Importance of Prophetic Words
06:58 Turning the Page: Prophetic Words for the Future
08:26 The Church's Role in Preventing Ignorance
09:49 The Spiritual War and the Role of Prophets
15:17 The War for 2024 and the Church's Ignorance
33:23 The Significance of DNA and the Jewish People
42:22 The Spiritual Battle and World Domination
01:05:30 The Role of the Church in Recognizing the Supernatural
01:12:27 Investing in Silver: Tips and Advice
01:13:26 Exclusive My Pillow Offers
01:14:26 Spiritual Insights and Prophetic Moments
01:20:26 The Church's Role in Modern Times
01:23:06 Reclaiming Destiny: A Call to Action
01:38:13 Upcoming Event: Grand Ole Opry Gathering
01:51:23 Flyover Meat: The Best Hamburger for Your Chili
01:54:11 Chuck Norris: A New Sponsor Announcement
01:56:09 Closing Remarks and Encouragement

Video Information:

Tonight at 8:30 pm CST, on the Flyover Conservatives show we are tackling the most important things going on RIGHT NOW from a Conservative Christian perspective!
Robin Bullock
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Video Transcript:

Welcome to Flyover Conservative Podcast with David and Stacey Whited where we break down current events and examine culture through the lens of conservative Christian values yay welcome we are so excited to be with you today if you're new to Flyover Conservatives our slogan is wake up speak up and show up we all wanted President Trump to do 80 million things to save our country and what we've learned of these last few years what we really need is 80 million of us doing one thing every single day to save our own country you know and somebody who you may not even recognize as being a a big patriot but lives first with faith freedom in this country and and family and and family and he's actually a new sponsor of the Flyer Conservative Podcast and mister Chuck Norris yay that is so exciting we are so excited you know one of my personal goals is observing people is I I want to live long and die fast you know nobody has any control over when they die but kind of the American system has gotten where they can kind of people kind of live short that kind of stop doing a lot of things early in and then modern science can kind of keep em limping along you know for a long time somebody who seems to have got defied those odds it was performed at a high level and I didn't I didn't actually know this he's actually in his low 80s is Chuck Norris and the things that he can do at his age are unbelievable but he attributes it to his nutrition to one actually one specific regimen that he implemented that is exactly right in fact he still works out he plays with his grandkids I don't know if you all have his wife but she looks absolutely amazing. She's done that one thing in her life as well. She said, she feels 10 years younger. It's absolutely amazing. We're honored truly to be able to partner with Chuck Norris. Best with your vitality, with your energy, with your digestion, the the the biomes and your gut. A lot of different factors go towards what you see on the outside. The outside fruit is actually the evidence of what's happening on the inside and being able to play with the grand kids and do the things he's doing and it's all captured in a video that's down below. You want to watch it if nothing you're going to get some insights on how you can be performing at at a high level and look at this picture there. Our kids group watching Texas Ranger. They did. With with with my mom as one of our favorite shows, you know, Chuck Norris and the Texas Ranger Show. What's interesting is he's still doing the same things that he was doing when that show first came out when our kids were young but there's a reason why and you want to watch this video. That's for sure. So, if you're thinking how do I find this video? It's very simple. You just go to Chuck Defense. com forward slash Fly. Again, Chuck Defense dot com forward slash fly watch the video you are going to be really excited about what you learned it is I I've watched it a few times and I've learned a lot so Flyover inspiring it is going to do some push ups that's exactly right so Flyover Family go to Chuck Defense. com forward slash fly FLY Flyover Family we are so excited today's guest is somebody that we have followed since December of 2020 listening to everything that he is talking about applying them in our life so much so that we have flown several times to where he is try to participate in the things that he was doing because there is so much wisdom and it's not just earthly wisdom it's truly a heavenly wisdom that he carries and you know obviously here in the Flyover Conservatives we examine culture through the lens of conservative Christian values and we talk a lot about what's going on the medical field what's going on in education, what's going on in politics and media but those are important but what's way more important is what is God saying about everything that's going on in our world and today's guest is someone that has brought so much clarity during this time and we are truly honored to have him on the show. Welcome to the show, Prophet Robin D Bullet. How are you? Good. Good morning. Good morning. It's good to be with y'all. It's always good to be with y'all. I mean, really I'm I'm glad we get to do this together today. We are as well. Thank you. We've we've had some really good conversations over the last you know, few years and so much of what we're experiencing, what we're seeing now is is what God's already been saying to you throughout this whole process and I don't know. It's kind of it's kind of encouraging. There's been a lot of times where I I feel like the the the movie of mice and men you know where he's kind of like you know hey George tell me about the rabbits. Tell me the rabbits. Are we going to are we going to be okay? Are we going to be okay? And you've steady the ship for us a lot these last few years. Well you know you can only do and say whatever the Lord gives you to do and say. Men don't have enough sense to know that. If God don't give you something and he's not talking you're really talking in ignorance personified to make it look like intelligence and but when God gets involved then the wisdom of heaven comes on the scene and what prophets do is prophets will they're officers of the court of heaven and they'll bring a word from the lord and it's usually an uphill word it's an uphill a fight if you will because they're talking about the end from the time it starts and everybody wants to top to already be on the bottom and what a prophet does is sees the top and starts from here where everything's happening and moves toward that and so those words are what steady the ship yes and I mean this is you're on I mean that's that's it and it was prophets raised up all around the world to begin to speak and especially in this nation and if it hadn't been for that I don't know what would have happened well I think I do You know. You you're you're exactly right. You know and I think it was March of twenty twenty-one. I believe that