Perspective & Motivation on NY - MA 1787 Deputies

6 hours ago

Harvey Fitzgerald, SD gives a little perspective on the State Credentials of Deputies attending the Federal Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia that created the Constitution.
Great research to rebuke all of this drivel about the Founders acting beyond their authority to give us a "whole new government" from the Opposers- Far Left & Far Right are promoting a lie.!
Harvey explains how the motivations here go back to 1783 concerning trade and tariff issues under the Confederation Congress. that government just did not, could not, and would not work for our young country at that time in history. It neede to be replaced.
In addition to Harvey's work here, I might add that after Massachusetts deputies concluded and signed the new Constitution, they were called into a hearing for "acting beyond their authority". The very body that wrote the deputies' credentials, reviewed the proceedings participatation, debated just what limits were included in the actual credentials bestowed on their deputies... The Massachusetts Legislature decision...
No penalty invoked, just honors in their active part to bring such a document forward to save the Union.!
I am often reminded how General George Wahington that that time, just before the Federal Convention, and the arguing about what to do about the feckless Confederation Congress. Washington said in a letter to Henry Knox, "That which takes the shortest course to obtain them, will, in my opinion, under present circumstances, be found best. Otherwise, like a house on fire, whilst the most regular mode of extinguishing it is contending for, the building is reduced to ashes. My opinion of the energetic wants of the federal government are well known—publickly & privately, I have declared it; and however constitutionally it may be for Congress to point out the defects of the fœderal System, I am strongly inclined to believe that it would not be found the most efficatious channel for the recommendation, more especially the alterations, to flow—for reasons too obvious to enumerate."
In other words, Washington believed replacing the Confederation Congress is needed. If that was not the intention of the Federal Convention, he found no reason to be involved.
And, Thank You Harvey, for bringing this to our attention.

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