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God’s Music
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Mercy Seat

Since Kim Clement’s "Mercy Seat" from Songs from the Den (2014) is largely an instrumental piece with a prophetic, worshipful atmosphere and minimal, spontaneous vocal phrasing, I’ve crafted a set of lyrics inspired by its essence. Drawing from the song’s soulful piano melodies, its themes of mercy and divine encounter, and Clement’s broader style of Spirit-led expression, here’s an original lyrical tribute that respects his approach.
Amanda Grace’s Prayer February 2025

Almighty God, our Father in Heaven, All praise be to Your name! Your Kingdom Come and YOUR will above all be done on earth as it is in Heaven!
Forgive us of our sins Lord help us to Repent and turn from what is not pleasing to you. We praise you for the sacrifice that was made at Calvary when Christ died for our sins.
Lord we pray for our families for the prodigals for those who have strayed from you, in the name of Jesus Christ we call them back to their Shepherd Our Father in Heaven that they surrender to you Lord. We praise you Lord You are our Shepherd we shall not be in want. We praise you Lord though we may walk through the valley of the shadow of death we will fear no evil for You Lord are with us Your rod and staff they comfort us. You prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies you anoint our head with oil our cup runs over. Lord we thank you for all the blessings You have given us, for another day, that the power that raised Christ from the dead dwells within us! Equip us Lord according to Ephesians chapter 6 we ask you put your whole and complete armor on us this day. Enable us to walk in reverence of you and Lord we ask you bring Holiness back to this nation! In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
Trample the Dark

Here’s a song inspired by Luke 10:19 (AMPC), which says: "Behold! I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the power that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you."
Verse 1
I stand in the dust,
Feet planted on the ground You made,
Authority hums through my bones,
A gift You spoke, a fire untamed.
Serpents coil, scorpions crawl,
But I see them fade,
Your voice louder than their shadow,
Power breaking every chain.
Oh, I walk over the dark,
Strength spilling from Your hands into mine,
Nothing can touch me,
No force can hold me,
All the enemy’s might falls silent before You.
Verse 2
I feel the weight lift,
A steady breath filling my chest,
You gave me more than words,
A mantle, a promise pressed.
The enemy rages, loud and wild,
But I don’t flinch,
Your Spirit moves through me,
A river carving stone to dust.
Oh, I walk over the dark,
Strength spilling from Your hands into mine,
Nothing can touch me,
No force can hold me,
All the enemy’s might falls silent before You.
Behold, You said it,
And I believe it—
Trampling fear, trampling lies,
Every step a victory cry.
Not by my might,
But Yours alone,
I rise, I stand,
Unharmed, unbroken.
Serpents beneath my feet,
Scorpions turned to ash,
Your power flowing, endless, deep,
I’m held in You, I’m free at last.
Love's Enigma

Here's a song inspired by Jeremiah 29:11. It aims to capture the essence of hope and assurance in the biblical promise, set to an uplifting pop rock melody.
Verse 1:
I've been wandering through the echoes of my fears,
Lost in the web of my own doubts.
But there's a light, a silent promise,
A guide to lead me out.
For I know the plans for you,
Plans to lift you from despair.
A future crafted with purpose,
In His embrace, find your air.
Verse 2:
When the walls of life seem endless,
And hope feels like a distant star,
Remember this, you're always known,
There's peace in the love we explore.
For I know the plans for you,
Plans to lift you from despair.
A future crafted with purpose,
In His embrace, find your air.
Hold onto the enigma, this puzzle of the soul,
In every turn, He's there, making you whole.
There's a blueprint, a hope, stories yet to unfold,
Let this be your melody, let this be your gold.
So when the weight of the world feels too much to bear,
Recall His words, they're not just from the past.
There's a plan for you, one of wonder and care,
In His love, we'll forever cast.
Spiritual Warfare

This song delves into the biblical concept from Ephesians 6:12, where the struggle is described not as one against human enemies but against spiritual forces of evil. The lyrics focus on the idea that believers are engaged in a battle that transcends physical confrontations, urging listeners to recognize and prepare for this unseen warfare. The song emphasizes spiritual armor - truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and the Word of God - as tools for this fight. With an intense, possibly rock or alternative music backdrop, it conveys a message of vigilance, strength, and ultimate victory through faith.
Ephesians 6:12
For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.
Verse 1:
We're not fighting the ones that we see,
No, the battle's not in front of you or me.
It's the powers, the forces we can't touch,
In the darkness, in the shadows, that's where they lurk.
Oh, we're in a war, but not of flesh and blood,
Against the rulers of the unseen flood.
We stand firm in the light, against the night,
'Cause this fight's beyond the flesh, beyond our sight.
Verse 2:
In this world, we face resistance every day,
But the real battle's in the spiritual way.
It's the schemes of the wicked, the unseen strife,
We're called to fight with faith, not with a knife.
Oh, we're in a war, but not of flesh and blood,
Against the rulers of the unseen flood.
We stand firm in the light, against the night,
'Cause this fight's beyond the flesh, beyond our sight.
We arm ourselves with truth and righteousness,
With peace, faith, and the Word as our defense.
In the struggle, we're never alone,
For the victory is ours through Christ alone.
Oh, we're in a war, but not of flesh and blood,
Against the rulers of the unseen flood.
We stand firm in the light, against the night,
'Cause this fight's beyond the flesh, beyond our sight.
So let's rise, let's rise above,
With courage, faith, and boundless love.
We're more than conquerors in this unseen fight,
For our struggle transcends the day and night.
Eternal Reign

"Eternal Reign" is a modern anthem inspired by the biblical passages of Daniel 2:21 and 2:44. This song celebrates the timeless authority of God over all aspects of life, from the changing of seasons to the rise and fall of nations. With a contemporary twist, it explores the theme of divine wisdom and the promise of an everlasting kingdom that transcends all earthly powers. The lyrics weave through reflections on God's omnipotence, leading to a powerful chorus that declares His reign eternal, offering a message of hope and stability in an ever-shifting world.
Cry for Salvation

"Cry for Salvation" is a soul-stirring song inspired by Psalm 107:6, 19, 28 from the Classic Amplified Bible, focusing on the power of calling out to God in times of extreme need. The lyrics navigate through the emotional landscape of human suffering, from despair to sickness and chaos, underscoring the transformative moment when divine intervention brings healing, peace, and salvation. This song is a reminder of the unwavering presence of God, who listens and responds to the cries of His people, offering solace and deliverance when all seems lost.
John Chapter 1

John 1:1-14 (NIV)
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 He was with God in the beginning.
3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.
5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
6 There was a man sent from God whose name was John.
7 He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe.
8 He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.
9 The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.
10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him.
11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.
12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—
13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Unstable Ways

Here's a simple song inspired by James 1:8 from the Bible, which reads, "A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways."
Verse 1:
In the morning light, with a heart so full,
Torn between two paths, feeling like a fool.
One way says yes, the other says no,
Where should I go, which way to follow?
Oh, a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways,
Seeking for peace but caught in the maze.
With a heart divided, there's no rest to find,
Unstable ways, leave this soul behind.
Verse 2:
Choices all around, but which one is true?
Faith that's unwavering, or doubt that grew?
In the quiet moments, the truth you'll see,
A single-minded heart is the way to be.
Oh, a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways,
Seeking for peace but caught in the maze.
With a heart divided, there's no rest to find,
Unstable ways, leave this soul behind.
Choose your path, stand firm in the light,
Let your faith shine like the stars at night.
No more wavering, no more strife,
Live your life with purpose, with faith, with life.
Oh, a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways,
Seeking for peace but caught in the maze.
With a heart united, now you'll find,
Stable ways, leave your old self behind.
Stable ways, stable ways,
In faith, in love, in all your days.
Amanda’s Prayer

An audio version of Amanda Grace’s prayer published on January 19th, 2025.
Almighty God we humbly come before you in the name of your precious Son Jesus Christ.
Lord we come before your Courts with thanksgiving and Praise,
saying your Kingdom Come and your will above all else be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Forgive us Lord of our sins cleanse us from all unrighteousness, Lord we fall so short, however your mercies are new every single day.
Lord we Repent and turn from those things that are not pleasing or acceptable to you, we forsake those things that the enemy has used as a stumbling block to prevent us from walking in your will.
Create in us a clean heart oh God and renew a steadfast spirit in us!
Cast us not away from your presence oh Lord take not your Holy Spirit From us.
Restore unto us the joy of your salvation and renew a steadfast spirit in us.
Renew our hearts and spirits in a time of consecration for us for the church and for the nation.
Thank you Lord the accursed things are being removed from our camps from the camps of Washington DC, from the camps of the Church, that we may walk in victory through Christ Jesus!
Help us Lord equip us to seek you above all to follow after you to be willing servants, here I am Lord, use Me for your Kingdom!
Today we press towards the mark of the high calling, help us to hear your voice know your voice and a strangers we will not follow, we come under your wings Lord today and take refuge.
We praise you Lord for you sit on the highest throne! In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.
Spirit Come

This newly reimagined version of Kim Clement's "Spirit Come" has embraced a high-energy modern gospel style, infusing new vitality into its original lyrics. This rendition captures the spiritual essence of inviting the Holy Spirit with an exhilarating mix of contemporary gospel sounds. The song's message of seeking guidance, healing, and peace is now conveyed through vibrant, soul-stirring vocals and a dynamic choir, enhancing the communal worship experience. The lyrics maintain their heartfelt plea for the Spirit to come and fill the place, lead, heal, and bring peace, set against an uplifting gospel backdrop that fosters a sense of revival and joy. This reimagining not only preserves the song's original intent but also expands its appeal, inviting listeners into a spirited celebration of faith.
The Unseen Anchor