was the time period. It may have been February. I started something called the Prophetic Report where just going through because David and I and the flyover team here really needed to hear because we were hearing so much of what was going on in natural. It was more important you know about what was God saying that was going on and so we started doing the prophetic report on a weekly basis. Initially it was just I was reporting to the team. You know these this is what I'm hearing from the prophets and they're like you need to share that with the flyover family. Yeah. They need to be hearing this as well and and you are are exactly right in that these words this is what people have been praying into declaring and decreeing and agreeing with what God is saying which has given us authority here on earth to move this forward to what we saw in November and you know obviously where we are right now. Yes. You know the lord begin to talk to me in 21 about turning the page. He said, I'm simply. Now, this is the way he said it too and to God these things are simple. He's looking at something that now we're talking about God and when we're talking about God, the Bible says that he is your life and the length of your days. I mean, everything about your living and how long you live, everything comes from him. So, he's already seeing the end from the beginning and he said in twenty-one, when all of this went south, he said, I'm just simply going to turn the page and then he started talking he said what are you preparing to do to live on this side of the page as to what you lived on the other side of the page and then I remember another prophetic word in 20 I think it was 21 he said and and I'll never forget the the way he said it it was almost volatile he said I'm going to fix this mess now that should have told us something. What happened in 2020 was beyond man's ability to fix. He said I'm going to fix this mess and I'll never forget doing my finger like that and he said and don't you dare ever let it get in this shape again. Whoo. Now that was that was obvious back then that he was talking to the church. Yep. You let it get in this shape and I'm going to have to fix it and I will but don't you dare ever let it get in this shape again. And so We've got to talk more now that the war is over. We've got to talk more about this side of the page than we ever talked about the other side. It seems like it's going to have to be twice as much involved because if the church see the church is the most powerful entity on the face of the earth. Jesus said, you're the salt of the earth. So, but if the salt has lost his savior, how can it be salted? How can it be preserved? He said, it's good for nothing or it's not a that was a prophecy within itself and he said it's good for nothing non essential just throw it out here on the dung heap it's not even good for that he said he said it's not even good for the dung heap so we're looking at this side of the page and I tell you something too about this side of the page I was talking to the lord about all this this morning or rather he was talking to me and he he begin to say these things see ignorance is the door to death. And ignorance if you have the most powerful entity on the planet and then the less most powerful entity on the planet the less of the powers then if the less can get ignorance in the top power then it can take it can come above the power in other words ignorance begins to rule as the ruling dominant power the only way it can do it to bring the low power up over the top power is to get ignorance in the top power and when the most powerful entity starts thinking ignorantly then it allows the lower levels to come above it and that's what happened that's exactly what happened and if we don't do something on this side of the page it's absolutely going to go right back to 2020 it'll go back there and the church don't want to hear that because they want to relax now stick their feet in the in the pool and just kick around in the water and say well Trump's got it Trump's got it we don't draw our strength from Trump right Trump draws his strength from the church and if the church if the church keeps pulling on him and don't become a pool of the power of God that he can pull from then you going to suck that man drive power and I'm telling you the reason he's idling along right now is because the church woke up But if it goes back to its ignorant state ignorance is the door to death and if you can get ignorance and the most powerful entity on the earth then the lower power will take preeminence over it. And that's what that's the enemy's entire plan every time. So if that makes sense that's where I think we are. It makes total sense. In fact you know something that we've said now for years is everybody set back hoping Donald Trump Trump would do 80 million things to save our country and what we've learned over these last few years what we really need is 80 million of us doing one thing every single day to save our own country and that was a concern as we see it moving forward as Donald Trump you know he's doing his his the things that he's doing but that like you said that people don't sit back and think oh he's got it taken care of because it will go right back to where it was that's why this whole slogan that God gave us we thought at first it was a slogan then we found out it was a mandate wake up speak up and show up and the reason that we are where we are today as a country was because Christians, conservative Christians didn't say anything. They just allowed him to take over our school systems and our churches and government and media. We just said we just said oh we'll just let somebody else take care of that and we didn't speak up. Well so so much so when you talk about the lower level at the higher when you have like let's just say this personified with a moment of a Supreme Court Justice saying I there's no way I could tell you what define a woman or a man because I'm not a biologist. Mm hmm. You know Is that is that kind of the the kind of language you're talking about? Is it ignorance? Of of ignorance? You know, ignorance has to be systematically put in. Ignorance don't just show up one day and all of a sudden you're ignorant. You know, ignorance has to be especially in a nation like this. That was founded on the Bible, founded on Judeo Christian principles, everything. Ignorance has to chip away at it. That started in oh 8. It was in Obama's day that it began. Ignorance began to be injected into this nation to the point and you think about a a nation so blessed that we can find they're finding trillions of dollars that was hidden in slush pools all these years funding corruption and nobody really noticed it you have to be one massively blessed nation to have that much money hidden and nobody it. See that that's the way Jesus ministry was. It was so wealthy. His ministry was so wealthy. It was so rich that Judas could steal out of the bag and nobody nobody knew he was doing it. Nobody was missing it. That's the way this