Tears to Tiara Kakan no Daichi ティアーズ・トゥ・ティアラ PS3 Easy Pick for Faster Grind Part 07 Morning Attack and Miss plus Regular Psp Grind Start

6 hours ago

You can use the leveling grind method I used in my old PSP playlist of this game's PSP port as well as the method shown in the 2nd Story Battle and you should easily get to max Exp Level (99) and Skill Level (50) for the Mages and Arawn as All 3 unlock the 5mp Heal. For Arthur and Morgan, it's best to max those 3 while the 2 lower the enemy number on the map to one. Preferably the one that actively attacks Morgan Rianon or Ogam as those 3 do not Auto Counter which can end the battle too soon 1st (Normal and Hard Difficulty Enemies usually do this going Kamikaze and attack Arawn or Arthur even if they are 10+ levels above it.) Then use the lower hp healing items and the purple leaf (as you can easily get those back from the maps only random battle map) on those 3 (Which is a not advised in the PSP version if you want to get all Story Battles to Rank S)

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