"The Unseen Anchor" is a song that draws its profound inspiration from Hebrews 11:1 in the King James Version of the Bible, which states, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." This verse encapsulates the essence of faith as something tangible yet invisible, providing a foundation for hope and belief in the unseen. The song explores the theme of faith as an anchor, not made of steel or rope, but of conviction and trust in what lies beyond our sight. It delves into the human experience of navigating through life's uncertainties, holding onto faith as a steadfast guide that secures us to the promises of the future. Through its lyrics, "The Unseen Anchor" celebrates the quiet strength and assurance that faith brings, echoing the timeless wisdom of Hebrews 11:1, where faith is both the substance and the proof of things hoped for, yet not seen.
Night of Valor

Night of Valor is an electrifying anthem that captures the essence of transformation and resilience. The song tells a story of a world where peace is challenged by encroaching darkness, urging listeners to find strength in adversity. Through its pulsating beats and soaring melodies, it portrays the journey from tranquility to the battlefield, not of physical combat, but of personal growth and inner strength. The narrative weaves through themes of courage, the conversion of peace into power, and the ultimate return to serenity, symbolizing life's cyclical nature of challenges and peace. It's a call to arms for the soul, encouraging one to embrace their inner valor when night falls, and to dance until dawn brings light and peace once more.
Gold From Heavens

Experience the transformative journey of 'Gold From Heavens', a song about liberation from the chains of old, where a new dawn brings a wealth unbound by earthly limits. A tale of hope, change, and a world reimagined through the lens of divine providence.
This song uses imagery of a transformative event where traditional systems of wealth and control are replaced by a more spiritual or divine form of prosperity.
Verse 1:
In the silence of the night, beneath the starless sky,
We've danced to the rhythm of a broken clock,
Counted coins with hollow eyes,
Bound by chains of borrowed time.
But from the east, a light shall rise,
A divine hand to break these lies,
Gold from heavens, not from earth,
A wealth that knows no debt or worth.
Verse 2:
Towers of paper, reaching high,
Cast shadows where the truth can't lie,
But the winds of change are whispering now,
Of a balance that we've yet to know.
But from the east, a light shall rise,
A divine hand to break these lies,
Gold from heavens, not from earth,
A wealth that knows no debt or worth.
No more the chains of numbers bind,
No shadow cast by greed's design,
A transfer pure, from realms above,
To heal the world with boundless love.
Verse 3:
The scales of old, they fall away,
A new dawn breaks with each new day,
Where every soul can breathe and thrive,
In freedom from the old contrive.
But from the east, a light shall rise,
A divine hand to break these lies,
Gold from heavens, not from earth,
A wealth that knows no debt or worth.
So let us sing, let us rejoice,
For the coming of that sacred voice,
Where love and peace shall reign supreme,
In the dawn of this new dream.
Divine Assurance

Title: "Divine Assurance"
Drawing from Deuteronomy 7:17-22, the song "Divine Assurance" encapsulates the biblical message of God's promise to His people. It highlights the assurance that despite facing overwhelming adversaries, the faithful should not fear because God will intervene, bringing confusion to their enemies and guiding His followers to victory. The inspiration centers on themes of divine protection, faith overcoming doubt, and the gradual but certain fulfillment of God's promises, offering comfort and courage to those who trust in His providence.
Verse 1:
When you gaze at the mountains, so vast and so high,
And your heart whispers, "Can I ever reach the sky?"
But remember the promise, the words that were said,
The one who has guided you, from where you were led.
He won't abandon you, won't leave you alone,
With every step, He'll guide you home.
Verse 2:
Don't let fear of their numbers, their strength, or their size,
Cloud the truth that you're watched over by His eyes.
Recall the deliverance, the power you've been told,
He'll bring confusion to those who are bold.
He won't abandon you, won't leave you alone,
With every step, He'll guide you home.
Step by step, you'll claim your space,
Not all at once, but by His grace.
So cling to your faith, let your doubts be unfurled,
For the power that moves you is your shield in this world.
He won't abandon you, won't leave you alone,
With every step, He'll guide you home.
He'll guide you home, He'll guide you home,
He'll guide you home, always.
The Quiet Pursuit

"The Quiet Pursuit" is an introspective song inspired by the teachings of Proverbs 18 from the Bible, particularly emphasizing verses that highlight the value of wisdom over folly. It delves into the essence of wisdom and the folly of haste, contrasting the calm, deliberate pursuit of knowledge by the wise with the loud, impulsive proclamations of the fool. The song elevates the act of listening and understanding above speaking, using metaphors of deep waters and silence to convey the depth and subtlety of true wisdom. With a touch of intrigue and a highbrow aesthetic, it celebrates the enigmatic journey towards enlightenment, encouraging patience, discernment, and the quiet strength found in learning.
Verse 1:
The heart of the wise, it yearns for knowing,
Seeking truth, like a river flowing.
In the quiet, in the deep,
Understanding's what we seek.
But fools, they rush to speak their mind,
With no thought for what's behind.
The wise one listens, waits, and learns,
While folly in its ignorance burns.
Deep waters of the spoken word,
A stream of wisdom, undeterred.
Listen first, then speak your peace,
Let wisdom guide, let folly cease.
Verse 2:
In the court of life, the first to speak,
Might seem right, but truth is weak.
Cross-examine, understand,
Wisdom's in the listening hand.
But fools, they rush to speak their mind,
With no thought for what's behind.
The wise one listens, waits, and learns,
While folly in its ignorance burns.
Deep waters of the spoken word,
A stream of wisdom, undeterred.
Listen first, then speak your peace,
Let wisdom guide, let folly cease.
The heart that seeks, it will not tire,
Knowledge is the true desire.
In the silence, wisdom grows,
From the ears that truly know.
Deep waters of the spoken word,
A stream of wisdom, undeterred.
Listen first, then speak your peace,
Let wisdom guide, let folly cease.
So let us learn, let us grow,
In the quiet, wisdom's glow.
Seek the knowledge, seek the light,
In understanding, find your might.
His Promise

This song draws inspiration from various bible verses in Psalms, Haggai, Proverbs, Isaiah, and Jeremiah, focusing on themes of trust in God, divine protection, and the fulfillment of His promises. It speaks of finding peace and security in God amidst life's trials, emphasizing that no weapon formed against the faithful will succeed, and that God's plans are for peace and hope. The lyrics blend messages of patience, deliverance from evil, and the ultimate victory and glory of God, culminating in a testament to enduring faith across one's lifetime.
[Verse 1]
In the stillness, in His rest,
I lean on Him, I am blessed.
Fret not for the wicked's way,
God's laughter turns night to day.
When the earth quakes, when the heavens shake,
His glory fills, His promises awake.
No weapon formed shall prosper here,
In His love, we have no fear.
His peace is ours, His heritage to claim,
In His righteousness, we're not the same.
[Verse 2]
The righteous cry, He hears their call,
Delivers them from each and all.
Though many evils come our way,
In His arms, we'll always stay.
When the earth quakes, when the heavens shake,
His glory fills, His promises awake.
No weapon formed shall prosper here,
In His love, we have no fear.
His peace is ours, His heritage to claim,
In His righteousness, we're not the same.
Pride before the fall,
But in God, we stand tall.
His plans for peace, not for harm,
Giving hope with each new dawn.
[Verse 3]
The silver, the gold, all His own,
In His house, His glory shown.
He shakes the nations, sets us free,
In His promise, we find peace.
When the earth quakes, when the heavens shake,
His glory fills, His promises awake.
No weapon formed shall prosper here,
In His love, we have no fear.
His peace is ours, His heritage to claim,
In His righteousness, we're not the same.
I've been young, now I'm old,
Never have I seen the righteous cold.
His love endures, His word stands true,
His promise for me, and for you.
Respect on Fleek

"Respect on Fleek" is a lyrical fusion of hip hop song and street slang, emphasizing the importance of respect and kindness. Through its rap verses and anthemic choruses, the song invites listeners to unite, elevate above negativity, and celebrate a culture of love and respect, all set to an infectious, uplifting beat with a bit of old school mixed in.
(Verse 1)
Check the vibes, we're spinnin' a new tale,
Respect on fleek, let's make it prevail.
With beats so fresh, and a message so pure,
Kindness, the realest, let's make it endure.
We got the bass bumpin', the lights so bright,
Show some love, yo, let's unite tonight.
Drop the hate, we elevate,
Kindness is the wave, we celebrate.
(Verse 2)
From the block to the screen, in every scene we touch,
Respect's the currency, it's the real clutch.
You see that glow, that's the aura of peace,
We're here to uplift, let the negativity cease.
Hands up if you feel it, this rhythm of respect,
Let's connect, no neglect, with every step we direct.
From the heart to the beat, we're setting the tone,
Kindness in action, let's make it known.
We got the bass bumpin', the lights so bright,
Show some love, yo, let's unite tonight.
Drop the hate, we elevate,
Kindness is the wave, we celebrate.
So when you're out there, keep it real, keep it tight,
Respect and kindness, shine through the night.
Together we rise, with love as our guide,
In this sophisticated street fusion, let's ride.
Through the Night