nation is. It's so blessed by God that that they were able to fund their agenda and I'd like to I tell you I really would like to talk about that on this side of the page because this side of the page the lord told me this he said you have to go on a dismantling tour now and so I begin a dismantling tour on this side of the page we have to dismantle ignorance we have to dismantle illusion delusion we have to dismantle strongholds in believers strongholds in deceivers we've got to start dismantling things if we do do it. The path that led to 2020 will lead you back to that path. Get this. In 2030. It won't be twenty twenty-eight. It's 2030. The Lord said this to me. And this was back in 22 he begin to talk to me about this. He said and in twentythree twenty-two and twenty-three I was just standing on the stage at the fortress and doing an eleventh hour and the Lord said I want to prophesy and I want to prophesy all the way up to 2030 because he said 20twenty-four is the year the open door 2025 is the year to be alive 2026 is the year to fix 2027 will be like heaven 28 will be at a new gate 29 he said will be just fine and he said it just like that it'll be just fine but he said 2030 is up for grabs and I knew at that moment that the Church was in danger of losing it and bringing us back to the same place we were at in 2020 and think about it that's a 10 year span and every 10 years, there's a reset in the spirit that takes place of time and so I knew in 2030 we were in danger of losing it again if we keep thinking the way we did on the other side of the page now the church is who I'm talking about the world just thinks what it thinks but the church is who the lord looks at to fix all of this and to keep it right and so I knew if it don't change by 2030 we're going back to where we were in 2020 so on this side of the page then we have to start dismantling the old way of thinking and I want I want you to to to listen to something a moment in the war of twenty-four or the war for twenty-four, that's what I call it. It actually the first shots of it was fired in 2020 but from 2008 up until that time, it was set in place. Money, religion, everything had lined up to make 20 20 come to pass. In the war for twenty-four, the church was so far outstepped with technology that if it had Not been for the lord speaking through the prophetic voice. This world would right now be a whole new place to live in. It was and and then it it was like Germany in the days of Hitler. Germany had developed these jet airplanes and they were already coming out set to come out in in of 1942 and around those times and there was so much confusion. The lord enter in that. There was so much confusion that they were delayed in coming out. If not, it would have been a whole new ball game because those jet fighters and jet bombers, we had nothing to touch that with. Nothing at all. And so he had to intervene and the same way happened in this war. See, this is the war and I refer to it as after the war. I'll say during the war. Well, there was real war going on, a spiritual war and the church had no knowledge of what the war was really about. Mm hmm. The most of the people looked at it as a political war. They looked at it as as a man debating war. They they they would stare at Biden. They would stare at but we kept getting clues. The church should have known when when Biden's whole campaign was battle for the soul. Yep. Of a nation. And and we should have known by what took place in the in the gothard portal opening ceremony. Incern. We should have known in the Olympics. We should have known the church but the church had lost his savior. And the church had no spiritual mind about it. And ignorance had lodged in the most powerful entity on the face of the earth and Satan was using that as a ladder to climb above the church. The Cuz he was he was determined to bring in the antichrist and he was going to open that door and bring him in in twenty-four. That's exactly what he was going to do. It was a time a portal open. It was a time a door open and people and the church just looked and said well and the church enabled ignorance by try and when the prophets came on the scene because technology had outstepped us. You had people Noah Harari talking. You had you had a religious ceremonies blending with technology in the Gothard portal opening. The ceremony of pan. You had a cern using technology and religion to bring in to open another dimension. All of this was happening and the church was ignorant to the fact so God had to go to tomorrow's science the prophecy is tomorrow's science so he went into tomorrow raised up prophets and they started speaking to shatter the ignorance and when they begin to bring the word from the court of heaven to shatter the ignorance the body of Christ what did what did the majority of them do what did the leaders do well most of well not most but a lot of them rose up and said oh no no no you have to run all your prophecies through us when you sign this petition pledging that you'll run your prophecies through us before you release them and when that list came out, all that did was show the personified ignorance of the most powerful entity on the face of the earth and Satan stepped right up on top of the church at that moment and when he did, the prophets had to fight, fight, fight and then a remnant begin to grab hold of that with their prophetic anointings and they started getting behind prophets and we started talking they started filling up churches where prophets were because the the fear of the ages begin to set in the Antichrist was coming David he was coming it wasn't going to be put off he was coming and and they had it set everything was open everything was set to work I want you to listen to this just a minute what you listen to this quote. Says, it is true, we are barbarians. It is an honorable title to us. I am freeing humanity from a false vision called conscience and morality. The Jews have inflicted two wounds on mankind. Circumcision on its body and conscience on its soul. The war for world domination will be fought entirely between us, the Germans and the Jews. All else is facade Adolf Hitler. Hm. In Hitler's mind this is what the war was about nothing else it had nothing to do with with Poland Europe America Great Britain it was all a facade to kill all of the Jews he said because world dominance has to come down to annihilating the Jews same thing Haman said the same thing they always say and so is what the war of 20 to twenty-four was all about. It was all about world domination and bringing in the antichrist and the church knew nothing about this and it was so pitiful because you know I think it was Billy Graham that maybe I've got that wrong with that said the body of Christ, the Christian who don't walk in everything God has provided for them as a monster in the eyes of God. Hmm. That's how much power resides within the body of Christ and they were ignorant to the reason it was all happening. It was all happening for world domination. Did you notice