Natural Right vs Imposed "Rights"

4 hours ago

Armed Canadians — A Brief History

JOHN ROBSON reveals that Canadians have just as much a tradition of the right to bear arms as any other country

TO SUGGEST THAT Canadians have a long and glorious tradition of liberty is to invite ridicule. Surely you have mistaken us for someone else, you risk being told. Especially if you add that our long-standing habit of vigilant restraint on excessive government includes a proud right to bear arms, you invite vituperation or perhaps confinement to an institution for the treatment of the mentally unsound. Yet both these statements are sober fact.

The Right To Keep And Bear Arms In Canada

Canadians regularly hear some media pundit or columnist informing them that no right to keep and bear arms exists in Canada, and those who refer to such a right have been watching too much American television. Similar opinions are often voiced by some politicians - such as Allan Rock, former Justice Minister of Canada, who apparently was not paying attention during his Constitutional Law classes while at university.

Regrettably, it appears to be more a case of an uninformed and ignorant media and select public figures than an accurate observation regarding the right to keep and bear arms in Canada. The right to keep and bear arms is an inherent right that stems from the English Bill of Rights

Self Defence: Canada vs USA

I’ve got a great topic for you today and an interesting topic which many people think of it. We all intuitively know this and what’s the difference between self-defense or protecting another person in the States versus Canada, and this doesn’t necessarily apply to all states, but many states I’ll say especially could use the example of Texas, but many states.

Self-Defence: What’s Acceptable Under Canadian Law?

Many Canadians are unsure of what they can do in terms of self-defence, and what goes against the law. If you retaliate against an attacker, will you be charged with assault, or does it fall within your rights to defend yourself?

In 2012, Canada introduced new legislation called the Citizen’s Arrest and Self-Defence Act. Regarding the new amendments, one Superior Court Justice wrote that claims of self-defence will be more successful under this new act. That being said, not all cases of self-defence will be justified in the eyes of the law. The ruling is dependent upon the specific circumstances of the incident.

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