"Through the Night" is a gospel rock song inspired by Revelation 2:9. It speaks to a church in adversity, highlighting their spiritual wealth despite physical poverty and opposition. The lyrics celebrate enduring faith, resilience against slander and trials, and the comforting presence of divine love. The song encourages perseverance, reminding listeners that they are never alone and that true richness comes from faith, not material wealth.
Verse 1:
In the shadow of the city, where the darkness seems to stay,
There's a church with broken spirits, but they're stronger than the day.
They've been tested, they've been tried, but they're rich in a different way,
With a faith that shines like diamonds in the night.
When you're feeling all alone, and the world seems to conspire,
Remember there's a love that's stronger, burning like a fire.
We've seen affliction, we've known poverty,
But in His eyes, oh, we are rich, we're free.
We've heard the whispers, felt the scorn of the night,
But we know the truth, we'll make it through the fight.
Verse 2:
Through the slandering, the lies, through the trials we endure,
There's a voice that calls out to us, saying, "You are pure."
In the silence of the struggle, His presence is our light,
With every step we take, we know He's by our side.
When you're feeling all alone, and the world seems to conspire,
Remember there's a love that's stronger, burning like a fire.
We've seen affliction, we've known poverty,
But in His eyes, oh, we are rich, we're free.
We've heard the whispers, felt the scorn of the night,
But we know the truth, we'll make it through the fight.
No darkness can hide us, no shadow can claim,
For His love is our armor, His name our refrain.
In the battle for our souls, we're not walking blind,
For His light guides us through, we leave fear behind.
We've seen affliction, we've known poverty,
But in His eyes, oh, we are rich, we're free.
We've heard the whispers, felt the scorn of the night,
But we know the truth, we'll make it through the fight.
So lift your voice in the night, sing with all your might,
For His love turns our darkness into light.
The Ebb and Flow of Dominion

"The Ebb and Flow of Dominion" is a narrative song inspired by Ecclesiastes 10:4-6. It explores themes of patience, the folly of leadership, and the cyclical nature of power. The song describes a scenario where one must remain calm and composed in the face of a ruler's anger, advocating for peace over confrontation. It critiques the common occurrence where folly occupies high positions while true insight is sidelined. The lyrics reflect on the transient nature of authority and the necessity of maintaining one's integrity and wisdom in times of chaos, suggesting that every situation has its time for resolution or change.
Secrets of the Sacred

Title: “Secrets of the Sacred”
This song aims to capture the essence of Amos 3:7, focusing on the idea of divine communication with prophets.
Amos 3:7 (KJV) states:
"Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets."
Pursue and Recover

The song "Pursue and Recover" is inspired by the biblical narrative from 1 Samuel 30:8 where David, in a moment of crisis, seeks divine guidance on whether to pursue his enemies who had raided his camp. The Lord's response, "Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all," encapsulates a message of faith, resilience, and divine assurance. This scripture serves as a metaphor for overcoming challenges through faith, encouraging believers to pursue their battles with the confidence that victory and recovery are promised by God. The song captures this theme by blending it with elements of worship, urging listeners to trust in divine guidance even in the darkest times, promising not just survival but a complete restoration of what was lost.
Samuel 30:8:
“And David inquired of the Lord, saying, Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them? And He answered him, Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.”
A Hymn for Peace

"A Hymn for Peace" is a song inspired by Luke 2:14 from the Bible, celebrating the glory of God and the peace He brings to earth.
In this holy night, let us raise our voice,
Singing of peace, in our Savior's choice.
[Verse 1]
Glory to God, in the heavens above,
Where angels sing of His infinite love.
Peace on the earth, His mercy so sweet,
To men of goodwill, His favor complete.
Glory, glory, to our God we sing,
Peace to the earth, let the bells now ring.
[Verse 2]
Glory to God, where the stars shine so bright,
His grace descends like the morning light.
Peace on the earth, His mercy so sweet,
To men of goodwill, His favor complete.
Glory, glory, to our God we sing,
Peace to the earth, let the bells now ring.
Glory, glory, to our God we sing,
Peace to the earth, let the bells now ring.
Glory, glory, to our God we sing,
Peace to the earth, let the bells now ring.
Let this song of peace echo through the night,
Bringing hope and joy, in His holy light.
Beyond the Veil

Title: "Beyond the Veil"
"Beyond the Veil" is a contemporary faith-based song that explores the theme of seeking a genuine, personal relationship with God, beyond traditional or institutional portrayals. Through its lyrics, the song invites listeners to move past the myths and legends, aiming for a direct connection with the divine.
Hearts Shall Seal

Title: “Hearts Shall Seal”
This song includes lyrics inspired by John 14:27
Peace I Leave With You

Title: “Peace I Leave With You”
This song includes lyrics inspired by John 14:27, which reads:
"Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.]"
- John 14:27 (AMPC)
Founded by God

Title: "Founded by God"
"Founded by God" is a song that highlights the role of Christianity and divine guidance in the founding of the United States, as reflected in the Declaration of Independence.
This song encapsulates the spirit of the American Revolution, focusing on the philosophical and moral underpinnings of the ongoing quest for independence.
"When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them."
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
Seeds of Time

Title: “Seeds of Time”
“Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”
"Seeds of Time" is a contemplative and sophisticated new song that explores the philosophy of valuing daily actions and intentions over immediate outcomes. The lyrics, inspired by Robert Louis Stevenson's quote, encourage listeners to focus on the seeds they plant in life—acts of kindness, moments of courage, and quiet efforts towards growth—rather than the harvest or immediate results. The song features a gentle, reflective melody with harmonizing background vocals that enhance its introspective mood. Through its verses, "Seeds of Time" suggests that true success and fulfillment lie in the ongoing process of planting seeds for the future, not just in what we reap today. It promotes a message of patience, persistence, and the profound impact of small, consistent efforts.
Steadfast Love

Title: “Steadfast Love”
This song is inspired by 1 Chronicles 16:34
Endless Mercy

Title: "Endless Mercy"
This song is inspired by 1 Chronicles 16:34, focusing on the themes of gratitude and divine faithfulness. The song begins with a call to gather and celebrate God's presence, transitioning into a reflection on His enduring mercy and loving-kindness. With a gentle pre-chorus that invites listeners to remember God's deeds, the chorus uplifts with a straightforward proclamation of thanksgiving. The verses narrate the historical journey of God's people, emphasizing the continuity of His promise from ancient times to the present. The bridge broadens the scope to include all generations in this act of worship, and the song concludes with an expression of heartfelt praise for God's unending goodness.
(Verse 1)
We've gathered here today,
In the presence of our King,
Where the Ark now rests,
Let our praises freely ring.
Remember all He's done for us,
His mercy, His loving-kindness,
Through every trial and every test,
His faithfulness has been our witness.
O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good,
For His mercy endures forever,
In every moment, in every mood,
His love fails us never.
(Verse 2)
From the fields of Canaan to the streets of Jerusalem,
His covenant with us, unbroken, stands.
With every sunrise, with every psalm,
We celebrate His mighty hand.
Let's recall the blessings He's bestowed,
His steadfast love, our guide.
Through the highs, through the lows,
His grace is by our side.
O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good,
For His mercy endures forever,
In every moment, in every mood,
His love fails us never.
Through the echoes of our ancestral past,
To the promises that will last,
We lift our voices, we raise our hands,
In gratitude, across all lands.
So let us sing with all we have,
Of love that's pure and true,
For the Lord, who's always good,
His mercy shines through.
Strong and Courageous

Title: “Strong and Courageous”
This song is inspired by Joshua 1:5 and is an alternate version of Unwavering Presence.
Forever Faithful

Title: "Forever Faithful"
"Forever Faithful" is a contemporary reimagining of the classic hymn "Great Is Thy Faithfulness." This modern worship song captures the timeless message of God's unwavering reliability and love.
This song preserves the hymn's core message while refreshing it with modern musicality, ensuring it resonates with contemporary audiences while paying homage to its roots.
Ever With You

Title: “Ever With You”
This song is inspired by Joshua 1:5 and is an alternate version of Unwavering Presence.
Unwavering Presence

Title: “Unwavering Presence”
This song is inspired by Joshua 1:5, focusing on universal themes of guidance, comfort, and unwavering support, suitable for anyone seeking reassurance in their journey through life.
Joshua 1:5 (AMPC):
"No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you."
Wisdom's Lamp

Title: "Wisdom's Lamp"
The song "Wisdom's Lamp" narrates the teachings from a father to his sons, inspired by Proverbs Chapter 4. It begins with the Father urging his children to listen to wisdom, highlighting its value over material gains, as it brings life, health, and success.
- Seeking Wisdom: The song emphasizes the pursuit of wisdom as life's essence, akin to the breath one breathes.
- Avoiding Wickedness: The narrative warns against following the paths of the wicked, illustrating the contrast between the brightness of the righteous path and the darkness of the wicked's.
- Heart and Health: It advises guarding one's heart as the source of life, keeping speech truthful, and focusing one's gaze and steps forward on the path of righteousness.
- Life's Guidance: Wisdom is portrayed as a light that guides through life's decisions, promoting vigilance in maintaining moral integrity.
- The song concludes by reinforcing the importance of wisdom, urging the listener to embrace it for a fulfilling life, ending on a note of guidance and peace found through adherence to these teachings.
Cornerstone of Salvation