that's why do you notice that the UN never condemns anybody who attacks Israel, right? No. They they they won't they won't even condemn Hamas. They won't condemn the killing of the Bibus family. They won't condemn anything that has to do with Israel and some of the hostages we found out was being held in some of their buildings in Umrah building in an Unra building well they understand world domination just as Hitler did Hitler said the rest of all this political physical war is a facade So, they're willing to kill millions upon millions upon millions of people just to have world domination. And notice all of this is that's going against Israel now is compared to Hitler and Nazis. Well this is where we are on this side of the page and when Obama came out in 2008 and nine and stood on the throne of Satan on mile high stadium in on Invesco Field nobody even realized that he was standing on the throne of Satan and when you you showed that it was the church just smiled and just bumped it over and they forget that in World War one that all happened because when the throne of Satan was excavated and brought from Turkey and so forth and brought over into the Germanic land before Germany was even a nation when the last pieces were there Germany becomes a nation and noticed all the sudden a world war starts breaking out it world dominance and and we begin to fight the powers that was unseen and the church that's why the World War two generations the greatest generation of all they fought on two fronts spiritual and physical and then after World War one you see about the time it the throne of Satan was erected a baby was born in Austria on April the 20th his name was Hitler Adolph Hitler and so he was being raised up at the same moment and then he had his pedestal in Nuremberg designed after the throne of Satan that had been assembled and put in Berlin and so now he's declaring watch this from the stage at Nuremberg designed after the pedestal of Satan he utters the word final solution He knew everything else was a facade. He said, it's about world domination and it comes down between us and the Jews because they're God's chosen people and that's why he did what he did to them. He even diverted trains that would have carried troops to the eastern front. He would have carried troops to the eastern front guys. He diverted those trains to carry more Jews from Hungary to the death to their death. To him it wasn't about war. It was everything was a facade. It was about a spiritual war which tells me he was in contact with Satan himself or he wouldn't have made that quote. He knew that. That ought to tell the world everything they need to know and now you look at why does Hamas not only slaughter Jews. It's not bout it's not about the land it's not about anything like that it's about annihilating the Jews and not only do they they mercilessly slaughter them but then they drag watch dead bodies into snake holes they have what are they wanting dead bodies for this ought to Hitler was trying to create a super race he was trying to he was experimenting on Jews he was doing this he was doing that because he knew something was in their DNA that God had chosen that he had put there. Now, you look at today's world and what's happening and the church still stands oblivious to what's happening for the most part so anyway, that's that's the first stage of knowing something to dismantle something. You have to know something. That is huge. Something that Dave and I have discussed several times is the amount of anti Semitism that is shocking in the United States and even in the Patriot Movement. So, we'll do a show, you know, we obviously always have our flag behind us. We've got the American flag. We have the and we have Israel's flag and people will like comment and I'm I'm like shocked. I'm like what is going on it and it's because from what you're saying this is truly a spiritual battle. Why so much hate? Obviously that's been that way for for for so long because it's God's chosen people but why are we seeing that? I was shocked to see it in the conservative slash conservative patriot movement. Mm hmm. Well, see, what you just what you're talking about kind of kind of answers itself there there Hitler knew something he knew world domination is going to come down between whoever's doing it and the Jews that he knew that he he knew that now who is he talking to why did he go after the Ark of the Covenant why did he you know he he made a that movie that Harrison Ford did was just a spoof off of the real event. Hitler wanted the Ark of the Covenant. Right. He searched for the Holy Grail. He wanted what some people have reported. He was after something called the Spear of Destiny. Supposed to be the spear that pierced Jesus side and he wanted control of the spear that killed God. He wanted he wanted he recognized and he said everything else is a facade. Now, we cannot fathom a mind that would slaughter millions upon millions upon millions destroy everything there is wreak havoc on everything that you know of to just to kill all the Jews and hide it now why would you do that why why are they hated well I'll tell you in in this let's go to Jacob's ladder for a minute okay you know when Jacob you know the the blessing was Jacob's it was given to Jacob before he was born the Bible said Esau have I hated Jacob I've loved and and Rebecca knew that the blessing belonged to Jacob he didn't steal the blessing it was his he did the if they're guilty of anything it was not trusting God to bring it to him without doing everything else but it was his and even even legally in political realms it was his because Esau sold his birthright so he even had a bill of sale in the the political world in politics he owned the blessing the birthright and so he had it legally he had it spiritually he had every every way so the blessing is the Jews it is Jacob's well when Jacob left running from Esau because Esau suddenly woke up and said, wait a minute, if you want to talk about a liar, look at Esau. Esau knew he sold the birthright. He knew he did but he didn't set well with him. Yup. So, he went to take it back but legally, Jacob even had a contract physically from him. He has the birthright and the blessing was given to him by God. So, if you want to look at somebody that really is going against what God has done, it was Esau. Mm hmm. So Jacob runs and he gets down here to this this pillar you know he or or he he makes his I should say what an appeal he says set one up kind of but it was a he laid down that night he he dreamed a dream the scripture says he saw this ladder going up to heaven coming back to the earth he saw angels ascending and descending on this ladder and he said something he said this is none other than the and it said THE LORD was at the top of it now guys it says THE LORD all capitals THE LORD and this is the same ladder that it was talking about when Satan said I've been walking to and fro in the earth and going up and down in it and when he went before the lord so at the top of the ladder was