I now hate unfaithful localizations

23 hours ago

The horrible voice acting was entertaining for the first few years, but now that I know the ACTUAL lines and ACCURATE translations made by ACTUAL FANS, I have ZERO FAITH in English localizations for videogames made in the East.

Oh yeah, I used Retro Arch to play this, the ORIGINAL Japanese version (with a fan translated patch) of Symphony of the night that was ROBBED from the rest of the world and needs to be made available in the official market.

Konami is STUPID for sleeping on this GOLD MINE. They even screwed up BIG TIME when they decided to make the series into a friggin PACHINKO GAME.

2025, I think this game can STILL SELL in today's gaming climate.

That is, IF they made a FAITHFUL port to current gaming platforms.



Should I make a series of recording of me playing this game? Again?
I just beat this game, again, (1st time was back in 1997) 2 days ago after feeling nostalgic for the good old days.

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