Title: “Cornerstone of Salvation”
"Cornerstone of Salvation" is a gospel-rock anthem inspired by the biblical metaphor in Psalm 118:22-24. The song explores the theme of transformation from rejection to divine elevation, where the discarded stone becomes the cornerstone. It narrates a journey from despair to divine recognition, celebrating God's power to turn the overlooked into the pivotal. The lyrics invite listeners to rejoice in the day the Lord has made, focusing on redemption, celebration, and the enduring love of God. The song encapsulates the essence of finding one's worth and purpose through divine intervention, encouraging a collective celebration of God's transformative grace.
How Vast is Your Love

Title: “How Vast is Your Love”
This modern take on "How Great Thou Art," titled How Vast is Your Love, keeps the core theme of awe and reverence for God's creation but introduces contemporary themes like the search for peace in modern life, the beauty found in everyday interactions, and the resilience of divine love in facing life's challenges. It aims to resonate with today's listeners while maintaining the hymn's traditional essence of worship.
When Tyrants Fall

Title: “When Tyrants Fall”
Inspired by Proverbs 28:28 that reads:
“When the wicked rise to power, people go into hiding; but when the wicked perish, the righteous thrive.”
Unveiled Secrets

Title: "Unveiled Secrets"
This is a song was inspired by Luke 12:2 with the theme of secrets inevitably coming to light.
"There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known."
Spirit of Prophecy

Title: “Spirit of Prophecy”
This song is inspired by Acts and Joel. These verses describe a prophecy where God's Spirit will be poured out on all people, leading to widespread prophecy, visions, and dreams among different age groups.
Acts 2:17:
And it shall come to pass in the last days, God declares, that I will pour out of My Spirit upon all mankind, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy [telling forth the divine counsels] and your young men shall see visions (divinely granted appearances), and your old men shall dream [divinely suggested] dreams.
Joel 2:28:
And afterward I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.
Endless Grace

Title: “Endless Grace”
This song is a modern adaptation of a hymn that encapsulates the timeless journey of discovering divine grace through life's varying moments.
Here are three of the most beloved and widely recognized Christian hymns:
1. Amazing Grace - Written by John Newton in 1772, this hymn reflects on Newton's own experience of divine grace and has become one of the most popular hymns in the English language. Its simple melody and profound lyrics about redemption and hope are cherished across various denominations.
- Lyrics include:
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see.
2. How Great Thou Art - Originally a Swedish poem by Carl Boberg in 1885, it was translated into English by Stuart K. Hine. This hymn is known for its beautiful melody and lyrics that celebrate the wonder of God's creation and His love.
- Lyrics include:
O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder, Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made; I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
3. Be Thou My Vision - An ancient Irish hymn from the 6th or 8th century, originally written in Old Irish, translated by Mary Elizabeth Byrne in 1905, and then versified by Eleanor Hull in 1912. This hymn is a prayer for God to be the vision and guide of life.
- Lyrics include:
Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart; Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art. Thou my best Thought, by day or by night, Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.
These hymns not only have historical significance but continue to inspire and comfort many with their timeless messages of faith, hope, and devotion.
Grace’s Redemption

Title: “Grace’s Redemption”
Grace's Redemption is a modern hymn that encapsulates the timeless journey of discovering divine grace through life's varying moments. From dawn to dusk, through seasons of change and stillness, each verse reflects on the enduring presence and transformative power of grace. Crafted in a through-composed style, this song evolves melodically with each verse, offering a unique musical experience that mirrors the personal and perpetual nature of redemption. With no repeated chorus, the song focuses on a narrative of continual discovery and solace in grace, ending with a message of eternal hope and divine love.
By My Spirit

Title: “By My Spirit”
This song incorporates thematic elements from Zechariah 4:6, emphasizing the power of the divine Spirit over human strength, with envisioned background vocals adding depth and a sense of communal worship.
"Then he said to me, This [addition of the bowl to the candlestick, causing it to yield a ceaseless supply of oil from the olive trees] is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit [of Whom the oil is a symbol], says the Lord of hosts."
Stand Firm

Title: "Stand Firm"
Inspired by Corinthians 10:13.
From the Classic Amplified Bible, 1 Corinthians 10:13 reads:
"No temptation [regardless of its source] has overtaken or enticed you that is not common to human experience [nor is any temptation unusual or beyond human resistance]; but God is faithful [to His word—He is compassionate and trustworthy], and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability [to resist], but along with the temptation He [has in the past and is now and] will [always] provide the way out as well, so that you will be able to endure it [without yielding, and will overcome temptation with joy]."
The Unbound

Title: “The Unbound”
Here's a creative take on a song inspired by Romans 13. This song's lyrics play on the themes of questioning authority when it conflicts with higher moral or spiritual principles, emphasizing the Christian call to love and justice over mere compliance with laws. The narrative format tells a story of internal conflict and the collective desire for a kind of freedom that aligns with divine principles rather than oppressive earthly ones.
Imminent Dawn

Title: “Imminent Dawn”
This song incorporates themes from Revelation 22:7 across different translations, blending them into a narrative style song, capturing the urgency, anticipation, and the mystical elements of the biblical text.
Revelation 22:7 (NIV);
"Look, I am coming soon! Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy written in this scroll."
Contemporary English Version (CEV):
"Listen! I am coming soon! God will bless everyone who obeys the message of this book."
Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC):
"And behold, I am coming speedily. Blessed (happy and to be envied) is he who observes and lays to heart and keeps the truths of the prophecy (the predictions, consolations, and warnings) contained in this [little] book."
This verse is part of the final chapter of the Bible, where Jesus Christ speaks through an angel to John, emphasizing the imminence of His return and the importance of adhering to the prophetic teachings contained within the Book of Revelation.
Glory Days

Title: “Glory Days”
Here's a song inspired by Manuel Johnson and Numbers 14:21 as well as the general theme of the Lord's glory throughout the Bible.
If you have ever listened to Manny, you will know this is his song! Glory Day Not Gloomy Days. Yes, I own that hat and really appreciate his good work.😎
Ask, Seek, Knock - Version 2

itle: "Ask, Seek, Knock" Version 2
Inspired by Matthew 7:7.
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."
Ask, Seek, Knock

Title: "Ask, Seek, Knock"
Inspired by Matthew 7:7.
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."
Shepherds - Version 2

Title: “Shepherds” Version 2
This song would aim to merge the introspective, atmospheric qualities of dream pop with the enduring themes of faith, guidance, and comfort found in the hymn, creating a modern spiritual ballad.
Nothing New I Under the Sun

Title: "Nothing New I Under the Sun"
Inspired by Ecclesiastes 1:9
"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun."
This verse encapsulates one of the central themes of Ecclesiastes, highlighting the cyclical nature of life and the repetition of events throughout history.
[Verse 1]
(G) What has been will (D) be once more,
(C) Oh, the world keeps (G) spinning 'round,
(Em) From the rivers to the (C) shore,
(G) There's nothing new to (D) be found.
(G) Nothing new under the (D) sun, (Oh, no)
(C) What's been done is (G) what will come,
(Em) Echoes of the (C) past we run,
(G) In this race we’re all (D) one.
(Background vocals: There's nothing new, oh, nothing new)
[Verse 2]
(G) The sun rises, (D) then it sets,
(C) We're chasing after (G) wind,
(Em) All our toils and (C) all our debts,
(G) From where we start to (D) where we end.
(G) Nothing new under the (D) sun, (Tell me)
(C) What's been said is (G) what's been spun,
(Em) Wisdom sought since (C) time begun,
(G) In this web we are all (D) spun.
(Background vocals: Spun around, we're spun around)
(Em) But in this cycle, there’s a hope, (C) a light,
(G) Through the ages, love's (D) our guide,
(Em) Not in the fleeting, but the (C) eternal scope,
(G) In this truth, our fears (D) subside.
(Background vocals: Hope in the cycle, hope in the cycle)
[Verse 3]
(G) Generations (D) come and go,
(C) Each with stories (G) to unfold,
(Em) Yet in our hearts, (C) we know,
(G) The truth that's always (D) been told.
(G) Nothing new under the (D) sun, (Yet we sing)
(C) What will be has (G) once begun,
(Em) In our songs, the (C) past is sung,
(G) Under heaven, we're all (D) one.
(Background vocals: We're one, under the sun)
(G) So sing with me, (D) this timeless tune,
(C) Beneath the sun, (G) beneath the moon,
(Em) Life's a circle, (C) but we're not doomed,
(G) For in Christ, there’s (D) always room.
(Background vocals: Room for hope, under the sun)
(G) There's nothing new under the (D) sun.
Note: In this song, the strophic form is used where each verse follows the same music, but with different lyrics, fitting both the folk and gospel genre with a message of continuity and hope.