the lord giving harvest for seeds sown and Jacob said there was angels ascending and descending and Jacob said this is the none other than the gateway to heaven he said if this is the way it all works I will give a 10th of everything I have and he says this is a dreadful place well because he had just tricked his brother - [his daddy] into thinking he was his brother and in all this and he said this is a dreadful place which it means when you look it up it it means a fearful reverence it's it's a it's a place that he came to know something and he said I'll give a tenth or tithe of everything I have and he says this so when he wakes up he takes that rock and he pours oil on it and when he anoints it with oil this is the place he you know the place he called it the place of the almond and so anyway you When you see this but I want us to focus on the ladder for a minute. I'll never forget this. When I I was studying this years and years ago about the ladder. This ladder that went from it said it was on the earth and went up to heaven and at the top of the ladder was THE LORD. Okay, and I begin to talk about it and study about it, teach about it. Well, it was revealed to me and we were talking about it with someone and you can see it if you look at it all of a sudden, I saw I'm I'm looking at this I see this DNA strand and a DNA strand looks like nothing nothing else but a spiral staircase, right? Yeah. It's just a spiral staircase. I mean, if you look at a DNA strand and then an ancient picture of Jacob's ladder, somebody painted it as a spiral staircase. Wow. And it's like a DNA strand I mean I see showing pictures there if you've got a DNA strand show that and you'll see it real quick now this is real important in the hatred of the Jews what I'm going to tell you but see we've got to be smarter than Hitler guys the church should be way smarter who should and you know we're not when they try to make the prophet sign petitions promising to let them vet their prophecies before they give it right yes well I'm just going to tell you straight out in good old country terms hell could absolutely freeze over and somebody I skate across it and I still won't run my prophecies through you right I mean God tells me these things so I'm only accountable to him and that's why the Bible said the prophets are the servants of the lord it also says they're his friends now look at that DNA strand tell me if you stood it straight up what it looks like definitely looks like a twisted ladder to go yeah it's a ladder yeah that goes up what he was talking about was his Covenant the blood Covenant he was talking about his Covenant people and Jacob Saw his Covenant went from the earth to heaven and everything was blessed in this Covenant. Now, if it's a DNA strand that he's talking about, then what you're looking at is is the blood of God in the Earth. You're looking at God's DNA in the Earth and if you need more proof of that, Jesus came through the Jewish race. Right. Yup. That's that's why and no wonder Jesus said salvation is of the Jews it must come through that DNA it has to come through that that's why Hitler would decapitate Jews in captivity take their blood do experiments on them all this kind of stuff he experiments with twins and all this kind of thing now it starts to make sense maybe he talking to the devil the way he we know he did that the devil knows the secrets in that blood it's in that DNA and so here we have this DNA strand well now let me tell you let me go a step further I was looking at a DNA strand 1 day and you know in in the prophetic call that I have I deal with music a lot I will play a sound I'm not so much playing songs and I'm not play for a song. I'm looking for a sound and that's why a lot of it would just be the strangest sounding chords but then all of a sudden, a prophecy will come. Like Elisha said that time. He said, bring me a menstrual and let them play and I'll hear from the lord and give you this prophetic word and that's what he did. Mm hmm. It opens up. Now, why would that be? Okay. Okay, I know people's probably looking right but they'll be looking right now thinking, what? What? Well, you think about this. I was looking at a DNA strand with all this in my mind now and the lord had me straighten it out to where it's not spiraled anymore just straighten it out and and I I looked that up and it was easy to find I found a DNA strand straightened out online and just a picture of it a a little piece of it about that long and they just straightened it out well when they when they did and I saw it the first thing my mind, I said, this looks like this looks like a piano and they even had some of the keys colored different colors red green I said this is a keyboard. I gave it to Gino who plays keyboard with us and I said, slide this up to your piano and play it. I said, slide up there and just play it. He sent me back and I've got the recordings on my phone. Him playing the notes and it was the most beautiful sound Wow. And then when you when you get so your blood is playing music all the time. It has a song in you. And when you go back and look at Abel when the Lord said his blood cries to me from the ground. One one in the same translation of the Hebrew wording one will say something like to this effect. It sings to me. Mm. Ground. In other words your blood is a DN a code with the song of God placed in it. Now, if if I knew I was going to talk about this, I'd have sent you the notes and the song and you could've played it and you could've showed the keyboard. I based it off of. It was similar to that. It wasn't that but it was similar to it and but he slid it just right up to his keyboard match the notes and played it well so the song of the lord this is why prophetically I'll play and then hear something because those same notes can be minors majors and it plays a different song depending on what what mood God's in and then he will he wants to talk about the future it'll be one sound if he wants to talk but it's all in your blood connecting to him and watch this because you belong to Jesus Christ you're graft in to the olive tree which is the DNA of Israel which is the DNA strand of God hm so no wonder so anti Semitism is born right out of the bowels of hell to absolutely hate the Jews and now you know what was driving Hitler he said everything else is a facade but world domination comes down he thought it was going to happen in his time it comes down between us the Germans and the Jews and so he knew you must conquer the blood of God or you're never going to conquer the world and so this is why there's never an argument about land they use land but it's a facade remember that everything's a facade the real thing is get rid of the Jews because they're Jews hm not because of anything else I I don't know if this ties into that at all but I mean maybe Colton can pull this up but there was a ceremony that happened with the Queen of England with lights and they lit up this this this display before her with it look like a DNA strand there's this recognition of it. Maybe Colton can find that can find that clip. Elizabeth and they they they show that out there. There seems to be this recognition of it and there's constantly this meddling you know in these research labs and these things of of you know with with mRNA with with with affecting you know. Exactly right. The the blood of humans this this maybe yeah maybe this is looks like the clip and they light this up in front and I've always wondered like why they did that And why they could've made it look like you know. Sure. Anything that they wanted. Why would they draw this focus to to a DNA strand at their ceremony. Well see you can see the thirst Satan has for world domination. You can see his his thirst for it. He thinks in Daniel seven twenty-five he thinks to to change. This is his dominant thought. It it's his it's his psychotic thought he cannot let it go he's obsessed with it that he thinks to change times and laws because in that very verse is talking about the antichrist he thinks to change it and he's after a certain three and a/ 2 years and that'll be the only time he gets and if he could get a hold of the other three and a half he could do something that we probably couldn't get out of and See, when you see in two thousand 8, you know, I used to have a picture posted where I had Obama stage in a superimposed over the throne of Satan and you could clearly see it was the same thing and this is why words were used like there's a righteous wind blowing at our back in his day. This is why you start seeing things like, yeah, see, there you go. That looks like a DNA strain. It does. Mm hmm. So, you can see what you're looking at is thirst for world domination. Not so much by lot of political leaders that may not even know why they're doing it but Satan knows and he's always in search of another Hitler. He's always looking for someone but rest your mind on something. It is not ever going to happen without a religious leader. They have to be in the occult. Why? Think about this for a minute. When Germany occupied Rome when the Nazis occupied Rome, why didn't they destroy the Vatican? Why why didn't they destroy the sinner of religion? What the world considered the sinner? They obviously, as I saw one movie bring out a long time ago and see, look at the stage it's on. Mm hmm. That was in, look at it, it's exactly, almost exactly alike. And he walked out there and the flags were set low and they were kind of along the lines and you Satan raised himself up above the stars of God and so you're you're looking at there's always a religious tie. There has to be a religious tie. I remember watching I was telling you about a movie. It was an old movie called The Scarlet in the Black and if you ever get to see that, it's an older movie Gregory Peck I think played the priest O'Flarity which was based all based on a true story all of it and it was when they occupied Rome and they the reason they gave why they didn't destroy the Vatican. They wanted to use it as a political pawn. They needed it for a political reason and so you have to ask yourself if that's not the reason why did he why didn't he destroy it? He had it but he wouldn't touch it and then he ended up losing it. Remember, this the when the Antichrist comes, he is a political leader, watch now. You ready for this? Who demands worship? Hmm. Why would a political leader guys demand worship? And if you don't worship him, then you're beheaded. If he can catch you, you're beheaded. So, why? Why did we see all of that happen and why was there DNA samples? It became the greatest fad anybody wanted to do. Oh, send us your DNA sample. So, people spit in the cup, send it in. They didn't even think about it. They just. Right. Swab their mouths, spit in the cup, or send it in. Oh yeah, tell me all about my DNA. Not realizing that DNA was being collected for about ten, 15 years. Mm hmm. And then when DNA was collected suddenly around the time of the 2016 Gothard portal ceremony when Pan was brought out from the underworld to start a pandemic suddenly this sickness comes on the scene that attacks certain DNA and they know exactly what it's going to do to who? And it created a fear and its kill ratio was so small that the flu was probably killing as many. Right. But then the then propaganda set in. Misuse of ventilators set in. All the stuff set in and that happened and you're looking at that pictures around let's say June, July, Maybe July of 16 something like that. There was four religious priest leaders from different places blessed that event and they recreated the ceremony of Pan in Caesarea, Philippi even down to assimilating some kind of orgy the way Pan did and the goat man came out. They dropped a sheer cloths on people and people started dying. They just started simulating dying and then these three big-headed men comes out and bows and I mean and then but two months after that, and that's them trying to break him out of hell right there and so his about 2 months after that, I'm I'm standing on stage and the lord gives me a prophetic word in sixteen said, there's a sickness coming to the earth and it'll make the the earth to tremble and it's a harvest for the children of the wicked one. That was in 16 and what was I picking up on and didn't realize it It was that. They had opened that portal and the lord told me what they were bringing in and I was reading his word when he spoke to me about it and found it in Revelation nine and I think it was Revelation nine. Revelation nine is when they're trying to open the bottomless pit and so you start looking at all of this and the body of Christ for the most part is ignorant concerning and I don't mean that as a detriment I just mean it is detrimental because of it it allows the lower called power to get a preeminence over the most powerful entity in the earth and when God started speaking through prophets the church did what it always did shut up do not your prophecies unless you let us decide if they're fit to give they have no idea what they're fighting no idea so on this side of the page we must start dismantling ignorance ignorance of everything if you dismantle ignorance of spiritual matters when it's something that the allies in the in World War two and the axis of evil which was Hitler and all of that wouldn't it something that Hitler is the only one we have record of saying it was a spiritual war and everything else was a facade Because you think they are all ignorant? They didn't actually know. Do you think it was just Hitler that knew and everybody else thought it was more natural than spiritual? I believe so. I believe that most. Now, not everybody. I'm sure they were prophets that knew and you noticed it was during that time around that time big healing revival started breaking out and spirituality started you know, big powerful men and women of God but he's the only one you and fun making a statement like I read you don't really see a lot of statements about that and he said himself it's just a facade all this war in other words we blow up half the world