Title: “Shepherds”
This song would aim to merge the introspective, atmospheric qualities of dream pop with the enduring themes of faith, guidance, and comfort found in the hymn, creating a modern spiritual ballad.
One of the most well-known hymns found in the Bible is "The Lord's My Shepherd," which is based on Psalm 23. Here are the words to this timeless hymn:
The Lord's My Shepherd
1. The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want;
- He makes me down to lie
- In pastures green; He leadeth me
- The quiet waters by.
2. My soul He doth restore again;
- And me to walk doth make
- Within the paths of righteousness,
- E'en for His own name's sake.
3. Yea, though I walk in death's dark vale,
- Yet will I fear no ill;
- For Thou art with me; and Thy rod
- And staff me comfort still.
4. My table Thou hast furnishèd
- In presence of my foes;
- My head Thou dost with oil anoint,
- And my cup overflows.
5. Goodness and mercy all my life
- Shall surely follow me;
- And in God's house forevermore
- My dwelling place shall be.
This hymn encapsulates themes of guidance, protection, and comfort, making it a favorite in many Christian traditions.
Under Compromised Skies

Title: “Under Compromised Skies”
This song uses metaphors and general criticisms that reflect feelings of neglect or mismanagement in government response to disasters versus other expenditures or priorities, as perceived by many.
Hiding Place

Title: “Hiding Place”
Inspired by Psalm 32:7 in the Bible that says, "You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance." This verse expresses the idea that God provides safety, protection, and deliverance from troubles for those who seek refuge in Him. It metaphorically portrays God as a place of shelter where one can find peace and celebrate their salvation with songs.
Liberty's Dance - Version 2

Title: "Liberty's Dance" Version 2
Here's a song inspired by Matthew 6:9-13 from the Bible.
The Lord's Prayer as it appears in the classic edition of the Amplified Bible:
Matthew 6:9-13
9 Pray, therefore, like this: Our Father Who is in heaven, hallowed (kept holy) be Your name.
10 Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven (left, remitted, and let go of the debts, and have given up resentment against) our debtors.
13 And lead (bring) us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Verse 1:
Bound no more by chains of old,
Where once the law had its hold,
Now in grace, we find our role,
Freedom's story, in our soul.
Step away from rigid lines,
Embrace the love that defines.
We are free, in Spirit's light,
Not by works, but by the night,
Where love does lead, and faith takes flight,
In this dance, we find our might.
Verse 2:
Through the Spirit, life anew,
Love's the path we're meant to pursue,
Not by might, nor power's claim,
But by love, we fan the flame.
Walk in steps not seen before,
In freedom's air, we explore.
We are free, in Spirit's dance,
Moving where the love enhances,
Fruit of love, joy, peace in glance,
In this life, we take our chance.
From the flesh, we've turned our gaze,
To the fruits of Spirit's maze,
Kindness, patience, here we raise,
In His love, we spend our days.
With every step, with every breath,
We live in freedom, not in death,
Faith through love, our guide until,
We meet the One, with love to fill.
Kingdoms of Splendor - Version 2

Title: "Kingdoms of Splendor"
Here's a song inspired by Matthew 4:8, which reads:
"Again, the devil took Him up on a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory (the splendor, magnificence, preeminence, and excellence) of them."
This song reflects on the temptation of worldly glory contrasted with the eternal, divine glory of God's kingdom, emphasizing the choice to reject temporal power for eternal truth and righteousness.
[Verse 1]
On a mountain high, where the winds whisper low,
The devil stood with a spectacle to show,
All the kingdoms, in their golden glow,
Laid out before, in a grand tableau.
Oh, the kingdoms of splendor, under the sky so broad,
Their glory and their wonder, like a majestic fraud.
But my eyes are set on a higher throne,
Not of this world, but of the One alone.
[Verse 2]
From the east to the west, where the sun does rise,
To where it sets, with fiery skies,
He offered power, he offered pride,
But in my heart, there's no room for his lies.
Oh, the kingdoms of splendor, in their shimmering shroud,
Their might and their splendor, but I won't be bowed.
For I seek a kingdom, not built by man,
Where love and peace, forever stand.
What is glory if it fades with time?
What is power if it's just a climb?
I choose the path, where true love shines,
Above all splendor, above all lines.
[Verse 3]
In this moment, clear and bright,
I see beyond the devil's sight,
The true kingdom, where there's no night,
Where justice reigns, and love is the light.
Oh, the kingdoms of splendor, they tempt and call,
But I'm anchored to the Savior, who gave His all.
For His is the kingdom, the power, the glory,
My soul's true story, my life's allegory.
All the kingdoms, all the gold,
Can never buy what my soul has sold,
To the One who reigns, forevermore,
In His kingdom, I'll evermore adore.
Hallowed Be Thy Name

Title: "Hallowed Be Thy Name"
A song inspired by Matthew 6:9-13 from the Bible.
This song encapsulates the essence of the prayer with a narrative that imagines a community coming together in faith, reflecting the universal appeal and comfort of the Lord's Prayer.
(Verse 1)
In a quiet town, where hope felt thin,
A child knelt down, amidst the din,
With hands clasped tight, eyes to the sky,
He began to speak, with a heartfelt sigh:
"Father, up in heaven, above,
I've heard of Your unending love,
Your name, so holy, let it shine,
Here on earth, as in Your divine shrine."
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name,
Your kingdom come, Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven's reign.
Give us today, our daily bread,
Forgive us our debts, as we clear heads.
Lead us not into temptation's sway,
But deliver us from evil, every day.
(Verse 2)
The village gathered, feeling the breeze,
Each one praying under the ancient trees,
They sought His kingdom, His power, His might,
For in His words, they found their light.
"Father, up in heaven, above,
We seek Your guidance, Your gentle touch,
Bring forth Your peace, let it be spread,
In our hearts, as You've always said."
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name,
Your kingdom come, Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven's reign.
Give us today, our daily bread,
Forgive us our debts, as we clear heads.
Lead us not into temptation's sway,
But deliver us from evil, every day.
And as they prayed, the clouds did part,
A sense of grace, warmed each heart,
"For Yours is the kingdom," they did sing,
"The power, the glory," to the King.
(Outro Chorus)
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name,
Your kingdom come, Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven's domain.
Give us this day, what we need to tread,
Forgive us our sins, as we look ahead.
From evil save us, in Your way,
For Yours is the power, forever, and always.
Here is The Lord's Prayer as it appears in the classic edition of the Amplified Bible:
Matthew 6:9-13
9 Pray, therefore, like this: Our Father Who is in heaven, hallowed (kept holy) be Your name.
10 Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven (left, remitted, and let go of the debts, and have given up resentment against) our debtors.
13 And lead (bring) us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Liberty's Dance

Title: "Liberty's Dance"
This song encapsulates the themes of Galatians 5, focusing on the freedom from legalism, the importance of living by the Spirit, and the expression of faith through love, set to an imagined melody that would carry these profound truths through music.
Here's a summary of Galatians Chapter 5 from the New Testament of the Bible:
1. Freedom in Christ: Paul begins by emphasizing that Christ has set believers free from the yoke of slavery (to the law or sin). He urges the Galatians to stand firm in this freedom and not to be burdened again by a yoke of slavery, particularly referring to circumcision and adherence to the Mosaic law as means of justification.
2. Faith Working Through Love: Paul points out that in Christ, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. He warns that if they accept circumcision, they are obligated to keep the whole law, which would cut them off from Christ's grace.
3. The Offense of the Cross: Paul expresses his frustration that the Galatians are being misled away from the truth. He wishes that those agitating them would go to the extent of emasculating themselves, showcasing his strong feelings against the Judaizers.
4. Life by the Spirit: Paul encourages living by the Spirit, contrasting this with living under the law. He describes the freedom from the law as not an opportunity for the flesh (sinful nature) but an opportunity to serve one another in love.
5. The Fruit of the Spirit vs. Works of the Flesh: He lists the works of the flesh which include sexual immorality, idolatry, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and the like. Paul warns that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. In contrast, he lists the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, against which there is no law.
6. Crucifying the Flesh: Believers are called to crucify the flesh with its passions and desires. If they live by the Spirit, they should also keep in step with the Spirit, not becoming conceited, provoking, or envying each other.
7. Conclusion: Paul concludes by reinforcing the idea of living in the Spirit, suggesting a life where legalism is replaced by love, freedom, and moral guidance from within through the Holy Spirit.
This chapter is pivotal in Paul's argument against the imposition of Jewish law on Gentile Christians, focusing instead on the liberty and moral transformation brought by faith in Christ.
Armor of Light - Version 3

Title: “Armor of Light” Version 3
This song draws inspiration from Ephesians Chapter 6 in the Bible. Unlike other versions, this musical variant blends progressive rock, blue-eyed soul, and coldwave, creating a unique sound that may not appeal to everyone. The second half of the track intentionally incorporates distortion, building up to the end to add drama and grit, showcasing the artist’s creative effect.
Echoes of Praise