it's just a facade world domination comes down between us and the Jews said because the Jews brought two things to the to the human race that was not good for it circumcision for the body and a conscience for soul. Now, think about that. The circumcision for the body circumcision for the body has to do with the Covenant that has to do with the Abrahamic Covenant so they brought that for the body and then he says this and he said, for a false well we'll read it is true we are barbarians he said it is a it is an honorable title to us I'm freeing humanity from a false vision called conscience and morality the Jews have inflicted two wounds on mankind circumcision on its body and conscience on its soul the world for the the war for world domination will be fought entirely between us the Germans and the Jews all else's facade now I got that from a report on a Prophetic report and I'd never seen that quote and if if that's the quote that man made, it ought to tell the world everything they need to know why he did what he did. Mm hmm. And it also should tell you the power behind him because to make people respond the way they did. Mm hmm. Because if you really look at Hitler, he's not anything to follow. No. Right. I mean, he's not even, you know, it ain't like you're looking at some Carey Grant or something somewhere. It's not like you're looking at, I mean, he's nothing to follow. Nope. He has no charisma to follow. He has a power behind him and notice a lot of his the SS wore black uniforms in the regular German army just had to follow these things are spiritual and where that's what we fought from 2008 and the first shots was fired at DNA in 2020 and by twenty-four if the lord hadn't been intervened and Kamala Harris had to become president it would be a new world right now the Antichrist would already have come he would have already started making his way in before the time and it would have been a whole new war so you know we're we're looking at all of this and and this was this was a quote from Hitler now you think about that did we hear anybody else during World War two making statements like that why didn't somebody come out and say we recognize this is an occultic war and and what all of this others a blind screen to cover up what he's really doing behind the scenes so we need to call on the church to flex its muscle and start coming against all of this according to what we read and what we hear, you know, Bonhof talked about where the church was actually singing louder. So, as the Jews were being taken out on these trains, they would just kept doing their worship songs louder. Well, there's deception globally. I mean, Hitler was timelife's man of the year. You know, right until he wasn't. Mm hmm. You know, he was celebrated by American Press by by global and and he he didn't pull any punches on his agenda even from the early stages. Well, and see this is what we started facing in 2020 you know when it came up to 2020 the stage was set from the stage of the throne of Satan everything had been set everything was set DNA started being collected everything started happening you had you had all these slush holes of money that people had started building up a war chest to fight this thing with and people Then you had people like Pelosi would give would give clues all the time. We're very reptilian. We're very cold blooded and and all of this. You would start to see things. It was always anti Semitic. When Obama was president, you could see such anti Semitism. You don't you remember how it was how he did that. He threw Israel under the bus just like you snapped your finger that quick. We started to see signs of of the Gothard portal opening. We start to see signs of cern being exposed. We saw and and we start all these signs and then we see in 2010 Obama appearing as Shiva on the cover of News Week but he had six arms which is the number of man and he had every essential thing known to man in each one of his hands and they called him the God of all things question mark or goat G O A T and then they open the doors for the goat man in 16 this was a Cultic regimes Why did the WEF have a witch come out and cough on everybody's head it's when Jesus rose from the dead he breathes on his people on his disciples and what he was doing was breathing his consciousness of what he had overcame and conquered into their thinking that's what it breathing on somebody is about and this shaman witch comes out and breathes the devil's consciousness on the WEF with either a full-blown Satanist or a black witch and I mean that by the color of their robe standing beside her you can see it why would we ignore such signs as that how did the church miss this it's because it's the same mindset that said the very same mindset that said prophets run your prophecies through us it's the same onset. So, the church missed. Everything else is a facade. Now, you've got an image of what happened in Ukraine. It's coming out every day. It's a facade. It was a facade. There was a reality show but the but the reality of their show was the slaughter of millions of innocent people. It's not that people wasn't really dying. It's why they were dying. Why what cause this war? Why would you why would you do this? And it was all to create a false balance and they had to overcome three people in the earth to bring the Antichrist in. See up until that time Satan had always raised up a man an army around the man and then start marching his army through the earth he that's the way he did it he realized there's always resistance this is the first time he ever was raising up the government uniting them and then raised the man up they were already sold on the on what was going on So Ukraine you started uniting the world. Did you notice that? Yeah. They did. Oh it did. No matter where you if you didn't know what Ukraine was. They were flying Ukrainian flags. Oh yeah had on their cars. They couldn't find it in the map but isn't there there social media profiles but even our own you know Congress. Yeah. You know wearing the handkerchiefs and holding the flag up. You know there is more allegiance to that cause than anything else happening. Yeah and and what happened it you remember or on Putin said told the Ukrainian people said why don't you rise up and don't let these Nazis take hold of you and and the Nazis then you see a lot of the Ukraine stuff in the military were Nazi emblems he knew what was going on and people you know I say I seen this trash people would come on the air and say Uh well you know Ukraine they said they'd come on and try to defend this thing and they said Russia's not as I heard the left news people start spitting this trash out. They started saying well Putin is obviously not as powerful as he we thought he was because what should have been a week or two war it's he's now three years into it and you want to stop asked something has it ever done on anybody that he didn't go in on purpose and just annihilate the nation because you're talking about somebody who's got enough nuclear power to do anything he wants and and they say well it it's his old equipment it never done on anybody maybe he only used his old equipment maybe he only used outdated equipment and did anybody ever think that just the Ukrainian youth could withstand a a Russian army with no training? Something far more was going on than anybody realized. And it still was going on. Mhm. And when Trump came into office did it not Donald everybody when Biden said with Barisma and all of that he said I I woulda gave we were going to give a billion dollars but I told him fire this CEO or you don't get the billion dollars. And he said so just like that they just fired the SB. Yep. And he on the air saying it on video. With total arrogance. Well, they thought they had it. Mm hmm. There's powers beyond powers and this, why would Noah Harari talk about what he talked about? He always attacked, watch now, the Hebrew Bible. Yeah. Yup. It was all, it was always the Hebrew. He'd say it, the God of the Hebrew Bible. Because it was an attack against the Jews and somebody said, well, he is Jewish. Alright. Okay? It was still an attack against the Hebrew God. So here you have it you have Klaus Swab you know like something off a movie talking about all this stuff and then suddenly when Ukraine was uniting the world and was a new balance and the poor people of Ukraine was paying the price for a wag the dog war yeah and so here you have this then suddenly Hamas comes across the line everything else is just a smoke screen here they come here they come across the line slaughtering Jews dragging dead bodies into holes holding dead bodies for ransom what kind of sickos is that and so you see all this going on there has to be a higher intelligence than these wicked men that is controlling an agenda that most of the people are only following out of greed just greed but we already saw in World War two from this quote from Hitler and he made this quote that ought to tell you what all of World War two was about and he You're not willing to look beyond the political at what's really happening in the world and Satan's agenda, we're going right back where we were. The church has got to recognize the supernatural. The power that lies within it. The power within the church makes Satan tremble. Whoo. That is so good. But before I ask my next question, you are frozen on our side so. Yeah, I've been frozen on this side for a while. So, I'm getting ready to ask the next question but I don't know. Oh, now now you're back. Hey. Great. Okay. You're now been you defrosted. Yeah, because I I seen that Han Solo thing for a while. It was it stopped at a cool place though. It was pretty cool. Honey was funny it was great. I'm loving all the movie references today too. This is great. Yeah. Yeah. Well you know but if you remember the movies I quote from years and years ago. They're great ones. They are. But they were prophecies. Yeah. You have to remember everything that's phenomenal is prophetic. Mm. If it's phenomenal in the it's prophetic. Whoo. It's telling you of something above it somewhere. That is so good. Yeah. So anyway, to to finish that one thought before you ask the next question. It was all of this happened and and on this side of the page is what we've been talking about. First Chronicles chapter twelve verse thirty-two is something that people need to understand. Says and the children of Issachar which were men that had understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do. Mmm. Not what they would do but what they ought to do. To do. Okay. It said the heads of them were 200 all their brethren were at their commandment so it was what they ought to do so Israel there's times in the earth you know Ecclesiastes talks about there's a time and a season for every purpose under the heaven or and so forth and it goes down through there and it says a time to be born time to die time this time that and it goes all through these times well it's not talking about set times it's talk about seasons of times of what has been will be again. God requires that which is past Ecclesiastes one nine, Ecclesiastes 315 and then you see all of these times it's listed and that was something the old prophets understood was the times like we were in the time of two kings you know and yet we were and we were big part of that together talking about that. Yup. Well, by that time then I could tell America what they ought to do you couldn't tell them what they would do but what they should do and so and because you're operating in the time of two kings see and so we entered the time of Esther and if you watch church international Sunday and the eleventh hour the Tuesday before that will make a lot of sense to you but you have to recognize the times and that's what prophets are supposed to do they should be able to recognize times and men of understanding well it's not talking about understanding the political things you have to be able to see the political and the spiritual and the times in the scripture so you know what time you've moved into hm so you know what you ought to do and if you don't do what you ought to do you're going to go right back and repeat the time that already happened huge and that's the way it works and so we have to you know we have to on this side of the page we have to do that yeah here here's I had wrote this down this morning when the lord was talking to me ignorance allows a lesser power to dominate a greater. Ignorance allows a lesser power to dominate a greater. And the ignorance of educated people. The ignorance of educated people becomes glaring in the light of spiritual perception. Yup. And we have to this is things we have to begin on on this side of the page and it's a we have to begin with a quote from Hitler. Because he was he was ahead of the church. This is a crazy time to be alive. Well just in our lifetime. Used to be where you'd hear your grandparents talked about how cheap gas was and stuff and it was 75 years before 50 years you know before. And so we've seen a lot of changes since Biden took office. $700 more a month. Then what you needed in January of 21 when he took office. You might hear these kind of things and think oh that's overwhelming. I can't control the government. I can't control they're doing. I can't control the spending but we can take care of ourselves. 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Okay so you know you're talking about this side of the page and the question I have is I've been listening is what does that look like for the body of Christ like how do we walk that out and what do we need to be aware of? Something I heard you say on the 11th hour on Tuesday you were talking about that we've been given a window of time because you were you were talking about these you know to 2030 all of that that God can recreate moments for us in we failed, he could give us another chance. Do you feel like because in the Frank report, I I felt like there were several prophets kind of like letting us know that maybe Satan he&a

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