Title: "Echoes of Praise"
The title "Echoes of Praise" was inspired by the enduring and repetitive nature of praise described in Psalm 113. Here are the key inspirations:
- Endlessness of Praise: The Psalm encourages praise from the rising of the sun to its setting, suggesting an ongoing, never-ceasing echo of worship. The song's title reflects this continuous, resonating praise that is to be given to God at all times.
- God's Majesty and Humility: The contrast in Psalm 113 between God's supreme position above all creation and His intimate involvement with the downtrodden inspired the idea of an echo — a sound that reaches high and low, symbolizing how God's glory and compassion resonate through all levels of existence.
- Universal Call to Praise: The Psalm calls all servants of the Lord to praise, implying a collective, echoing response from humanity and creation alike. "Echoes of Praise" encapsulates this idea of a worldwide, harmonious echo of worship.
This song encapsulates the essence of Psalm 113, where praise is not just a singular event but an ongoing, echoing reality that fills the earth and heavens.
(Verse 1)
From the first light of dawn, 'til the night sky is drawn,
Let His name be adored, let His glory be shown.
He who sits high above, looks on us with love,
From the dust, He lifts the poor, makes the broken whole.
For His name is our delight,
In His mercy, our might,
We will sing, we will shout,
Praise the Lord, all you servants,
From now until forever,
His name be exalted,
Above all, together.
Oh, Praise the Lord now and forever.
(Verse 2)
He stoops down to see, the heavens and the earth,
Raises the weak to stand, gives the childless mirth.
In His kindness, we find, a home for our kind,
With the nobles, we sit, by His divine script.
For His name is our joy,
Our despair He'll destroy,
We will lift, we will trust,
Praise the Lord, all you servants,
From now until forever,
His name be exalted,
Above all, together.
Oh, Praise the Lord now and forever.
Who is like our God, so high yet so near?
Who turns the outcast's cry into cheer?
His throne is above, yet to us, He's here,
In His love, there's nothing to fear.
For His name brings us peace,
From our bondage, release,
We will rise, we will sing,
Praise the Lord, all you servants,
From now until forever,
His name be exalted,
Above all, together.
Oh, Praise the Lord now and forever.
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
His wonders we'll record,
Let all creation,
Praise the Lord, forever.
Psalm 113 in the Classic Amplified Bible emphasizes the praise of God for his greatness and his care for the lowly. Here's a summary:
- Verses 1-3: Call for servants of the Lord to praise His name, highlighting that God's name should be blessed now and forevermore, from the rising of the sun to its setting.
- Verses 4-6: Describe God's transcendence, how He is exalted above all nations and above the heavens, yet He humbles Himself to look upon the things in heaven and on earth.
- Verses 7-9: Focus on God's compassionate actions towards the poor and needy, lifting them from the dust and ash heap to seat them with princes. It also speaks of His kindness towards the barren woman, making her a joyful mother of children.
This psalm celebrates God's majesty combined with His personal involvement in the lives of individuals, particularly those who are marginalized or in need.
The Siege Lifted, Open the Gate

Title: "The Siege Lifted, Open the Gates!”
This song captures the essence of 2 Kings Chapter 7, focusing on the themes of divine intervention, disbelief turned to belief, and the unexpected ways in which deliverance can come.
(Verse 1)
In the city of Samaria, the walls closed in tight,
Famine struck hard, in the darkest of night.
Elisha stood up, with a word from above,
He spoke of abundance, of hope, and of love.
But the officer laughed, with doubt in his eyes,
"Even if skies opened wide, could this be the prize?"
Elisha just smiled, said, "You'll see but not taste,"
For the Lord has His ways, in glory and haste.
Hear the sound, the chariots' roar,
The enemy's gone, they're not here anymore.
Run to the camp, where the feast awaits,
The siege is lifted, open the gates!
(Verse 2)
Four lepers at twilight, with nothing to lose,
Walked into the camp, found no one to choose.
Tents full of silver, of gold, and of bread,
They ate and they drank, no longer in dread.
They said to each other, "This isn't right to keep,"
"Let's tell the king, or our silence we'll reap."
Back to the city, with news they returned,
From disbelief to joy, the lesson we've learned.
Hear the sound, the chariots' roar,
The enemy's gone, they're not here anymore.
Run to the camp, where the feast awaits,
The siege is lifted, open the gates!
What was once despair, now turned to delight,
God's ways are mysterious, in darkness brings light.
The officer saw, but fate had its say,
He witnessed the miracle, but was taken away.
So remember this tale, when hope seems afar,
The Lord moves in ways, like the wind, like a star.
From famine to feast, from fear to rejoice,
In God's perfect timing, give Him your voice.
Hear the sound, the chariots' roar,
The enemy's gone, they're not here anymore.
Run to the camp, where the feast awaits,
The siege is lifted, open the gates!
Names of the Divine

Title: “Names of the Divine”
Crafting a song about God's many divine names serves as a profound expression of faith and unity, inviting listeners on a lyrical journey through the attributes of the divine, thereby enriching spiritual understanding and fostering a deeper connection across Christian traditions through the universal language of music.
Each of His names reveals different facets of God's character and His relationship with humanity. They are not just names but are also expressions of experiences and promises that believers have with God.
(Verse 1)
In the dawn of creation, Elohim spoke the light,
Crafting stars and oceans, with His might and His sight.
Yahweh, the eternal, with no beginning or end,
He's the I AM, my Savior, my forever friend.
Jehovah Jireh, my provider, in You, I trust my fate,
Jehovah Rapha, my healer, when I'm at the gate.
Jehovah Nissi, my banner, in the battle, You're my song,
Jehovah Shalom, my peace, in You, I belong.
(Verse 2)
When I wander like a sheep, lost and all alone,
Jehovah Raah, my shepherd, You guide me back home.
In righteousness, You clothe me, Tsidkenu, my plea,
In Your presence, always with me, Shammah, You'll be.
El Shaddai, God Almighty, all-sufficient One,
In Your shadow, I find refuge under Your sun.
Adonai, my Lord and Master, to You, I bow my knee,
In each name, there's a promise, of love that sets me free.
Jehovah Jireh, my provider, in You, I place my hope,
Jehovah Rapha, my healer, with You, I can cope.
Jehovah Nissi, my banner, when the fight is long,
In Jehovah Shalom, my peace, with You, I am strong.
Each name a story, each name a vow,
God of wonders, I worship You now.
From Elohim to Adonai, Your names, they tell Your tale,
God of all, in every aspect, over all You prevail.
The Classic Amplified Bible expands on the names of God found in the scriptures, providing deeper insight into His nature and attributes through these names. Here are some of the key names of God described in it:
1. Elohim - This is the first name for God found in the Bible, in Genesis 1:1. It means "Creator, Mighty and Strong." It reflects God's power and might. The name is plural, which some interpret as a hint towards the Trinity.
2. YHWH (Yahweh or Jehovah) - The most sacred name of God, often translated as "I AM WHO I AM." This name signifies God's eternal nature, self-existence, and is used in contexts where God's personal relationship with His people is highlighted. Due to its sacredness, it's often replaced with "LORD" in English translations.
3. Jehovah Jireh - "The Lord Will Provide." This name comes from Genesis 22:14 when God provided a ram to Abraham as a substitute for Isaac. It signifies God's provision.
4. Jehovah Rapha - "The Lord Who Heals." Found in Exodus 15:26, this name emphasizes God's role as healer, not just physically but also emotionally and spiritually.
5. Jehovah Nissi - "The Lord is My Banner." From Exodus 17:15, after the defeat of the Amalekites, it represents God as the rallying point and strength in battle, symbolizing protection and victory.
6. Jehovah Shalom - "The Lord is Peace." In Judges 6:24, Gideon builds an altar with this name, reflecting God as the source of peace, particularly after a period of conflict.
7. Jehovah Raah (Rohi) - "The Lord is My Shepherd." From Psalm 23, this name portrays God's guidance, care, and the personal relationship He has with His followers.
8. Jehovah Tsidkenu - "The Lord Our Righteousness." Mentioned in Jeremiah 23:6, it speaks to God providing righteousness for His people, especially pertinent in the context of salvation.
9. Jehovah Shammah - "The Lord is There." Found in Ezekiel 48:35, this name signifies God's ever-presence, particularly in reference to the future restored Jerusalem where God's presence will be perpetual.
10. El Shaddai - "God Almighty." Often translated as "The All-Sufficient One," this name emphasizes God's ability to fulfill His promises no matter the obstacles, seen in contexts like Genesis 17:1 when God speaks to Abraham.
11. Adonai - "Lord" or "Master," indicating ownership or lordship over all creation. Used where the relationship between master and servant is highlighted, emphasizing submission to God.
Each of these names reveals different facets of God's character and His relationship with humanity. They are not just names but are also expressions of experiences and promises that believers have with God. Remember, these interpretations can slightly vary depending on theological perspectives and the specific contexts in which they're used in the scripture.
Armor of Light - Version 2

Title: “Armor of Light” Version 2
This song is inspired by Ephesians 6 from the Bible.
"Therefore put on God's complete armor, that you may be able to resist and stand your ground on the evil day [of danger], and, having done all [the crisis demands], to stand [firmly in your place]."
Note: For this composed music, each verse or section of the song has new music, contrasting with the repetitive structures found in other song forms. Here, while the lyrics follow a narrative inspired by Ephesians 6, the actual music continuously evolves without returning to a chorus or verse theme until towards the end.
[Verse 1]
In the quiet morning, as the dawn breaks through,
I clothe myself in strength, in the truth that I knew,
With the belt of veritas, around my waist it winds,
And the breastplate of righteousness, my heart it binds.
[Verse 2]
Feet shod with the readiness, the gospel of peace,
Each step I take, from the darkness release,
The shield of faith, in my hand to hold,
Quenching fiery darts, with stories untold.
So I stand, in the armor of light,
Against the darkness, against the night,
With the helmet of salvation, my mind secure,
And the sword of the Spirit, forever pure.
[Verse 3]
This battle is not with flesh, but with powers unseen,
In heavenly realms, where dark forces convene,
But I'm dressed in God's armor, from head to my feet,
To stand firm when the evil days meet.
Every prayer, an arrow to the sky,
Spirit-led words, as the moments fly by,
Endure hardships, as a soldier must do,
For in this divine war, I'll make it through.
Having done all, to simply stand,
In this spiritual fight, I'll withstand,
Armored in love, in faith, and in grace,
In the strength of His might, I'll find my place.
Survivor’s Ballad

Title: "Survivor’s Ballad"
Blending the themes from David's life as depicted in 1 Samuel with the sentiment around recent events inspired by posts and discussions.
This song uses the themes of survival, divine intervention, and the public's reaction, drawing parallels without naming individuals directly, reflecting sentiment from contemporary discussions while keeping the biblical narrative in view.
[Verse 1]
From the fields where the sheep did graze,
To the halls where power plays,
A shepherd boy, with harp in hand,
Faced the giant, took his stand.
Oh, the echoes of the sling,
Whisper through the halls of kings.
Survivor’s tale, in shadows cast,
Through trials, they both have passed.
[Verse 2]
In the cave, where mercy reigned,
A piece of robe, not blood was gained.
Fast forward through the age's span,
A leader rises, against the plan.
With every step, the danger grows,
From ancient texts to modern shows.
The crowd's roar, an arrow flies,
God’s hand intervenes, the spirit never dies.
Oh, the echoes of the sling,
Whisper through the halls of kings.
Survivor's fight, in the light of dawn,
The crown and throne, both nearly gone.
Spears of old, and shots today,
Both men walked a perilous way.
Divine shield or secret lore,
They live to fight a little more.
[Verse 3]
From the wilderness to the stage,
Fury written on history's page.
A touch of grace, a moment’s choice,
In both their lives, the people's voice.
The harp strings hum, the headlines scream,
Life’s fragile thread, a constant theme.
From David’s psalms to posts of now,
Survivors stand, to them we bow.
One In His Name

Title: “One In His Name”
This song emphasizes the theme of unity and divine protection as inspired by John 17:11, where Jesus prays for all believers to be one as He and the Father are one.
Song lyrics inspired by John 17:11, using a Call and Response format.
In this world, we walk alone,
But You call us to be one, oh Lord.
You've left this earth, returned to Home,
Yet, in Your name, we're bound, restored.
Holy Father, keep us now,
In Your name, we take our vow.
As You and He are one, we strive,
To live in unity, in this life.
The world's a place of tempests tossed,
But in Your love, we're never lost.
You pray for us, we're not the same,
Through Your grace, we bear Your flame.
Holy Father, hear our plea,
Make us one, as You decree.
In Your light, we find our aim,
Together, one, in Jesus' name.
When the road gets rough, when the night is long,
Your spirit in us, keeps us strong.
We lift our voices, we sing this song,
In unity, where we belong.
Oh, Holy Father, keep us near,
In Your presence, there's no fear.
As You are one, let us be,
United, Lord, through You we're free.
(Ending Call)
In Your name, we stand together,
Bound by love, now and forever.
Kingdoms of Splendor

Title: "Kingdoms of Splendor"
Here's a song inspired by Matthew 4:8, which reads:
"Again, the devil took Him up on a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory (the splendor, magnificence, preeminence, and excellence) of them."
This song reflects on the temptation of worldly glory contrasted with the eternal, divine glory of God's kingdom, emphasizing the choice to reject temporal power for eternal truth and righteousness.
[Verse 1]
On a mountain high, where the winds whisper low,
The devil stood with a spectacle to show,
All the kingdoms, in their golden glow,
Laid out before, in a grand tableau.
Oh, the kingdoms of splendor, under the sky so broad,
Their glory and their wonder, like a majestic fraud.
But my eyes are set on a higher throne,
Not of this world, but of the One alone.
[Verse 2]
From the east to the west, where the sun does rise,
To where it sets, with fiery skies,
He offered power, he offered pride,
But in my heart, there's no room for his lies.
Oh, the kingdoms of splendor, in their shimmering shroud,
Their might and their splendor, but I won't be bowed.
For I seek a kingdom, not built by man,
Where love and peace, forever stand.
What is glory if it fades with time?
What is power if it's just a climb?
I choose the path, where true love shines,
Above all splendor, above all lines.
[Verse 3]
In this moment, clear and bright,
I see beyond the devil's sight,
The true kingdom, where there's no night,
Where justice reigns, and love is the light.
Oh, the kingdoms of splendor, they tempt and call,
But I'm anchored to the Savior, who gave His all.
For His is the kingdom, the power, the glory,
My soul's true story, my life's allegory.
All the kingdoms, all the gold,
Can never buy what my soul has sold,
To the One who reigns, forevermore,
In His kingdom, I'll evermore adore.
True Foundation Version 2

“True Foundation” version 2 is a song inspired by Psalm 91 from the Bible
This song captures the essence of protection, trust, and divine love as described in Psalm 91, emphasizing the themes of security and faith in God's promises.
Right Hand, O Lord

“Right Hand, O Lord” is a song inspired by Exodus 15:6-7 from the Bible.
This song captures the essence of God's power, deliverance, and wrath as depicted in Exodus 15:6-7, where God's right hand is described as glorious in power, shattering the enemy, and His anger burning like fire, consuming adversaries. The lyrics reflect on these themes, celebrating God's might and His role as both a protector and a formidable force against evil.
[Verse 1]
In the dawn of battle's roar,
Your right hand, Lord, we adore,
Glorious in power, it's true,
Shattering foes, making them few.
With Your might, You clear the way,
No darkness stands, no foe to stay.
Your right hand, oh Lord, so mighty,
Shatters the enemy, oh so brightly,
In Your majesty, You overthrow,
Consuming wrath like stubble aglow.
[Verse 2]
With Your greatness, none can stand,
Rising against You, fall by Your hand,
Send forth Your fury, it's clear,
Consuming them, oh, they disappear.
With Your might, You clear the way,
No darkness stands, no foe to stay.
Your right hand, oh Lord, so mighty,
Shatters the enemy, oh so brightly,
In Your majesty, You overthrow,
Consuming wrath like stubble aglow.
Who can stand against Your might?
Your power, Lord, shines so bright,
With Your hand, You make it clear,
No foe can stand, they disappear.
With Your might, You clear the way,
No darkness stands, no foe to stay.
Your right hand, oh Lord, so mighty,
Shatters the enemy, oh so brightly,
In Your majesty, You overthrow,
Consuming wrath like stubble aglow.
Your hand, oh Lord, we praise,
For in Your strength, we're raised,
Enemies fall, Your glory we see,
In Your power, we are free.
The Depth of Love

Title: "The Depth of Love”
This song aims to capture the essence of Ephesians 3:14-19, focusing on the prayer for spiritual strength, the understanding of Christ's love, and being filled with the fullness of God.
[Verse 1]
For this reason, I bow my knees
Before the Father, from whom all families receive
In heaven and earth, His glorious name
Through His Spirit, in us, His strength will remain
Let us be rooted, grounded in love
To grasp the vastness of what's above
With all the saints, together we'll see
The boundless dimensions of His love's decree
To know the love of Christ, so wide and long
So high and deep, where we belong
To be filled with the fullness of God's own heart
This is where our true journey starts
[Verse 2]
May His power work within our core
More than we ask, or dare to explore
He's able to do, immeasurably more
Than all our dreams, or what we implore
Let us be rooted, grounded in love
To grasp the vastness of what's above
With all the saints, together we'll see
The boundless dimensions of His love's decree
To know the love of Christ, so wide and long
So high and deep, where we belong
To be filled with the fullness of God's own heart
This is where our true journey starts
From the depths of the earth to the heavens above
His love surrounds, His spirit, a dove
Let this knowledge not just touch our minds
But transform our hearts, our lives, our kinds
To know the love of Christ, so wide and long
So high and deep, where we belong
To be filled with the fullness of God's own heart
This is where our true journey starts
And now to Him, who with His might
Can do far more than we dream in sight
Be glory in the church, in Christ Jesus too
Through all generations, forever, anew.
Furnace of Faith

Title: "Furnace of Faith”
Here's a song inspired by Daniel Chapter 3, written in a style that could resonate with contemporary worship or Christian rock.
This song encapsulates the essence of Daniel Chapter 3, focusing on the themes of unwavering faith, divine intervention, and the miraculous survival in the fiery furnace, as described in the Bible. The chorus and bridge aim to evoke the spiritual resilience and the divine presence often highlighted in scripture-inspired music.
[Verse 1]
In the land of Babylon, where the king did reign,
Three stood tall, in the face of flame,
Nebuchadnezzar's statue, gold and grand,
But they would not bow to the idol's hand.
In the furnace of faith, they did not burn,
God's presence was there at every turn,
Singing, "Holy, holy, the Lord Almighty,
Who was, and is, and is to come, truly."
[Verse 2]
The king in fury, his command was clear,
Heat the fire seven times, let go of fear,
But Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,
Said, "Our God can save us, this we know."
Even if He doesn't, we stand our ground,
In His name, our faith is found,
Through the fire, we walk not alone,
With every step, His glory shown.
In the furnace of faith, they danced in praise,
Unharmed by the blaze, in God's embrace,
"Holy, holy," the angels did cry,
In the fire, the fourth man's by their side.
[Verse 3]
The king looked in, his eyes wide with awe,
Four men walking where there should be none at all,
"Servants of the Most High God, come forth!" he said,
Not a hair singed, nor the smell of dread.
Let this tale of fire, faith, and might,
Inspire our hearts to stand for right,
For in our trials, God is near,
In the furnace, there's nothing to fear.
[Ending Chorus]
Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego,
Who sent His angel, delivered His servants who trusted so.
Exodus: The Journey of Freedom

Title: "Exodus: The Journey of Freedom"
A song that encompasses a thematic version of Exodus that captures the overarching narrative of liberation, journey, covenant, and divine guidance as seen throughout the Book of Exodus.
This song weave together the major themes and events from the Book of Exodus, from the oppression in Egypt to the giving of the Law, the journey through the wilderness, and the eventual arrival at the Promised Land, all under the divine guidance and protection of God.
(Verse 1)
In Egypt's land, where slaves were bound,
Cries to heaven, a desperate sound,
Moses, a child, by water saved,
To lead his people, from chains to be waved.
From the burning bush, a voice so clear,
"I AM WHO I AM," the God to fear,
Ten plagues unleashed, Pharaoh's heart to steer,
To let His people go, freedom to endear.
Exodus, the journey of the free,
Guided by the hand that split the sea,
Through the wilderness, to the promised land,
With God's law in hand, to understand.
(Verse 2)
Through the Red Sea, walls of water stood,
Israelites crossed, as Egyptians withstood,
Manna from heaven, water from rock,
Forty years wandering, under divine cloak.
At Sinai's mount, the law was given,
Ten commandments, for life to be driven,
Golden calf, a fall from grace,
Yet mercy found, in God's embrace.
Exodus, the journey of the free,
Guided by the hand that split the sea,
Through the wilderness, to the promised land,
With God's law in hand, to understand.
Tabernacle built, His presence near,
Cloud by day, fire by night, so clear,
Covenant made, a people set apart,
With a promise of a land, and a new start.
(Verse 3)
Joshua rises, as Moses falls,
The Jordan crossed, as Jericho's walls,
A land of milk and honey, finally in sight,
God's faithfulness, in morning light.
From slavery to freedom, a story told,
Of a God who saves, mighty and bold,
His love unchanging, His promise true,
Exodus, a journey, forever new.
Exodus, the journey of the free,
Guided by the hand that split the sea,
Through the wilderness, to the promised land,
With God's law in hand, to understand.
So we sing of Exodus, our hearts aflame,
For He who led them, leads us the same,
From bondage to glory, His name we proclaim,
Exodus, our journey, in His holy name.
Through Him I Can

Title: Through Him I Can
Here's a song inspired by Philippians 4:13 from the Amplified Bible, which reads, "I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—to lay hold of what God has laid hold of me]."
This song aims to capture the essence of finding strength and empowerment through faith, echoing the message of being able to overcome all challenges with divine assistance.
(Verse 1)
In the morning when I rise,
With the strength that's not my own,
Through the trials and the highs,
I'll never walk alone.
Through Him I can, through Him I can,
Do all things, through His mighty hand.
Through Him I can, through Him I can,
With His strength, I'll take a stand.
(Verse 2)
When the road seems too long,
And my heart begins to fear,
His power makes me strong,
His love is ever near.
Through Him I can, through Him I can,
Do all things, through His mighty hand.
Through Him I can, through Him I can,
With His strength, I'll take a stand.
He's the one who lifts me up,
When I'm weak, He's my enough.
Through the storm, through the flood,
In His grace, I place my trust.
Through Him I can, through Him I can,
Do all things, through His mighty hand.
Through Him I can, through Him I can,
With His strength, I'll take a stand.
So here I am, with faith to stand,
Through every trial, through every land.
I'll keep moving, keep believing,
Through Him, I can, I am receiving.
Greater is He - Version 2

Title: “Greater is He” Version 2
This song aims to encapsulate the empowering message of 1 John 4:4, emphasizing the internal divine strength believers have through God's indwelling presence, which is greater than any external force or adversary.
1 John 4:4 from the Classic Amplified Bible:
"Little children, you are of God [you belong to Him] and have [already] defeated and overcome them [the agents of the antichrist], because He Who lives in you is greater (mightier) than he who is in the world."
(Verse 1)
In the shadows, fear may loom,
But a light shines from within,
For the battle, we're not consumed,
With a strength that's not of sin.
We stand firm, we won't be shaken,
For the power inside us is not mistaken.
Greater is He, who lives in me,
Overcomer, through eternity.
Greater is He, than he in the world,
With His might, our flags unfurled.
(Verse 2)
Though the world may rage and roar,
We're not orphans, we're not alone,
With His spirit, we soar,
For His love has overthrown.
We stand firm, we won't be shaken,
For the power inside us is not mistaken.
Greater is He, who lives in me,
Overcomer, through eternity.
Greater is He, than he in the world,
With His might, our flags unfurled.
In the darkness, His light shines,
Victory is already mine.
With His spirit, we'll arise,
Greater is He, in our lives.
Greater is He, who lives in me,
Overcomer, through eternity.
Greater is He, than he in the world,
With His might, our flags unfurled.
So we walk with heads held high,
For the battle's already won,
With His power, we defy,
Greater is He, the victory's begun.
Rejoice Not, My Enemy

This song aims to capture the essence of resilience, hope, and victory through faith as expressed in Micah 7:8 and John 16:33, blending themes of personal struggle with divine assurance.
Rejoice Not, My Enemy - Version 2

Title: “Rejoice Not, My Enemy - Version 2”
This song aims to capture the essence of resilience, hope, and victory through faith as expressed in Micah 7:8 and John 16:33, blending themes of personal struggle with divine assurance.
Greater is He

Title: “Greater is He”
This song aims to encapsulate the empowering message of 1 John 4:4, emphasizing the internal divine strength believers have through God's indwelling presence, which is greater than any external force or adversary.
1 John 4:4 from the Classic Amplified Bible:
"Little children, you are of God [you belong to Him] and have [already] defeated and overcome them [the agents of the antichrist], because He Who lives in you is greater (mightier) than he who is in the world."
(Verse 1)
In the shadows, fear may loom,
But a light shines from within,
For the battle, we're not consumed,
With a strength that's not of sin.
We stand firm, we won't be shaken,
For the power inside us is not mistaken.
Greater is He, who lives in me,
Overcomer, through eternity.
Greater is He, than he in the world,
With His might, our flags unfurled.
(Verse 2)
Though the world may rage and roar,
We're not orphans, we're not alone,
With His spirit, we soar,
For His love has overthrown.
We stand firm, we won't be shaken,
For the power inside us is not mistaken.
Greater is He, who lives in me,
Overcomer, through eternity.
Greater is He, than he in the world,
With His might, our flags unfurled.
In the darkness, His light shines,
Victory is already mine.
With His spirit, we'll arise,
Greater is He, in our lives.
Greater is He, who lives in me,
Overcomer, through eternity.
Greater is He, than he in the world,
With His might, our flags unfurled.
So we walk with heads held high,
For the battle's already won,
With His power, we defy,
Greater is He, the victory's begun.
The Lord’s Glory

Song about standing with God in faith and righteousness. Inspired by God’s messages and Julie Green.
Let Go and Let God

Song about surrendering to God’s will. Inspired by God’s messages and Julie Green.
God Wins!!

Inspired by Julie’s amazing messages. Hope you enjoy it! God always wins!!
Fly Like Eagles

This song was inspired by Isaiah 40:31.
"But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint."

Inspired by Psalm 35
Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with me;
Fight against those who fight against me.
Take hold of buckler and shield And rise up for my help. Draw also the spear and the battle-axe to meet those who pursue me;
Say to my soul, "I am your salvation."
Under Your Feet

Inspired by James 4:7
“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you”
This verse is often interpreted as advice on how to handle temptation and spiritual warfare, emphasizing the importance of aligning oneself with God as a means to overcome evil influences.
Walk with You

Inspired by this prayer 🙏🏼
Jesus, I want to know you.
I believe that you took the cross for my sins.
And I want to accept the gift of forgiveness, that has been freely given to me.
Please forgive me of my sins, And help me to walk with you.
Help me turn from my ways that lead to sin and death, And help me walk in the way that leads to life.
God is our Refuge

Inspired by Psalm 46:1
“God is our Refuge and Strength, mighty and impenetrable to temptation, a very present and well- proved help in trouble.”
No Weapon Formed Against You

Inspired by Isaiah 54:17
"No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall show to be in the wrong. This [peace, righteousness, security, triumph over opposition] is the heritage of the servants of the Lord [those in whom the ideal Servant of the Lord is reproduced]; this is the righteousness or the vindication which they obtain from Me [this is that which I impart to them as their justification], says the Lord."
Peace Like a River Flow

This song was inspired by Philippians 4:6-7 and is a personal favorite.
Rejoice Not, My Enemy - Version 3

Title: “Rejoice Not, My Enemy - Version 3”
This song aims to capture the essence of resilience, hope, and victory through faith as expressed in Micah 7:8 and John 16:33, blending themes of personal struggle with divine assurance.
We Find Our Liberty

“We Find Our Liberty” inspired by 2 Chronicles Chapter 20.
This song encapsulates the themes of faith, divine intervention, and the power of praise and worship as depicted in the story of Jehoshaphat and the miraculous victory over his enemies through God's intervention.
True Foundation

“True Foundation” a song inspired by Psalm 91 from the Amplified Bible.
This song captures the essence of protection, trust, and divine love as described in Psalm 91, emphasizing the themes of security and faith in God's promises.
Mercy Seat
13 days ago
Since Kim Clement’s "Mercy Seat" from Songs from the Den (2014) is largely an instrumental piece with a prophetic, worshipful atmosphere and minimal, spontaneous vocal phrasing, I’ve crafted a set of lyrics inspired by its essence. Drawing from the song’s soulful piano melodies, its themes of mercy and divine encounter, and Clement’s broader style of Spirit-led expression, here’s an original lyrical tribute that respects his approach.
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